· Jul 5, 2017

stored procedure %SYSTEM.SQL_TableExists

"SELECT  %SYSTEM.SQL_TableExists('table name') "could work as expected under SQL shell,

but for   "CALL %SYSTEM.SQL_TableExists('table name')" does not work (not any error reported, it just show nothing).

Is there any reason why CALL could not be applied to a stored procedure?


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SAMPLES>d $system.SQL.Shell()
SQL Command Line Shell
The command prefix is currently set to: <>.
Enter q to quit, ? for help.
SAMPLES>>?=CALL %SYSTEM.SQL_TableExists('Sample.Person')
1.      ?=CALL %SYSTEM.SQL_TableExists('Sample.Person')
executing statement with parameter values: set %tResult=%tStatement.%Execute()
Output Values:
 0. 1
statement prepare time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0025s/14/862/0ms
          execute time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0003s/7/179/0ms
                          cached query class: %sqlcq.SAMPLES.cls2