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Working with a client who has two TryCache instances on his W10 machine. Trying to bring in globals from a text file which works fine in my environment but on his, he cannot make ^%GI accept a file from his C drive. His Cache is on C as is mine. Checking the path and the file name carefully, it is accurate. D ^%GI and enter the path with filename (as works fine for me on my system) and he gets a message [unavailable] and when he hits enter out of that message, he sees Cannot import from THIS device. I think I'm missing a config or security setting of some kind but I don't know what it is.

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I work for a large NHS Trust in the UK and we are using Healthshare and we process 1000s of messages each day. Many of these are standard HL7 messages however for several months now we also pickup and drop off 1000s of PDF files.

We have our message purge set to 365 as we have to keep a years worth of messages as we have a retrieval and send process that enables us to replay any set of messages to any destination which we use to prepopulate end systems with activity and result history.

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I have a process which is passed a .rtf within a GlobalBinaryStream. I am trying to then output just the .rtf to a folder on a server, but not even sure where to start.

Is there a Built in Operation that I can pass the GlobalBinaryStream to which will then write the file to a folder, or do I need to use a custom class for the operation?


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Is there a class Method that will return the number of OBX segments under the OBR segments? I see method ChildCountGet

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· Jul 20, 2018
Oracle Transaction


I have a question related with EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter adapter.

Is there a way to open an oracle transaction and do either commit or rollback depending on the query result?

Is posible to keep open an oracle transaction to execute a lot of queries on different methods on the same business operation and do a commit when the business process finished?

Thanks and Best Regards

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· Jun 29, 2018

I wrote a ZAUTHENTICATE.mac a couple of months back, and found recently that it is creating coredumps on almost a nightly basis. I think I have figured out this problem to be not clearing out my MsgSearch after I am doing 2 of them within the code.

1. Get User Attibutes from AD

2. Get User Groups From AD

So while I am trying to cleanup the code I thought it would be a good time to add a Certificate and TLS to the mix since I should of been using that all along. However I keep running into issues

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When I try to compile through Atelier (Compile Project), I noticed that in compilation with error it returns this message 'Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ ...':

No additional Atelier files to synchronize.
Compile failed: Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ERP/action/compile?flags=ck
Compile failed: Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ERP/action/compile?flags=ck
Compile failed: Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ERP/action/compile?flags=ck
Compile failed: Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ERP/action/compile?flags=ck

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this is a public announcement for the first release of Intersystems Cache Object-Relational Mapper in Python 3. Project's main repository is located at Github (healiseu/IntersystemsCacheORM).

About the project

CacheORM module is an enhanced OOP porting of Intersystems Cache-Python binding. There are three classes implemented:

The intersys.pythonbind package is a Python C extension that provides Python application with transparent connectivity to the objects stored in the Caché database.

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· Mar 31, 2017
Atelier BPL editor

Is there a way to graphically edit BPL processes, or do we still need to use Studio for doing that?

Looking at the documentation, it appear there should be an Atelier BPL editor option available under Open With, but all I have is Atelier Class, HTML, INT, and MAC editors.

There is a BPL editor in the list, but it throws a "Bad editor input" error when trying to open the class file.

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· May 6, 2016
Load a dll at run time

I am using java gateway imported/proxy classes and JG business service. I need to load a dll at run time.

I use System.loadLibrary/System.load when in java. I’ve tried $ZF(-3,” C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll”) and $ZF(-4,1,"C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll") but I’m getting <DYNAMIC LIBRARY LOAD> error.

How can I load a dll at run time using COS?

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I cannot edit properties (title etc) of Widgets within Dashboards outside of the ENSDEMO namespace:
I have a namespace "HL7Report" for example;
I have some Pivots created looking into a cube's data;
I click "DeepSee", "User Portal" from the Management Portal;
I click "+", "Add Dashboard", folder/name/title/category all as "new", "OK", new dashboard appears;
I click ">", "Widgets >", "+", and select a pivot to display as a table (chart / anything);

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Hi hi,
Is there any way to do an automated daily print-to-PDF of a dashboard (its' widgets / pivots etc)?
I am able to add a "Print" Control to a Widget on a dashboard to do the default DeepSee Print functionality of a Control, but this is manual and browser dependent.
Is there a way I can either:
1) have say a scheduled task to automatically print the dashboard (as and instead of the manual Control click) including specifying filename?

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0 365

Hi, Community!

Have a question for general discussion.

In ObjectScript we have cls for classes and mac code, which both compile into int code.

Is there any reason when you use mac instead of cls for non-persistent classes?

For me the benefits for cls are:

1. Inheritance and other OOP features

2. Auto-documented code

For mac one visible benefit is easier call in terminal:

do method^Utils(p1,p2)


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· Jul 17, 2018
Create studio project file

Hello guys,

I have been playing around with the deployment tools from Ensemble (mostly based on this article , but so far the one thing I still couldn't figure out is how to group files into a single "Studio project file".

By using the deployment tool UI, supposing that I want to add a bunch of custom files to my deployment file (XML), it's practically impossible because I need to add one by one.

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