Hey Developers,

Thank you very much for being a part of the InterSystems Developer Community Ecosystem for yet another year! We absolutely love that you participate in the life of the Developer Community, Open Exchange, Global Masters, and Ideas Portal.

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👉 InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Annual Survey 2025 👈

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,899 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Using embedded Python while building your InterSystems-based solution can add very powerful and deep capabilities to your toolbox.

I'd like to share one sample use-case I encountered - enabling a CDC (Change Data Capture) for a mongoDB Collection - capturing those changes, digesting them through an Interoperability flow, and eventually updating an EMR via a REST API.

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Hi - Recently I have been investigating an annoying situation whilst editing ObjectScript classes or routines in VSCode.

What was happening to me was, as I was typing in lines of code into my class (for example, adding a new Method, or changing the Class signature, or a block of code), this would quickly get syntax checked, re-formatted, and compiled - inevitably, (since I would be mid-way through my typing), this would generate compilation errors.

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I have an old .NET 4.5 project, working with database InterSystems.Cache. The project is deployed on a Windows server. Data is retrieved using the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll library.

But now I'm planning migration of the project to .NET 8 to container with linux centos.

How can I get data from InterSystems.Cache in this case?

As I understand it, InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll is only for the .NET framework.

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Updated 2/27/25

Hi Community,

You can unlock the full potential of InterSystems IRIS—and help your team onboard—with the full range of InterSystems learning resources offered online and in person, for every role in your organization. Developers, system administrators, data analysts, and integrators can quickly get up to speed.

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Dear Fellow Cache Gurus: I would like to know if there is either any built-in Cache Date/Time function or an easy way to include a timezone abbreviation such as EST, PST, MST, etc... within the Cache Date/Time formats.

I read through the Cache Documentation but could not find anything to achieve this.

So if I do the following command: $ZDateTime($H,1,4,,,4,,,,,"InvalidDate"), then I get an output like this: 02/27/2025 11:10AM

But I am looking for the output to be formatted like this: 02/27/2025 11:10AM EST

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I am building a web application that uses JWT for authentication. I would like to pass the token in cookies instead of the Authorization header.
Is there a way to intercept the request and check the token from the cookies instead of the header? I tried overriding the OnPreDispatch() method and adding it to my dispatch class, but it seems like it never gets executed, as the response returns "Unauthorized" before reaching it.

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Hi, Community!

Are you working with clinical data in a research setting? See how InterSystems OMOP streamlines data integration and analysis.

Using InterSystems OMOP to Transform FHIR Data

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In the world of APIs, REST is very extended. But what happens when you need more flexibility in your data-fetching strategies? For instance letting the client to choose what fields is going to receive. Enter GraphQL, a query language for your APIs that provides a flexible alternative to REST.

In this post, we will:

  • Compare REST and GraphQL.
  • Dive into the basics of GraphQL: Queries, Mutations, and HTTP.
  • Build a simple GraphQL server implementation using Graphene, SQLAlchemy, and Flask over data in InterSystems IRIS.
  • Explore how to deploy your GraphQL server as a WSGI application in IRIS.
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· Sep 19, 2024
Input Redirection

Hello, I try to develop a REST interface where I need to interact with legacy MUMPS routines. How can I pass in input to a Read without modifying the legacy code?

I think in linux I can execute command < inputfile to read from file, but how does it work in ObjectScript?

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· Feb 26 6m read
The Case for IRIS and JavaScript


My guess is that most IRIS developers create their applications using its native ObjectScript language or, if using an external language, then most likely using either Java, Python or perhaps C++.

I suspect that only a minority have considered using JavaScript as their language of choice, which, if true, is a great shame, because, In my opinion and experience, JavaScript is the closest equivalent to ObjectScript in terms of its ability to integrate with the IRIS's underlying multi-dimensional database.

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I'm working on FHIR project and using this code to convert an incoming request to FHIR

Method OnRequest(request As HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request, Output response As HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response) As %Status


#dim tSC As %Status = $$$OK

Try {

// Process incoming request

set stream = ##class(HS.SDA3.QuickStream).%OpenId(request.QuickStreamId)

set bundle = ##class(HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Bundle).FromJSON(stream,"vR4")

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Hello everyone!

I have set up an EnsLib.REST.GenericService with an EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter which forwards the http requests received by a web app to my Business Process.

I would like to parse HTTP multipart/form messages I am receving and be able to iterate over the various fields within the request body, accessing its content type and the content itself.

As far as I understand I should use the %Net.MIMEReader class which should return a list of %Net.MIMEPart, one for each field within the request. However if I do :

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