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I am going to start playing with Zen Mojo (again) and as I understand it there are two ways to manage moving data to/from your Zen Mojo page:

  • interacting with REST services
  • using Mojo's built-in transport

I would like to understand the pros and cons of each approach. Which is recommended in different situations and why? I would like to create a sample application that will hopefully be reusable and helpful to others and I would like to understand which approach to pick for my app.

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to authenticate a user(Health Share clinician) from a Java Application.

I 'm already connected to Caché and able to run SQL commands.

My question is: How can I authenticate a user using only SQL? In fact, what I want is verify if the users exists in the base and if the given password is the same used in Health Share.

There is a column 'password' in Security.users table but I'm not able to see its content, even so, I don't know which hash function to use to compare with.

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0 1.6K

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to create integration tests using the Cache unit test framework in order to test an Ensemble production?

For example, what would be the best way to create automated tests for a BPL that calls multiple business operations (SQL, WebService ...)?

Should we create some kind of mock service/operation to simulate the response from the business operations ?

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0 1.1K
· Aug 26, 2016 2m read
NewBie's Corner Session 18 Caché or Cache

NewBie's Corner Session 18 Caché or Cache

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Caché and Cache

Caché and Cache are not the same. Caché is a product offered by InterSystems. Whereas Cache refers to memory storage.
In computing, a cache /ˈkæʃ/ KASH, is a hardware or software component that stores data so future requests for that data can be served faster; the data stored in a cache might be the result of an earlier computation, or the duplicate of data stored elsewhere.

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· Aug 25, 2016
New keys for Field Tests?

The FT keys InterSystems currently make available to us in the zips from the download pages are due to expire at the end of this month (31-Aug-16). Will there be new keys soon?

Also wondering when we might expect new FT builds for 2016.2 and 2016.3. The last published ones were 24-Jun-16 and 16-Jun-16 respectively.

I haven't seen an Atelier update for a while either.

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0 336
· Aug 22, 2016

Hi, all.
I have CSP application and it needs to get and process data from ajax request with json-content. JSON can be very big.
In this case:
Set RequestObj = ##class(%Object).$fromJSON(%request.Content.Read())
} CATCH(Exception) {
Set Status=Exception.AsStatus()
I get just part of getting JSON and validate error in $fromJSON.
If I try to read it all in cycle:
While (%request.Content.AtEnd = 0) {

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0 1.5K
· Aug 25, 2016
Iterate through global

Let's imagine I have a global like this:

^Users(12, "SETTINGS", "IsAllowed") = 1

^Users(41, "SETTINGS", "IsAllowed") = 0

^Users(52, "SETTINGS", "IsAllowed") = 1

Now I would like to check for each user whether they are allowed, therefore I'd need to iterate through the Global. How to do that? It seems that I can't use $Order here like such:

S FF = ""
For {
S FF=$O(^Users(FF,"SETTINGS","isAllowed"))
W "User ",FF," is allowed",!

Is there any other way of doing this?

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0 1.1K

Is there an out-of-the-box or accepted standard method for loading up mappings between different code sets and then referencing these mappings (both directions) from DTL? First thought was the built in Lookup() and corresponding data tables but these only work in one direction (key -> value) and not the reverse. Obviously I can build my own classes to support a two way mapping but am wondering if there's a standard way of achieving this. The mapping should contain the code and display name from each of the code sets and allow mapping based on either code or display name.


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InterSystems Official
· Aug 24, 2016
Alert: Database Compaction

August 24, 2016 – Alert: Database Compaction

This is an addendum to the Alert published on October 14, 2015 – Alert: Database Defragmentation.

That alert indicated that the database defragmentation utility in 2014.1 and higher, on all platforms except OpenVMS, could cause database degradation and the correction JO2871 is available to clients upon request and would be included in future releases. The correction was included in 2015.1.3, 2015.2.2 and 2016.1.

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0 541

Hello community!

Is there any method/property/way in Caché to obtain something like unique identifier for installed Caché system? The idea is to get the identifier that will differ on any other installation/machine/etc, but will forever remain the same for the current installation, even if $zv changes (in case of update) or any data is removed from the database.

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Has anyone configured Zen Reports/FOP to support png images? If you have, could you please share the library that you used, the configuration required, and whether it was worth it (vs converting images to one of the natively supported formats)?

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We are trying to implement a client side data provider as a component (ZEN) that will use JQuery to do rest calls to a desired URL, in this case, a %CSP.Rest service implemented by ourselves.

This component will be used within our application that is authenticated with a correct user configured on Caché management portal and therefore using one license unit. As we are using a Ajax call from client side this connection creates a new session that will use a new license.

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0 586

Hi all,

For custormer support reasons we would like to know if its possible to activate some kind of flag or see/redirect wich is the code (lines) being executed when some misterious problems appear.

Is there any way to view the stack of execution code on a deployed code environment? Is there any other equivalent way to track the execution stack for a certain period of time?

Best regards

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0 405
· Aug 13, 2016 3m read
NewBie's Corner Session 17 New command

NewBie's Corner Session 17 New command

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

New command

The New command limits a variable's scope or range of use. In theory the New command is simple, in reality the New command is powerful and needs to be respected and understood. In Caché ObjectScript and MUMPS an entire chapter is devoted to it.

There are three variations of the New command:

When used without variables

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