I'm trying to have my REST service return the entire data set for one of our legacy globals. Currently I am parsing the object from a SQL statement into generic objects to be returned like this:
My testers are getting this Internal Server Error inconsistently. There is no specific steps to reproduce this error. Can you any one explain when will we get this error in DeepSee.
Is there a way to graphically edit BPL processes, or do we still need to use Studio for doing that?
Looking at the documentation, it appear there should be an Atelier BPL editor option available under Open With, but all I have is Atelier Class, HTML, INT, and MAC editors.
There is a BPL editor in the list, but it throws a "Bad editor input" error when trying to open the class file.
Ensemble Business Process seems like red color but it still processing message successfully. I have checked log, events, queue everything is clear. there is no log info or error in the history. If BP is in red color in the sense might have some issues, but is still processing messages successfully.
I am using java gateway imported/proxy classes and JG business service. I need to load a dll at run time.
I use System.loadLibrary/System.load when in java. I’ve tried $ZF(-3,” C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll”) and $ZF(-4,1,"C:\Windows\System32\pteidlibj.dll") but I’m getting <DYNAMIC LIBRARY LOAD> error.
Atelier is no longer working for me. I am getting the following error: Could not create the view: com.intersys.eclipse.ui.views.CacheExplorer.
Expanding the details available shows the following below. Has anyone seen this and know how to fix it? I uninstalled and reinstalled the Atelier plug-in but that did not help.
Hi, I cannot edit properties (title etc) of Widgets within Dashboards outside of the ENSDEMO namespace: I have a namespace "HL7Report" for example; I have some Pivots created looking into a cube's data; I click "DeepSee", "User Portal" from the Management Portal; I click "+", "Add Dashboard", folder/name/title/category all as "new", "OK", new dashboard appears; I click ">", "Widgets >", "+", and select a pivot to display as a table (chart / anything);
Hi hi, Is there any way to do an automated daily print-to-PDF of a dashboard (its' widgets / pivots etc)? I am able to add a "Print" Control to a Widget on a dashboard to do the default DeepSee Print functionality of a Control, but this is manual and browser dependent. Is there a way I can either: 1) have say a scheduled task to automatically print the dashboard (as and instead of the manual Control click) including specifying filename?
By using the deployment tool UI, supposing that I want to add a bunch of custom files to my deployment file (XML), it's practically impossible because I need to add one by one.
I would linke to have the functionalities provided by the Table Field/Property Collation, but applying a transformation which differs from the provided ones.
Does anyone know if there is a way do accomplish that?
I have been playing around with the Management Portal deployment tool, which involves: Ensemble > Manage > Deployment Changes > Deploy and Production Settings > Actions > Export Production Settings > Actions > Re-Export
Everything was going fine , until I came across this:
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I have created custom TCP service and custom TCP Operation in ensemble.
The custom TCP operation sending some data to Cutom TCP service and received ACK from TCP service.
My Custom TCP Opeartion :
Method OnMessage(pRequest As CUSTOM.RECORD, Output pResponse As Ens.StringContainer) As %Status { Do ..Adapter.SendMessageString("Testing string",.pResponse) Set ^RESPONSE=pResponse Quit $$$OK }
We have started playing around with Atelier, primarily to enable us to commit our existing Ensemble code within source control (GIT).
It seems Atelier works well with classes and routines however is unable to directly export lookup tables and HL7 schemas. Can someone confirm/validate this is the case? if so, when will this functionality be made available as it's absence is a deal breaker for us?