InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,769 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Sep 7, 2018
Remove FHS segment from file

Is there any out of the box capability in Ensmeble to remove an FHS segment from a batch file? We have a client that is creating a batch of HL7 messages and they insert an FHS but there is no trailing FTS.

We are hoping to avoid custom COS code to handle this scenario.

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Upgrade of custom application

Dear community,

we are a company located in central Germany working with Intersystems Caché since 2003 (Jesus, that's actually a long time in IT).

As we struggle to keep pace with outside development we still operate on Caché 2013.1 surprise

We are, of course, aware that we need to upgrade Caché and therefor plan an upgrade to 2017.2.

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· Oct 11, 2018
Double Quotes


I am trying to have the output of a field in sql have double quotes around them. The script is in Studio and I am accessing It through a task.

I have tried """"tect"""" and others...Please help



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0 1.1K


Can we create a new class in the studio using any command rather then using the Menu Item Option from Menu Bar in Studio .

Requirement : Create/Draft a new class and able to extends the other classes using a command in Cache Class .

In other words , I want to Dig in the Menu Item class from which Menu bar is created in studio and option are provided Like New..., Open..., etc



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0 261

I'm running this code in our application, and in the terminal:

>set query="SELECT * FROM PMG_Data_Private.RemitInstance WHERE (VoucherNumber %INLIST ? SIZE ((10)))"

>set tRS = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%DynamicQuery:SQL")

>set ok=tRS.Prepare(query)

>d $system.Status.DisplayError(ok)

ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -76 Message: Cardinality mismatch between the SELECT-list and INTO-list
SQLTEXT: SELECT * FROM PMG_Data_Private.RemitInstance WHERE (VoucherNumber %INLIST ? SIZE ((10)))

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0 1.7K
· Oct 10, 2018
Reply Code Actions


We would like to retry message so that it's restored to end of operation's queue. This is in situation where order of messages is not needed to be handled by Ensemble, there is version number in message data and receiving application can ignore incoming message if necessary.

We would try to send message until it's accepted (or manually suspended), but this should not block operation's queue.

We have already this in actions:

D - Disable the Operation, log an error and restore the message to the front of the Operation's queue.

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0 876
· Oct 9, 2018
SID Conversion

Hi all,By using LDAP cache method ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetValuesLen(LD,CurrentEntry,Attribute) we get the list of attributes but in "ObjectSid" attribute have the SID in binary format(objectSid^U¤:c@ãºþÕLCP]). how to convert to the readable format from the binary format in cache side.
Please help us to proceed further

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0 382

This code snippet provides a ZEN page that downloads a stream from its database directly:

/// We assume that you have stored your data within this schema:
/// MyApp.Model.Storage: Filename,FileSize,Content,ContentType
Class zen.downloadStream Extends (,%CSP.StreamServer)
    /// Wrapper to get the id of the download, we assume that the id is passed to this zen page
    /// as a URI parameter, i.e.: MyApp.Downloads.cls?OID=1234
    ClassMethod GetId()
        Quit $Get(%request.Data("OID",1))
    /// Set the appropriate header for the file.
    ClassMethod OnPreHTTP() As %Boolean
        Set tId = ..GetId()
        If ##Class(MyApp.Model.Storage).%ExistsId(tId) {
            Set tStream = ##Class(MyApp.Model.Storage).%OpenId(tId)
            // You could "guess" the content type by its file extension
            // or you can store it (before) in the database separately (like in this example).
            // Set Extension = $Piece(tStream.Filename,".",$Length(tStream.Filename,"."))
            // Set ContentType = ..FileClassify(Extension)
            Set %response.ContentType = tStream.ContentType
            Do %response.SetHeader("content-disposition","attachment; filename="_tStream.Filename)
            Do %response.SetHeader("Content-Length",tStream.FileSize)
        Else {
            Set %response.Status="404 File Not Found"
            Quit 0
        Quit $$$OK
    ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status
        Set Download = ##Class(MyApp.Model.Storage).%OpenId(..GetId())
        Do Download.Content.OutputToDevice()
        Quit $$$OK

Link to code on GitHub

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· Oct 5, 2018
Global Summit 2018 Highlights

Hi, Community!

Just came back from Global Summit 2018 and want to share my impressions.

Key highlights of my choice:

1. The announcement of a new InterSystem Data Platform: InterSystems IRIS for Health!

2. Community and Express licensing for InterSystems IRIS

3. The Launch of InterSystems Open Exchange - the gallery of InterSystems Solutions, Tools, Technology examples, Adapters, and Interfaces! E.g. test coverage tool and Ethereum Blockchain Adapter

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0 707


I am a beginner with Object Script and I hope anyone can help me solving my questions.

1. Is there a way to time a loop in Object Script?

2. My code leads to the following error, even though it executes the method.

Is there a way to ignore this specific error, so that I can repeat my code in a time loop over and over again without stopping?

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1 957

Hi all. We are going to find duplicates in a dataset using Apache Spark Machine Learning algorithms.

Note: I have done the following on Ubuntu 18.04, Python 3.6.5, Zeppelin 0.8.0, Spark 2.1.1


In previous articles we have done the following:

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1 703


Anyone worked on "ccontrol list " command execution through Cache Object Scripting.

I executed through bat file passing this ../bin ccontrol list . Icould not get the results through COS but executed in command prompt

it pops up with notepad and list down Cache instances.

Need help here to address the same stuff through cache object scripting.

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0 752
· Jul 10, 2018
SOAP/Rest MPI call

Newbie question.

We have a desire to leverage apigee to do a call to our MPI system.

Not sure if this is something we can do via HealthShare.

Anyone doing a soap request or restful call from InterSystems through Apigee?

If I am overlooking the obvious (documentation) any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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