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I am a beginner on intersystems technologies ! and i want implements Oauth2 for our projects ( Angular 2 + Caché REST Backend).

i read the article that the link is below :

But : i need to create all servers ( Auth and Resource ) on Caché and dont' to use google server.

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This summer the Database Platforms department here at InterSystems tried out a new approach to our internship program. We hired 10 bright students from some of the top colleges in the US and gave them the autonomy to create their own projects which would show off some of the new features of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. The team consisting of Ruchi Asthana, Nathaniel Brennan, and Zhe “Lily” Wang used this opportunity to develop a smart review analysis engine, which they named Lumière. As they explain:

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I have a Powershell script to backup up a Cache database. The script runs through and backs up the database with the normal 4 iterations. The script successfully produces the backup file and an associated log file. However, after completion of the backup there is what appears to be a permission error. I have not been able to find any information that would help me determine if this message impacts the integrity of the back up. From the end of the output of the backup:

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Hi, I work on my application and I want to develop rules for extracting values from my database but i've any idea:

I want to order my records by the most recent timestamps values with profile_id and biometric type as keys, after comparing them with my personal program date (when the timestamp > at my fixed date : an alert message is sent to the patient)

you find here the attached screenshots for my to databases. thank's

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0 1.1K

Hi guys!

Unique, PrimaryKey and IDKey?
In what contexts does it apply?

IDKey sets the registry key access to the store.
PrimaryKey, Unique, and IDKey define the uniqueness in the records, but what is correct?

I use everyone? What is the context of each?

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0 778

I was hoping someone might be able to help me.

I am after some code i can run (preferably in terminal) to return details of an SQL Gateway Connection (ODBC).

Scenario is a forgotten password for a server that needs its connection details replicating on another production.

I know this can be done with Credentials by simply querying the 'Ens.Config.Credentials' class however i cannot seem to find the equivalent.

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· Sep 22, 2017
browse sql record

Hi , World

this is i field in my global:


for information: it's respective key is "peyload"

my question is :

I want to extract the timestamps value , and the profile_id value , how can i do?


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· Apr 18, 2017 1m read
Having your Node.js Cake and Eating It Too

I've mentioned the QEWD project in this group before: it's a Node.js-based platform for web, Native and REST applications which tightly integrates with Cache. It uses a somewhat different philosophy to the use of Node.js than the norm, and I've now published an article that explains this approach and the unique benefits that arise as a result.

It turns out that, integrated via QEWD, Cache is an ideal bed-fellow for Node.js. QEWD makes the integration of Cache and Node.js exceptionally fast, simple and intuitive to use, but also extremely powerful.

Read the article here:

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0 529

1. Scope and Objective:

Recently we supported a few NHS cases that required TIE (Trust Integration Engine) integration with the PKB service. Hence this article is meant to be a 10-minute quick guide to describe a demo solution (simple configurations and end-2-end implementation steps) for Health Connect (Ensemble) Integration with PKB (Patient-Knows-Best) service.

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1 1.4K

Suppose I want to create an Eclipse plugin designed to be added to Atelier, and my plugin needs to perform some processing on the server that the current Atelier project is configured to connect to.

Is there a way I can use the connection credentials that have already been entered by the user? I don't really want to make them enter these again into my own plugin.

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· Sep 14, 2017
Conflict Resolution Wizard


When trying to sync a class to the server where the server class has been updated by another user, I, as expected, get the Conflict Resolution Wizard.

I can then use the wizard to copy code from the server side to my local copy using the arrows also as expected.

But when I have integrated the remote code into what I think is my local copy how do I save it so that it gets integrated into my local copy and synchronised to the server.

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0 549

Hello all.

I think the forum experience is great as whole, but it could improve even more if we had somewhere to share our ideas. So that's why I'm creating a thread dedicated for that purpose. Maybe this way someone from InterSystems could catch something good?

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0 415

Is anyone using Atelier with 3 environments (instances with multiple namespaces) (DEV, TEST, PROD) using GitHub as the source control.

I would be interested in how its all setup. So for example;

Would you have three branches for the code or 3 repo's.

Would you have three projects in Atelier to communicate with the environments and GitHub?

I have 3 existing environments that I wish to put under source control and also provide the ability to promote code between the environments in a controlled manner.

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0 495

Is your development team following best practice now that source control and continuous integration testing are better supported by InterSystems new IDE Atelier?

Many teams are turning to Git as their version control system of choice because it never locks files, among other reasons. These teams may also be following a multi-server development workflow where changes are migrated from a DEV server to a TEST server to a PROD server. How should these teams organize their repository given this configuration?

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0 1.3K

Currently, we are utilizing batch jobs at the OS level to kick off routines that watch for files. We are trying to convert these processes to be performed by the Task Manager.

The routines have while loops and perform while loops so long as the time parameters are being met.

What's the best way to ensure Task Manager kicks them off after the completion of the shutdown/backup/start process is performed, which we do nightly? I want to ensure that it starts it regardless of the time that we've set.

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