· Mar 15 5m read
How to start Using VsCode


In the next few weeks, my coworkers are planning to start using VSCode to code with InterSystems' products. Among the many advantages of that, I would emphasize being able to connect with other technologies, such as GitHub, with ease. Besides, VSCode also offers an extensive extensions store, where you can find many free add-ons that make coding faster and more efficient. Last but not least, to conquer the heart of every developer, it is open source.

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· Oct 11, 2022 2m read
Accessing class documentation in Studio

As you have probably noticed, online product documentation has advanced tremendously in the last few years. Among numerous improvements under the hood, documentation has become easier to read and navigate. And we now have a powerful search engine that gets you to what you need more accurately than we could ever do with the old system of shipping documentation in the product. While most of you have probably had nothing but positive impacts on your workflows, it has come to my attention that some of you may be having a slight problem accessing custom class documentation.

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A lot of developers like to work with Studio and have been looking into source code version control such as GIT or into enabling modern development workflows like CICD or DevOps processes.

This article describe an elementary solution to get you started in CICD and DevOps, even if you are not yet ready to move to Atelier or forth coming VS Code approach which enable client side source code version control.

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Now the Classes/Rutines/DeepSee files will be automatically exported to the working directory after saving or compiling and files will be automatically deleted .
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To install isc-dev , you just need to download and import the file isc-dev.xml from last release.
Some ways to import isc-dev .xml file:

  • Go to Management Portal -> System Explorer -> Classes -> Import and select the XML file.
  • Drag the file over Studio.
  • Terminal command:
NS>do $system.OBJ.Load("yourpath/isc-dev.xml","ck")
zpm: NS>install isc-dev

How to enable this feature:

  • After importing the class in the target namespace, run the following method to set up the working directory:
NS>do ##class(dev.code).workdir("/path/to/your/working/directory/src/")
  • Go to Management Portal -> System Administration -> Configuration -> Additional Settings -> Source Control.
  • Select the target namespace and set the dev.FileManExtension class as the main one and save it.
  • Try to create a new class in the studio and save/compile it
  • Enjoy!
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I bet that not everyone familiar with InterSystems Caché knows about Studio extensions for working with the source code. You can actually use the Studio to create your own type of source code, compile it into interpretable (INT) and object code, and sometimes even add code completion support. That is, theoretically, you can make the Studio support any programming language that will be executed by the DBMS just as well as Caché ObjectScript. In this article, I will give you a simple example of writing programs in Caché Studio using a language that resembles JavaScript. If you are interested, please read along.

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NOTE: This content was originally presented at the InterSystems Global Summit in 2014, however related topics often come up on the Developer Community so I have decided to turn this into an article for easier reference and discussion. However, much of the content was pulled directly from the presentation slides so the article format resembles that of a PPT deck more than paragraphs.

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One of the most important features during application development is the ability to debug your code easily. Because of the asynchrnous nature, a standard Node.js application server works single-threaded by default. When you are developing applications using an IDE like Visual Studio Code, you can very easily debug your Node.js process:

First, download the free Visual Studio Code IDE (@code) and install it on your development machine.

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This article contains the tutorial document for a Global Summit academy session on Text Categorization and provides a helpful starting point to learn about Text Categorization and how iKnow can help you to implement Text Categorization models. This document was originally prepared by Kerry Kirkham and Max Vershinin and should work based on the sample data provided in the SAMPLES namespace.

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A few customers have seen this happen, so I thought it would be worth mentioning here on the Developer Community. This could affect users running versions between 2014.1.3 and latest who install or upgrade Wireshark. There is a bug in the Visual C++ 2013 redistributable shipped with the current Wireshark 2.2.1.

This is from Microsoft’s bug report :

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· Aug 5, 2016 8m read
HealthShare's new SDA extensions

Creating and working with the new SDA extensions for storage of custom data elements

In HSCore 15.01, there is a new way to store custom data elements. HealthShare now had the ability to use custom extensions on many SDA elements.

This article will:

  1. Show how to set up your system to use SDA extensions
  2. Create a new SDA extension property
  3. Use the new SDA extension property in HL7 transactions
  4. Interact with the new data
  5. Show new SDA extension used in a customization of Patient Summary Report

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Preface: our small, but very ambitious company called “Black Mushroom Studio” came up with an idea for an e-commerce project and a mobile app that would let users pay for certain goods/services via a payment aggregator.

What we had initially: an Android app skeleton that, of course, liked communicating via HTTP and JSON, and a payment system with an API – web services with SOAP content.

Goal: make it all work together.

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· Jul 10, 2016 4m read
NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

InterSystems Caché provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called Caché Studio. Developers can use Studio to create and maintain applications.

Controlling Process Flow

Controlling Process Flow means controlling the execution path of code. The execution of code flows from the top to the bottom in a routine, except for the following:

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NewBie's Corner Session 10 Routines and Studio

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

InterSystems Caché provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called Caché Studio. Developers can use Studio to create and maintain applications.

InterSystems has a new IDE called Atelier but that is for later.

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Presenter: Bill McCormick
Task: Migrate your development environment from Studio to Atelier
Approach: Give examples of various migration paths. Provide guidance for dealing with issues such as source control, source format, distributing code to previous versions, etc.

Moving from Studio to Atelier Session Code: ATMOVE In this session we will show you a variety of paths for migrating your development environment from Studio to Atelier. We will cover Source Control, Source Format, Distributing code to previous versions and more.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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I wanted to share a little tidbit which is in the Studio documentation ( but many people who have been using the InterSystems Studio for a long time missed the addition of this *very* useful feature, and every time I mention this to an audience I see at least one face light up because of how excited they are to learn about it!

Within Studio, the Output pane (View -> Output) is actually misnamed. It is actually an Input/Output window which can be used to run Caché ObjectScript commands!

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