
The following sql statement is working through the SMP but couldn't make it work through the code.

The table is a linked table to oracle db.

Tried to change the date property in the linked table class from %Date to %String and also tried using %SQL.Statement and %Library.ResultSet

this work through SMP:



VALUES (to_date ('2018-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),123,456,789)

In the code i'm using '?' in the statement for the parameters.

0 14
0 400
· Oct 25, 2018
Healthshare Health Insight

I need help in health insight. I am trying to generate reports on deep see but i am not able to pull in the patient ids as these are our requirements for the project. Can anyone help me in unlocking this feature.
Can anyone help me with link to correct documentation on how to access the edge gateways of multiple facilities to access the clinical data on sql explorer.

0 3
0 437


Can I use a the SQL 'Table-Valued Parameter' when i call a store procedure in sql outbound adapter using ExecuteProcedure?

to pass multiple rows all together as a block, I need to process all the records in one transaction using commit and rollback (if failure)



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0 199
· Feb 13, 2020
Class Queries

Class Queries in InterSystems IRIS (and Cache, Ensemble, HealthShare) is a useful tool that separates SQL queries from Object Script code. Basically, it works like this: suppose that you want to use the same SQL query with different arguments in several different places.In this case you can avoid code duplication by declaring the query body as a class query and then calling this query by name.

0 6
0 587

I'm close with this but I'm not sure how to grab JUST the GT1.3 data. I know I can do a substring but finding the 3rd | is a tad tricky. I've not been this deep in SQL for 15 years.

SELECT SUBSTRING(hm.RawContent, (CHARINDEX('GT1',hm.RawContent)), 50) as NameDesc
FROM Ens.MessageHeader as em, EnsLib_HL7.Message as hm
where em.Status = 'Suspended'
and em.MessageBodyId = hm.id

I expect it should flow like this...


0 1
0 209

I want to INSERT a record in a database using JDBC in OBJECTSCRIPT. At the same time, I want to obtain the insert ID. Is there a way to achieve this using the SQL Outbound adapter?

My code is something like this now:

Property Adapter As EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter;

set sql = " INSERT INTO Prenotazioni_CUP "_
" (ID, cf
" VALUES (SEQTAB.NextVal, ?) "
set status = ..Adapter.ExecuteUpdate(.rs, sql, pRequest.cfAssistito)

0 5
0 355
· Mar 15, 2022
How to use LOAD DATA

How do I use the LOAD DATA command as described here.

I have the following LOAD DATA statement:

LOAD DATA FROM FILE 'E://Temp/Values.txt'


Where do I run it? It doesn't work in the SQL Gateway, in the terminal, in an embedded SQL command.

What am I missing?

0 2
0 343
· Apr 1, 2023


I have a query:

SELECT '['||Material->Sifra||'] '||Material->Opis AS Material,
SUM(MasaBlago) AS MasaBlago
FROM Tehtanje.Dokument
WHERE DatumDokumenta BETWEEN '01/01/2023' AND '04/01/2023'
AND (Material->Sifra %INLIST $LISTFROMSTRING('5,7',','))
GROUP BY Material

The query returns all rows where Material->Sifra is 5 or 7. That's OK.

If I want to get all rows where Material->Sifra is NOT 5 or 7 I use query:

0 2
0 253
· Apr 19, 2016
SQL Sequence

Does Caché support SQL CREATE SEQUENCE as in PostgreSQL?

If not, what would be the best alternative? Create my own sequence logic as the example bellow?

0 4
0 626
· Aug 18, 2016
Read only Async mirror setup

I have setup an async reporting mirror member with Read only access. My problem is that if I try to do any sql reporting against that data I am getting errors. I am sure that this is because the DB is read only, but I had assumed that setting up a reporting mirror would handle this.

I there a setting or mapping I am missing?

0 7
0 665

I experience this constantly with Cache SQL. Especially when querying the ATNA log.

SELECT TOP 400000 * FROM HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation ORDER BY ID DESC

That took 12 seconds. I then upped the number to 500,000 and it took 185 seconds.

Shouldn't the execution time scale proportionately?

If I run the 500,00 query again it takes 2.4 seconds.

0 4
0 422

Hi All -

I was wondering if the below query could be enhanced to automatically look back 24 hours from the current datetime the query is run. As is now I, of course, have to update the date range in the WHERE clause manually.

The query is just getting all MessageBodyClassNames, counting them and then doing an AVG on TimeCreated and TimeProcessed. Nothing too complex.

SELECT MessageBodyClassName, count(ID) as Count_Of_Messages, avg(datediff(ss, TimeCreated, TimeProcessed)) as avg_processing_time_in_seconds

FROM %PARALLEL Ens.MessageHeader

0 1
1 2.6K
· Dec 10, 2017
Cache and Database

Hi, I'm a student, weak programming. I ask for your help, I write a program in C #, there are two tables, but I do not understand how to organize the connection between them many to many. Table in DataGridView1 from DataSet1 on Form1 key connection in DataGridView1 from DataSet1 to Form3

I do this on Form1

0 1
0 395
· Feb 15, 2018
The Index on a String field

I noticed that the subscript of the index map is actually the collated field (%SQLUPPER).

Is String the only data type going through this transformation? Any other data type would also go through this transformation?


0 1
0 289

I have a lookup table and record batch Table I would like to do a count on the records stored in that batch by counting the number of records in that batch that have a certain key on the responseKey column. This column keys are stored in the look up table for comparison. So I would like to do a join sql pivot that will use my keys stored in the lookup as columns and count as values

so far I have managed to do this but this is not efficient I would like to fire that sql once not on every count

0 1
0 1.3K
· Jun 14, 2018
Single Row SQL.Snapshot

I have several stored procedures that when I execute them they will only return a single snapshot. In my BP I have been setting this to a Snapshot variable then looping using a WHILE through the snapshot variable just to get that single value.

Since it is only a single row, is there an easier way where I don't have to do a WHILE loop to pull the values out of that row? Can I call First Row or something like that to get me just the row into the Snapshot variable?

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0 415