· Nov 9, 2016
access php


How to post and get data using php. I'm using a php external url. In the body in parsing the request as xml and when i execute this using fiddler it response the result as xml but when i consume it in classmethod it fails. I don't have a wsdl file how can i work it out?

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· Nov 7, 2016
web service


I have created a asp web service and it is hosted in our internal server. How can i consume that web service in cache class method? It is a soap web service with xml input and xml output. It works fine in all the browser.

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Environment: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2015.2.2 (Build 811U) Thu Mar 3 2016 12:55:48 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:14.01.351

When try the following to send back SOAP Fault, is the following correct way?

Set fault=##class(%SOAP.Fault).%New()
Set fault.faultcode=$$$FAULTServer
Set fault.faultstring="Processing Error"
Set fault.detail= "Error on server"
Do ..ReturnFault(fault)

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· Sep 28, 2016
wsHttpBinding with Cache

Hi all,

This is a real long shot, but does anyone have experience integrating MS wsHttpBinding with a Cache application?


I ask because my project had some initial design discussions for new web service communication and this specification was mentioned.


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· Sep 14, 2016 4m read
Creating a Dummy SOAP Web Service

A “Dummy” SOAP Web Service

When dealing with SOAP in Caché, it is sometimes necessary to debug errors by directly accessing (and sometimes editing) the XML which is sent, i.e. the SOAP request and subsequent SOAP response. If you’re debugging a Caché web service, it is often useful to use a tool such as SoapUI ( to manually create and control the SOAP request, so that the effect of adjustments can easily be seen on the Caché web service.

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· Jul 13, 2016
Overriding soap body

We can override soap body by using WriteSOAPBodyMethod. Something like:

Method Online(ByRef Obj1 As myClass1, Obj2 As myClass2, Output ObjOutput1 As myClass1Output(XMLNAME="Obj")) [ ..., WebMethod ]


s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod="override"

d (..WebMethod("Online","ProcessRequest")).Invoke($this,"Online",.Obj1,.Obj2,. ObjOutput1)

s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod=""


Method override(proxy As %SOAP.ProxyDescriptor, tag As %String)



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Does the Caché installer do all of the necessary setup for using Atelier when upgrading a pre-Atelier instance?

I just upgraded an Ensemble 2016.1 instance to 2016.2 and the /api/atelier web application wasn't created automatically. Aside from creating this web application is there anything else that needs to be done to support Atelier?

** UPDATE **
See my comment below -- this was caused by a permissions problem during the upgrade. After fixing the permissions problem and upgrading again Atelier works.

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I am writing a static SOAP response to simply test connectivity. The end users is getting an error "Message: The processing instruction target matching [xX][mM][lL] is not allowed.", which I believe is related to white space. if I observe the response, it looks like there are two blank lines between the header and the body, which I'm guessing is the white space problem. But I can't seem to get rid of it.

Any ideas?


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I am hoping some of you network guys have ideas. InterSystems seems to be at a standstill. When I startup Studio and try to start Terminal I get License Limit Exceeded. Starting with Terminal and going to Studio, same thing. It started when I put down a 2016 version of Cache on top of a 2015. InterSystems told me to uninstall everything and start fresh. I did that but have the same problems. What can I look at? How do I start to debug this? Although I am the only one on my PC it is really impacting my performance.

-thank you

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I have been experimenting with the creation of a set of REST services for an app. The basic GET operation is set to create a %ZEN.proxyObject instance, and then set an instance of a Persistant class as a property, which gives me all of the values I want to return. However, it also gives me some values that I don't want to return over REST (because they are both private, and large registered objects which will bog down performance)

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There have been a few use cases recently within InterSystems where we've needed to connect to Caché-based web services from PHP. The first of these was actually the Developer Community itself, which uses web services as part of Single Sign-On with other InterSystems sites/applications. The following example demonstrates how to connect to a Caché-based web service (particularly, the web service in the SAMPLES namespace) from PHP, using password authentication.

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