
Connections/ SOAP Operations to 3rd Parties can hold some challenges like the 3rd party changes it 's structures/ WSDL and returns an additional property in a SOAP response. So I have tried to implement the XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG in the proxy SOAP response structures , but in Ensemble this seems to get ignored.

Are there any good suggestions on how to handle this an ideal would have been that the other party inform you of changes before hand....

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I faced with the issue when WebSocket connection just fails without any errors if I send data with size 384 bytes and more (In binary mode the same). As I know by standard WebSockets frame does not have such limitation. Is there any way how to decrease it? This limitation too small, it is too difficult to fit this size and needs to send data much more often than I expected. Tested with Caché 2016.2, 2017.2 and IRIS 2018.1.

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0 748

Does anyone have any experience with getting, unfortunately, an older version of Cache to authenticate via SMTP to send email? I have verified that the settings are set up properly on the mailbox as I have successfully sent an email from a LAMP server, which comes from the same IP address.

If you have any thoughts, I would greatly appreciate it.

This is the error I receive

ERROR #6034: SMTP server connection failed during MAIL FROM command: <READ>zSend+105^%Net.SMTP.1.

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0 2.5K

I cannot connect to Cache from node.js

I have installed in Windows 10 the following: CACHE 2016, node.js v 4.4.7 and express .

- where can I get cache.node? The link in the Intersystmes documentation http://globalsdb.org/downloads/ doesn't work. I found cache0100.node and cache0120.node in my Cache instance's \bin directory. But I am not sure if I can use them or not.

- how to install cache.node ? Where do I place it exactly?

Can anyone recommend any tutorial or code example with installation instructions?

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1 3.4K

Hi, guys,

One of my clients was required by the hospital to name their webservice operation as Action_Subject, ie. Get_PatientInfo

When I define the web method as "Get_PatientInfo" as below,

/// MyApp.MyService
Class MyApp.MyService Extends %SOAP.WebService [ ProcedureBlock ]

/// Name of the WebService.
Parameter SERVICENAME = "MyService";

/// TODO: change this to actual SOAP namespace.
/// SOAP Namespace for the WebService
Parameter NAMESPACE = "http://tempuri.org";

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0 647
· Nov 1, 2016
WebSocket proxy to telnet

Is there any easy way to create a WebSocket to Telnet proxy within the Cache environment?

I would like to use a html5 telnet emulator to connect to cache, but need to create a proxy,

Is this a simple task?

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0 1.5K

I use the InterSystems cache to implement a web services program. I receive the data sent by the other person. However, I receive the wrong text (the normal text is the question mark "??????"). The other party uses the gbk code to send Chinese. The other party cannot modify the gbk code, what should I do to receive normal Chinese text? Thank you.

I use ensemble 2010 and ensemble 2016.

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0 226
· May 10, 2018
2015.2.2 .json format

Is it possible to produce a .json format using Ensemble 2015.2.2? Not sure what the trigger will be as of yet, but we have our local Department of Health trying to develop a reporting piece using .json.

Not sure how this will work with our Ensemble instance not being in the DMZ to send outside our network, but I thought I would ask anyway to see if it is possible.


Scott Roth

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0 325
· Apr 20, 2018
Special Character API


Made a request for API REST.

Using HTTP Request adapter.

Adapter As EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter

Outside the Ensemble an API response is JSON (CORRECT)

Answer in Ensemble: =?Á
ÔºQZéýNÕ V{C?óò?b¢?éÍ )$
²5Å?wEë? ??©tÖã1z×2FëÊnôeË æ??]Zßq ܺ?á

Help me.

Thank you

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0 443

I have used Studio's schema wizard to create classes representing my XML structure as defined in an xsd file and then I use the main class of that set of classes as parameter in my Ensemble web service.

Let's say I have a web method signature like this:

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0 712
· Jan 15, 2018
Headers in HttpRequest

Hi Guys,

I'm using Ensemble 2014 and have a code that Posts HttpRequest to a REST API and working fine, but don't know how to add Header to my request!?

I tried Set Request.SetHeader("Source","Civicview") but it's bringing a Syntax error, any help pls?

1 3
0 1.3K
· Jan 5, 2018
UPS - SOAP WebServices Not Working

Hi all,

I have started using the UPS in my application for shipment and cancellation.

I have the WSDL from the UPS.

I have imported the WSDL via Studio->Tools->addins and finish the process to get the Package implemeted in my studio.

Now the SOAP method contains a URL which is for their live system so i manually changed the URL with their Testing URL.

They are also providing the sample shipment numbers which we can use to test the cancellation process.

I am trying that shipment number to void(cancel) the shipment by call the method.

0 3
0 4.6K

Hi All,

I am new to webservice and UPS. I have tried the sample URL's that UPS have given for testing in PHP codes and it works just perfect for me.

But when i try to hit the same URL's in Ensemble. it gives some errors from UPS.

If anyone of you guys here has any knowledge about UPS integration or the webservice please help me. it will be much appreciated and helpful.

The ensemble code that i am trying with is,

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0 1.3K

I am trying to read an xml document using %XML.TextReader and that's is all well and l can get my elements values but would like to determine where the next record start on the xml without referring to the document path in essence would like to use the same method to read different xml docs. I would like to know if is there a way or a function that I can use to get the start and end of a record in xml as I would to get the start and end element.

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0 710

This might be a very simple rookie question but I'm trying to create couple of web services in Ensemble and using document below as my tutorial, I do manage to do it:


But instead of doing it as described above, where method signature is like this:

Method GetCustomerInfo(ID As %Numeric) As ESOAP.SOAPResponse [WebMethod]

I would like it to be:

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0 742

Hi Guys,
Can you please guide me to get rid of this issue. Please find the image files with this post.

Please let me know, before we are developing an API what are all the setup/Configuration(Apache/web server) need to do in my machine.

If any lead would be appreciated.

I don't know, in XMLNamespace parameter which URL need to use.



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0 507


I'm looking for a way to programmatic ally add the parameter 'VALIDIFNULL' to classes that extent %SerialObject.

This to hopefully resolve the validation errors I'm getting on webservice request messages, where certain properties are not required, but lower down the tree some properties are.

I have too many classes to do this manually and with the next SOAP wizard run I probably loose the added parameter.

Some help would be very much appreciated.

Regards, Michel

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