Hi Developers,

New Coding Talk, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov, is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🎯 Creating REST API with InterSystems IRIS, ObjectScript and Docker

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Hello Team,

please can someone help me in the below.

I'm trying to call a Rest API below specification working in postman, and receiving perfectly the response:

POST /PharmacyServices/api/Pharmacy/Upload?Key=aaaa&Username=bbb&Password=ccc HTTP/1.1
Host: abc:38440
Content-Length: 240
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="File"; filename="///xxxx/POC/CSV/20230607.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv

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For the benefit of those who want to use the Document Database (DocDB) capabilities within InterSystems IRIS, and specifically the REST API it provides, I put together a Postman Collection that provides samples for several basic calls.

For example:

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Hi all,

As you know, it is very complicated to debug a Business Service Rest API because the object is created when the applications receive a request, so we cannot have the JobId that we can use to debug.


So, I'm trying to get the JobId when the class is being created, write a trace in OnInit() method and write the JobId in a log info

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Hi everyone, I have and Zen Mojo application, it's all working but I have some doubts about what is recommended to use: There is some reports of employees, for example, and actually I'm using some plugins : "Excelent export" to generate Excel reports and "jspdf" to generate PDF reports in client side.

I have an REST service, that receives the request, process and returns JSON, after client side receive the response it's processed.

- This can be slow/bad in applications with large data?

- It's better/recommended to use ZenReports even with ZenMojo applications?

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I have a scenario where I recognize that I have a duplicate patient in FHIR , both have a different set of data attached to them (Specimens / Observations / Conditions) and I want to transfer all the data from patient X to patient Y, and maybe mark patient X as not relevant or delete it IDK yet.

since Patch currently supports only single patch,

"The Conditional Patch query identified more than one resource."

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This is a beginner’s guide to the design of a “MicroService” implemented in Ensemble. “MicroService” is a popular phrase these days which has a broad interpretation. My interpretation is: “MicroService” is a “NoSQL Service”. A what? The answer is in the article.

We learnt what the difference is between SQL and NoSQL databases. For me the difference is nearly the same between a SOA Web Service and a “MicroService”. I am going to explain it through an example.

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Hello fellow community members,

I would like to offer my services as an Intersystems Professional and am available to work on projects.

I have more than a decade experience into Intersystems stack of technologies including IRIS, Ensemble, Healthshare, Healthconnect, Cache Objectscript, Mumps, Zen, Analytics etc. with companies spread over US and UK involved in multiple domains.

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· Feb 20, 2018
REST Data Limit

I'm experimenting with sending large amounts of data in a POST payload to be stored as a stream. However I've noticed that no matter how many characters are in the message, Cache only gets about 32k of them, cutting off the rest. Conversely as expected it can only send about 32k worth of characters in a payload.

Before I get creative, is there a REST message size limit that can be changed? Or is there something else going on here?

Thank you!

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Referencing this post:


I'm not sure how to actually interact with the result set I get from doing something like this. I want to return something like:

[{"field1":1, "field2":2}, {"field1":2, "field2":10}]

I'm finding it very difficult to get it in this format, since %Print appends a newline onto the end of the {} object it prints.

Here's the closest I've gotten:

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· Aug 14, 2020
New Video: REST at Ease

Hi Developers,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

REST at Ease

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0 433

Hello everyone!
So, I am supposed to receive a REST-request into my production, and I need to send it, exactly as I received it, to another server.
I am struggling to find any good info on this, and have a hard time coming up with a good approach.
What would be the easiest way to do this?
- I have so far thought about possibly doing it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericService and then sending it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericOperation.

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· Nov 19, 2019
New Video: API Management

Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

API Management

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Hey Community,

Exciting results from a massive workload to test InterSystems API. We'll describe how we're trying to push the boundaries of the current technology in the public cloud:

Running Large-Scale Rest API in the Cloud

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· Feb 5, 2023 2m read
COS Url Shortener

Hi Community!

I want to share with you mi first Open Exchange application.

It's a tool to made our developments easier. It's a micro service in a IRIS docker that help us in our new features giving us a way to add short links in our SMS, Email campaigns and for links of the different stores for our apps.

It's very easy to use it.

Simply clone this repo:


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It is clear how to get the request header value with a specific name:

Class My.RestController Extends %CSP.REST

ClassMethod processRequest() As %Status
    #dim request as %CSP.Request 
    set request = %request
    set h = ##class(%REST.Impl).%GetHeader("...")
    return $$$OK

But I can't figure out how to enumerate ALL the request headers (and also get all values).

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0 371

Some time ago, I was started to work at a new company even in other country, and more important in a different sphere when I have not been worked before, in HealthCare. It's a very new project even for company. Since I have not experience in HealthCare, I looked at what I can use in my project, and found that I should not reinvent the bicycle, and think about how to store all my data which I need and how to get access to this data. And I can use FHIR, which is looks like everything what I need, what else I need it's just a client.

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