· Oct 3, 2018
CreateProperty with curl


I have a question about creating properties with curl.

I already did create properties in Java with the following command.

<DO db.%CreateProperty("TotalSteps","%Integer","$.TotalSteps")>

It created the property TotalSteps with the type %Integer and the data path $.TotalSteps (since the header of my data source is also TotalSteps).

Now I would like to create the same property in curl with the following command

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or "Bonus Breakage"

In our last lesson, we added a relationship between 2 persistent classes. We are clearly going to need to start creating REST Services to expose CRUD operations for each of these classes, but before we do that, we should really finish defining our linkages. We added code to our Widget toJSON to spool off related Accessory data, so we should really do the reciprocal and allow Accessories to return all Widgets that are compatible.

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1 1.1K
404 Not Found

"error": {
 "errors": [
   "domain": "global",
   "reason": "notFound",
   "message": "Not Found"
 "code": 404,
 "message": "Not Found"

I want to do something like the above sample from a Google Storage JSON API. I have a call to Write obj.%ToJSON() followed by return ..ReportHttpStatusCode(..#HTTP404NOTFOUND) however the HTTP Status code is always 200. If I remove the Write obj.%ToJSON() statement it returns a 404 status with no body. How do I return both?

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· Sep 14, 2018
REST POST 405 error

I'm testing out the new %CSP.REST way of creating an api and having a problem with a POST getting a 405 error.

I get data returned when I do a GET, so I don't think it's a configuration issue or a class issue.

I have no problem with %CSP.Page when creating a REST type method. So what am I missing?

Can someone give me some advice?

Thank you.

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I already talked about GraphQL and the ways of using it in this article. Now I am going to tell you about the tasks I was facing and the results that I managed to achieve in the process of implementing GraphQL for InterSystems platforms.

What this article is about

  • Generation of an AST for a GraphQL request and its validation
  • Generation of documentation
  • Generation of a response in the JSON format
6 2
2 1K

Hi, Community!

I’m sure you are using Developer Community analytics built with InterSystems Analytics technology DeepSee:

You can find DC analytics n InterSystems->Analytics menu.

DC Analytics shows interactive dashboards on key figures of DC entities: Posts, Comments, and Members.

Since the last week, this analytics project is available for everyone with source code and data on DC Github!

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1 542


I'm getting mad trying to get data from an external REST service that uses Basic Authentication from Ensemble. The BO worked fine when I was using a test server without authentification, but as soon as we need to go to production I cannot have it working.

So far, I've created the username/password at the credentials page (Ensemble-Configure-Credentials). I've setup the BO to use this credentials. But nothing happens.

I've tried with the Rest Client (addon for Mozilla), and using the same address, port and user/pwd works just fine.

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The REST webservice works perfectly when run on SOAP UI. This end point server is an https site that uses basic authentication (uname and pwd). But when I run the request through an Enslib.Rest.Operation using a configured SSL and stored credentials, I get an "unauthorized" error, unless I explicitly hard code the password in the operation class. HS Version is 2014.1 .

I have 2 questions. Pardon me, they are both related!!

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I have a CSP REST web application where I'm using delegated authentication via basic authentication in the REST calls. When I do a call to the web app with correct user credentials, I get a CSPSESSIONID cookie back representing the CSP session, which has started for the user I'm logged in with.

And when I want to log out/end the CSP session with the "CacheLogout=end" query parameter, I get a 401 Unauthorized code back. But the csp session itself does get terminated, which means the logout call was successful.

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or "Didn't you say you would cover Persistent Objects in Part 5, Chris?"

Yes, that was the plan. This is a pretty important topic, so it get's its own Article

Up until now, we've display widget JSON that has been created by a basic loop. Clearly this isn't of much value. Now we have our stack connected together, and we can see that the data is flowing to the Welcome page, it's time to complete the stack and start feeding our service from "real" data.

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0 1.5K

Hi Community!

New video "Treating Patients with REST and iKnow" is available now on DC YouTube Channel:
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I want to convert a json, which passed on in the a REST call, into a request message.

I use method %ConvertJSONToObject of the %ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider class.

Set sc = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject(%request.Content, "TestRequest", .request)

Is there an alternative for this? I want to avoid to use the %ZEN library.

Best Regards

Roger de Coninck

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In this article I would like to present the RESTForms project - generic REST API backend for modern web applications.

The idea behind the project is simple -after I wrote several REST APIs I realized that generally, REST API consists of two parts:

  • Work with persistent classes
  • Custom business logic

And, while you'll have to write your own custom business logic, RESTForms provides all things related to working with persistent classes right out of the box.
Use cases

  • You already have a data model in Caché and you want to expose some (or all) of the information in a form of REST API
  • You are developing a new Caché application and you want to provide a REST API
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3 5K


In all web services, i need to my get login and token. So with Postman, i tried to call a HTTP request where I put the login/token in the header :

I tried to get data from Http request header. The REST APi use %CSP.REST. I tried something like that :

But it didn't work..

Someone can give me some example or other method ?


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I need to redirect user to a url, which is 5000+ characters long.
To do that I set:

set %response.Redirect = url

However, in the browser I receive this header:

LOCATION: <First 3972 characters of the 'url' variable>

In WriteHTTPHeader method of %CSP.Response, where the LOCATION header is

Write "Location: ", <Redirect>,!

After I added a buffer flush, after the above-mentioned line:

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· May 4, 2018
How to use MS Exchange wsdl


We are trying to create a new operation wich gets a XML message and send it's contents in an email.

We've used the SOAP Wizard to generate the Proxy Classes but now we are a bit lost...

What we are trying to achieve is to Create appointments in a Outlook Calendar and send emails.

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Trying to work with REST protocol, using IIS 8, both client and server are Cache servers,
I have the following problem-
When I send a PUT command, I get the following error:
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Length Required</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD>
<BODY><h2>Length Required</h2>
<hr><p>HTTP Error 411. The request must be chunked or have a content length.</p>

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· Apr 20, 2018
Special Character API


Made a request for API REST.

Using HTTP Request adapter.

Adapter As EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter

Outside the Ensemble an API response is JSON (CORRECT)

Answer in Ensemble: =?Á
ÔºQZéýNÕ V{C?óò?b¢?éÍ )$
²5Å?wEë? ??©tÖã1z×2FëÊnôeË æ??]Zßq ܺ?á

Help me.

Thank you

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