· Jul 18, 2024

[Water Cooler Talk] Developer Copilots: yay or nay?

Hi Community!

I was recently asked my opinion of the GitHub Copilot. Since I haven't tried it myself, I decided to do some research 😀 And what better place to do it other than on the Developer Community 😜 

So, I get the idea in general. AI and machine learning algorithms offer real-time code suggestions, automate repetitive tasks, and help developers write code more efficiently. That sounds pretty good. It should increase productivity, reduce the number of errors, and help in learning. But there is definitely a dark side to this. Sometimes, even code completion makes me blow a gasket. What will the copilot do? And who decides if it's the best approach to writing code? 

So, who has actual experience with developer copilots? What are your thoughts? Which one did you try? Did you like it? Did it make you tick? Any input is welcome!

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