Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems IRIS and Node.js Overview

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Too often users finding themselves in need of a software solution do not consider “open source” vs. “proprietary” alternative. Most of them either have their go-to favorite developer or just google for reviews and ready-made answers. However, this alternative must be the starting point of their search, as the decision has the most consequences.

It is not an overstatement to say that open source is the future of technology, albeit, it has its own unique challenges. Here is what users, especially corporate users should consider choosing the software for their business needs.

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If you haven’t already please give @John Murray your vote in the Developer Tool contest >> http://bit.ly/3XcxyeS

🚀 DX Jetpack boosts your developer experience when using VS Code with InterSystems platforms. 🚀

This extension pack includes:

gj :: codeSpex - showing help using VS code's commenting feature.

ObjectScript class view - View and navigate all class members plus where they are inherited from.

ServerDiff - See the difference between the code you are editing in VS Code and the server copy.

You can vote here >> http://bit.ly/3XcxyeS

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Hurray for security!

If you're connecting to a local server and doing isolated development with a throwaway account, just store your password in plain text in the settings.json configuration file. But if you're working with a shared server using a "real" user account, it's a good idea to protect that information.

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I don't understand how to use this open exchange item for auto creating deleting items. I think it assumes knowledge in the steps of how to use it which i don't get.

Added the code into dev on SRFT.Utility.DeleteHelper.OnDeleteSuper and SRFT.Utility.DeleteHelper.AddHelper

current class is

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