When I start a fresh installed IRIS or a Container I always find Interoperabiliy (aka. Ensemble) mapped to namespace USER.

Is there any utility to remove this mapping by a click ?
unmapping it global by global, routine by routine, Package by Package is just a boring exercise.

To be clear: I look for a utility inside IRIS.

The external utility is obvious: Notepad (or any other text editor)
- clean iris,cpf,
- restart IRIS
It's fast, it's efficient, but it's really hardcore.

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I have created a global say ^myglobal and entered some data. I am storing the name of global in databases and fetching the name based on some criteria. I am getting "^myglobal" in return from databases but i am not able to fetch the data I stored in the global.

I tried set var = result.global which gives me "^myglobal" in var. Doing WRITE var will return "^myglobal" and not the data i stored in this global.

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Currently, we have an application running in one namespace ("Database B") that has globals and routines mapped to another database ("Database A"). After enforcing clean up on Database A, we found that 90% of the disk is free. We would like to compact Database A and release the unused space. However, we are running OpenVMS, which seems to be the issue.

For databases consisting of only globals, we are able to use ^GBLOCKCOPY; however, we need to ensure that the routines and mappings are also copied.

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Currently we are exploring how we can allocate additional disk space to our current environment as we have seen a significant increase in growth of our Database files. Currently we have 3 namespaces, all with 1 IRIS.dat each that contains both the Global and Routines.

Since we have started down the route of everything within a single IRIS.dat file for each namespace, is it logical as we see growth to be able to split the current IRIS.dat for each namespace into a separate IRIS.dat for global and a IRIS.dat with for routines for each namespace in a Mirror environment?

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0 159

Hi all.

I hope you can help me.

I've renamed a namespace and its databases names.

  • Old Namespace: LABORATORIO
  • New namespace: SRV-LABORATORIO

The rename of all has worked fine. When I've tried to access to the portal, it is no available, displaying the message "Tha namespace SRV-LABORATORIO does not support productions"

So, I've run the following command in terminal

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Our application needs to create system users from a request form.

To use Security classes, it is necessary to have rights to use the %SYS namespace, which is not the case for users who validate requests.

It is not desirable for these users to have this role permanently, so I proceeded as follows:

I created a facade class for the Security.Users, Security.Roles, Security.Resources classes which allows me to log in with an authorized user on the NS %SYS

Here is an example method:

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· Jan 31, 2024
How to clone a namespace?

Hi community,

We have a developed a new version of a production, all the code is new and has changed BP. This application load information for some brands and stored in database.

The customer wants to implement the changes only for some brands because he wants to check for small brands before to implement for all brands.

My proposal is create a new namespace, with the new code, and disabled all load of brands except the brand that he wants to check.

I'm wondering what is the best way to clone the namespace.

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Currently, namespace Alpha is configured to use database AlphaDB as its global database. How would we go about having namespace Alpha configured to use database AlphaDB for its global database except where global ^Customers(CustomerId) has a CustomerId greater than 10M, which we would like to have it redirected to database BetaDB.

In other words, ^|"AlphaDB"|Customers contains all customers between 1 and 10,000,000; and ^|"BetaDB"|Customers contains all customers greater than 10,000,000. Any help would be appreciated.

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Sometimes global mapping of the same globals can be defined in different ways. E.g., I need to define it for 3 globals ^qAuditC, ^qAuditLog, ^qAuditLogC from the same database named APP-NOJOURN. Which approach should be better from the performance point of view?

1) qAudit* => APP-NOJOURN (one record in global mapping table)

2) qAuditC => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLog => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLogC => APP-NOJOURN (three records in global mapping table)

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· Jul 20, 2022
Default Database Resource

Can I please check if anyone know why the data base resource is created differently when creating a namespace after specifically selecting it to use the default resource %DB_%DEFAULT?

I created a namespace and when creating the DB I selected the option to use the default resource

When the namespace creation was complete , database is using a new resource instead of the default.

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I have multiple namespaces in a Cache environment say NS1 & NS2. I want to add some restriction so that a routine running in the NS1 should not access any resource(global/routine) belongs to namespace NS2.

The above restriction need for few of the clients only, so we do not want to write any custom logic in code.

We are looking for some solution provided by Cache where we can restrict the namespace access.

Can somebody please help me on this.

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· Apr 26, 2017
Restore Database issue

Hi Everybody,

I'm trying to restore database to a 2016.2.2.853 caché version but i've some problems ...

Into my backup file, i've 6 namespaces. After use the Do ^DBREST and configure all namespace into the portal, I can only reach 2 of 6.

when I write zn "blabla" into the terminal, i've got this error message :

ZN "blabla"
<DIRECTORY> *r:\data\blabla

Of course, Database and namespace are correctly define.

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0 1.1K

Hey all,

I'm trying to enable an existing namespace to be Ensemble enabled by doing the command do ##class(%EnsembleMgr).EnableNamespac($namespace,1), but I'm still getting the error message. Is there something that I'm missing?

I've attempted to reboot the server and even went incognito to see if it was a caching issue, but I'm still not able to create an Ensemble production in that namespace.

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