Hi All,

I have a general query in regards to developers experience on extracting data from cache databases and the most efficient way to do so. I work with a number of clients who have applications with cache databases and require the data off the host system and onto data warehouse platforms for research and analysis. Often they require the data in source state which means the extracts are often simply a table scan of the entire database table without any aggregation or manipulation.

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I'm executing a query using JDBC on a PostgreSQL db:

SET statement_timeout TO 600000000; COMMIT SELECT * FROM bi_hour

The query is aborted with the following message:

FOUT #5023: Fout in Java Gateway: JDBC Gateway getClob(0,2) errorBad value for type long : active

The column 'blocked_status' contains the value 'active' is of type 'text'. I figure somewhere the SQL Gateway tries to convert the text value into a long but I can't find where, any suggestions?

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· Nov 18, 2019
REST service with 11G Sql

Hi, I asked last week and they gave me some little tips. But the truth is I still can't carry out this "Project".

I must perform a REST service, using Oracle 11 database. Eh tried anyway to achieve this.

The purpose is to make a REST service, using the database provided to me and use the procedure that is already created.

According to what I read, I made the connection via JDBC and I had no major problem

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I created a jdbc connection in the Caché 2010.2.3 with SQLServer 2008R2.

The connection to this DB works correctly. (Conection Sucess)

I try to perform table binding but this connection, even though it is successful, does not load my tables and schemas.

I did the same test on Caché 2015 , with same jar drivers files and works perfectly!

Any idea?

Caché 2010.2.3

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 (Santiago)

java version "1.7.0_09"

Caché 2015

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· Apr 24, 2017
Connect PRTG to Cache

I am trying to set up a sensor in PRTG to connect to Cache, specifically the ens_util.log, so that I can have a live feed of my error count. I am having trouble getting the sensor to log in to Cache. Has anyone had any luck getting PRTG to connect on the database level? Thanks!

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Hi ,

When I use jdbc driver to query the column info ,the "REMARKS" field always show the same as the "COLUMN_NAME" field.

When I use the sql "select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns a where a.table_name='some table name ' " to query columns info,there has a "DESCRIPTION" field ,the value is some comment for the current field.

So is there anyway to return the description to the jdbc remarks field? And is there anyway to update the desciption or remarks field? Or is there some other way that I don't know to manage column comment info?

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Hi There,

I am having issues trying to obtain a JDBC driver which is backwards compatible with java 6 for a solution which will call my IRIS instance, I have already logged a WRC ticket which is looking unlikely that there will be any development to create a driver for such legacy tech.

The Java 6 app is end of life, however won't be replaced until after my project goes live, hence why I ask the question.

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I work on deploying IRIS using Kubernetes operator and Red Hat OpenShift. I encouraged another team working on Java application to consider using IRIS as database. My team deployed IRIS cluster using two mirrored data pods for the other team. The other team asked me for the connection information.

To learn how to use Java with IRIS, I attempted to deploy two apps from Open Exchange:


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I was attempting to test a Linked JDBC View to MS SQL database and noticed I could not connect. When I look at the JDBC Gateway I noticed that at the Server Level it was down. However the page keeps timing out when ever I attempt to make any changes or start it, it will not respond.

I thought I had found the Cache command to start it but it will not start. Is the following steps correct?

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Consider a Natural Key with an Identity (Serial) field.

I cannot seem to acquire the generated value after persisting my entity. That is, the returned entity by Spring Data's "save" does not have the generated value.

The value is generated by the database, and I can query it after repository.save(entity).

I have done some testing and created a Github repo with it...

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0 201

When using "IDENTITY" as my primary key, I can select the last inserted ID with


Actually this is how Hibernate + Iris' Driver acquires the inserted ID when mapping with

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)

Now, considering that I am using the type "SERIAL" as my primary key instead, how can I get the last inserted ID?

Note that with "SERIAL" I can forcefully insert any value for this ID, from which Iris will continue generating values...

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I use DataGrip (JDBC client) to query Caché server via JDBC.

The problem I encountered, is that if I wait 10 or more minutes between queries I get an error:

[08S01][461] Communication link failure: Socket closed

To fix that I need to disconnect and connect to server again. Is there a JDBC timeout setting somewhere I can change?

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· Apr 14, 2021
Java Connection Strategy

We are planning to build a REST API with the Java Quarkus Framework.

  • There'll be a connection pool;
  • The DataSource instance will be automatically injected from the connection pool;
  • We will use JDBI to do SQL instructions and this will give us automatic Connection and Statement management;

This Caché instance already have COS applications running and consuming connections and licenses.

After doing this, we will migrate to IRIS.

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Recently I started moving some of our JDBC Gateway configurations over to using the Microsoft JDBC Gateway driver instead of using the jTDS open source driver. I have noticed since then that those Objects that are using Microsoft JDBC Driver are throwing a lot more errors than the jTDS driver ever did, which I can understand however I am puzzled that I keep running into an issue with the Java Gateway Service within the Interoperability engine.

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Is it possible to authenticate an xDBC (ODBC/JDBC) connection to InterSystems IRIS via (a 3rd party) OAuth server?

For REST APIs this is possible, but could this be achieved with OAuth?

Out-of-the-box the ODBC/JDBC Drivers don't seem to have this option, but maybe some custom code could enable this? perhaps via Delegated Authentication and some OAuth classes customization, or some other way?

Has anyone done this already and can share how it was implemented, or someone with some guideline suggestions?

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I have a question regarding the Intersystems Caché Database and its jdbc driver. I need to set the connection timeout for the database, but I couldn't find any documentation stating that the jdbc driver for Caché supports setting the connection timeout. However, I noticed that the jdbc driver for the Intersystems Iris Database appears to support this feature.

My question is, can I use the Iris jdbc driver to set the connection timeout for the Caché Database?

The jdbc driver I use: cache-jdbc-2.0.0.jar

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