Hi *,

I want to dynamically generate the arguments of a method during compile time.

'For example, I want the following method

ClassMethod DoCleverStuf() As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    do %code.WriteLine("    Set tSC = $$$OK")

to look like this in the .int code.

ClassMethod DoCleverStuf(pValue1 As %Integer, pValue2 As %String) As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    // some generated code will be here

Is this possible? Or alternativel;y, can I generate a whole method at compile time?


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Hi All,

I am a beginner in cache. I need to extract data from multiple tables (4-5) tables based on an SQL query . The data is more than 9 lakhs of records (i checked using count). The total number columns is 16.

When I am running this SQL query through management portal, I am getting time out exception. Could you please suggest how I can retrieve those records. Which way will be good (Dynamic query using %SQL.Statement or Embedded SQL (not known to me) or Writing to a global will help or not).

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Is there a way of printing out information about IRIS.DAT file eg. database name?

The reason is that I've "refreshed" TEST system from LIVE system and I'm not sure I've the copied the correct file to the correct place

on the file tree. The file tree structure shows the database that IRIS.DAT represents.

eg. /db/HMF/IRIS.DAT should be the HMF database

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Hi all,

I am trying to use some process private variables (percent variables) in Triggers.

I am referring to values from $System.Process, like the ClientIPAddress and CSPSessionID.
These do to not contain values and I suspect it is bacause of scope. I also checked, and the %session variable is not available if the change originated from a CSP request.
I know that in triggers the scope of the variables are to be kept local, that is why NEW is to be used.

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I have the following servers in IRIS mirror set:
Arbiter; isc_agent only
LIVETC01; IRIS DB full install; Primary
LIVETC02; IRIS DB full install; Backup

A couple of days ago IRIS hung.
The application using LIVETC01 DB stopped functioning.

I'm trying to find out the sequence of events leading up to the failure.

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I have a production with one Business Host - a Business Service which I need to scale automatically to consume ~80% of CPU time.
Business Service pulls data from a (non-FIFO) queue so that I can adjust pool size without any issues.

So far, I'm planning a different BS running every X seconds and sampling CPU with $system.Process.GetCPUTime() and scaling the pool size of the main BS up/down based on that metric.

Has anyone tried something similar? Any advice/code samples would be appreciated.

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HI ! I'm working on a caché upgrade to IRIS.

in some abstration cls classes, to get a property was used $METHOD(..Obj, propertyName_"Get").
On Caché 2018, had as a return property value, if the property does not exists, an exception of type <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST> throwed

Now, on IRIS 2022.1, will always be throwed an exception of type "<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>".

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My team works on implementing an Interoperability solution utilizing InterSystems Kubernetes Operator on Red Hat OpenShift container platform.

We are trying to determine how many messages we can process in any given time. We have a Feeder app running in 10 containers sending 50k messages each to a load balancer all beginning at the same time.

Messages are received via HTTPS protocol by webgateway containers.

Interoperability production runs in compute pods with persistent data, journals, and WIJ volumes.

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Hi Interoperability experts!

I'm into interoperability now with data transformations and I wonder: how can I use DTLs?

I've created one that transform Ens.Request into Ens.Response. How can I use it now in the production?

I'm trying to add the business process expecting to see it available in the list but it seems it is not the case.

Tried documentation and it doesn't say either what to do after creation the DTL. If it is obvious could you please help?

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Hello Team,

I need a help in the following error I am getting while running the SQL Query. I am running the SQL Query from different table using inner join. I run this everyday for last 90 days but for few days while extracting the data through this query I am getting this error. Please assist.

SQLException was thrown: Incorrect list format: 0 >= 0_SQLSTATE: S1000

SQLException was thrown: Incorrect list format: 0 >= 0_SQLSTATE: S1000

Error getting attributeColumn: Name

Error getting attributeColumn: Amount

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