· Jan 16, 2024

VSCode "Go To Definition" Does Nothing

When using VS Code to develop with Object Script, the Server Credentials prompt for connecting to the IRIS instance is happy accept a blank for UnknownUser. See screen shot:

From here VS Code happily connects to the IRIS instance using unauthenticated access. But the standard VS Code "Go To Definition" appears to do nothing. Whilst looking through the documentation I found that in the Language Server extension, there is a setting to output verbose trace details. With verbose output switched on, trying the "go to definition" of some code, the output shows this:

"[Warn  - 12:16:39 PM] Cannot make required REST request because the configured server connection has a username but no password."

Has anyone encountered this before? There is a bit of inconsistency between the Server Manager extension being happy to communicate with IRIS using unauthenticated access, but then the Language Server extension struggles. I'm happy to just instruct all users to have a username and password, but I'm wondering if there is a fix or something I can configure to make unauthenticated access.

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1.4 (Build 812_0_22849) Wed Nov 8 2023 17:54:43 EST
Discussion (5)3
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@Mathew Rimmington 
Sorry, I misread the prompt in the screenshot. Can you open the settings.json file that contains the server definition that you're having trouble with and send me that? I'd like to confirm that it has "UnknownUser" as the username and not no username. If so, I can modify the Language Server to handle that case better.

I know what's happening now. You're creating the server definition with no username, and when the server manager extension tries to use it, it assumes that you wanted to store your credentials securely, so it gives you this prompt. When you leave it blank, it inserts "UnknownUser" with no password as your credentials. The Language Server extension needs to handle that case. I will make the fix.

@Mathew Rimmington 
I think I've made the fix. You can download a version of the Language Server extension with the fix here. To install it, simply drag the .vsix file into the extensions view in VS Code. It will prompt you to reload so the new version of the extension can be activated. Be sure you download the correct version for your platform and please let me know if your issue is resolved. I plan on releasing a new Language Server version very soon and I'd like this fix to be in it!