· Jan 10, 2024

iris terminal will not connect to IRIS running on Linux server


I have this IRIS server, NODE1. NODE1 is a Linux server running IRIS.

To connect to IRIS on this server I:

From my PC ssh (via putty) to NODE1

From the putty session, I, "iris session <iris instance>"

I was hoping to use iristerm on my PC:

I put NODE1 into IRIS Server Manager

From my PC, I, "iristerm /server=NODE1"

I get this error message:

"TCP connect() failed"

How to get this to work?

I understand that iristerm tries to connect to the server first using telnet then connects to the IRIS running on ths server. Correct?
For security purposes, ssh only is supported in connecting to the server (telnet is not allowed). Can iristerm be configured for ssh?

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To access to a session in a remote iris instance by ssh, you must

Etablish a functionnal ssh link between your client and your server (For the rest I will call them CLI and SER)

To test this first phase from your client

ssh user@SER

after connection by ssh check your Iris Instance is running 

iris all

If yours instance is up like : 

    Instance Name     Version ID        Port   Directory
    ----------------  ----------------  -----  --------------------------------
up >IRISHEALTH        2023.    1972   /usr/iris/2023.1

You can now launch a session and access a terminal :