Do you ever spend an age entering criteria in the message viewer page, trying to find a message just to realise you're in the wrong instance of IRIS?

Or get lost in a sea of message tabs struggling to spot that Visual Trace page your were JUST looking at?

Well, have you tried the IRIS WHIZ browser extension and its suite of tools designed to help you avoid such unpleasantness?

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· Oct 24, 2022 10m read
PerfTools IO Test Suite


This set of tools (RanRead, RanWrite, and the combined RanIO) is used to generate random read and write events within a database (or pair of databases) to test Input/Output operations per second (IOPS). They can be used either in conjunction or separately to test IO hardware capacity, validate target IOPS, and ensure acceptable disk response times are sustained. Results gathered from the IO tests will vary from configuration to configuration based on the IO sub-system. Before running these tests ensure corresponding operating system and storage level monitoring are configured to capture IO performance metrics for later analysis. The suggested method is by running the System Performance tool that comes bundled within IRIS. Please note that this is an update to a previous release, which can be found here.

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· Nov 28, 2023 2m read
k9s - Manage Your IrisClusters In Style

K9s is a terminal-based UI (aka kubectl clown suit), to manage Kubernetes clusters that drastically simplifies navigating, observing, and managing your applications in K8s, including Custom Resources like the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO) and ArgoCD Applications. If you are about to take your CKD, CKA, or CKS, leave k9s well enough alone for awhile as the abstraction to kubectl will become the standard for navigating the cluster and you will undoubtedly become estranged to the extended flags of kubectl and bomb the exam.

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Hello Community,

SQL language remains the most practical way to retrieve information stored in a database.

The JSON format is very often used in data exchange.

It is therefore common to seek to obtain data in JSON format from SQL queries.

Below you will find simple examples that can help you meet this need using ObjectScript and Python code.

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Keywords: IRIS, IntegratedML, Machine Learning, Covid-19, Kaggle


Recently I noticed a Kaggle dataset for the prediction of whether a Covid-19 patient will be admitted to ICU. It is a spreadsheet of 1925 encounter records of 231 columns of vital signs and observations, with the last column of "ICU" being 1 for Yes or 0 for No. The task is to predict whether a patient will be admitted to ICU based on known data.

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There are couple of options to do this.

1. You can extend your class &JSON.Adaptor, it will do it for you with inbuilt logicaldtodisplay methods

2. Create another request class and do your transformations

3. Before calling the json convert to stream methods, transform the object's field with a ZDT.


I have an extremely simple example where there is a class with 3 properties

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· Jan 28, 2022 2m read
Embedded SQL Bug and Workaround

We recently encountered an Embedded SQL issue while upgrading to IRIS 2021.1, and thought the issue and workaround might be interesting to share.

Key takeaway: Host variables in an ORDER BY clause of an embedded SQL query that is inside of a method don't work as expected. IRIS versions starting with 2020.1 are affected. As a workaround, add the host variable to the Method's PublicList list and "new" them so the embedded query has access to them.

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Hey developers!

Sometimes we need to insert or refer to the data of classes directly in globals.

And maybe a lot of you expect that data structure of global with records is:


And this article is a heads up, that this is not always true, don't expect it as granted!

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Suppose you have an application that allows users to write posts and comment on them. (Wait... that sounds familiar...)

For a given user, you want to be able to list all of the published posts with which that user has interacted - that is, either authored or commented on. How do you make this as fast as possible?

Here's what our %Persistent class definitions might look like as a starting point (storage definitions are important, but omitted for brevity):

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YASPE is the successor to YAPE (Yet Another pButtons Extractor). YASPE has been written from the ground up with many internal changes to allow easier maintenance and enhancements.

YASPE functions:

  • Parse and chart InterSystems Caché pButtons and InterSystems IRIS SystemPerformance files for quick performance analysis of Operating System and IRIS metrics.
  • Allow a deeper dive by creating ad-hoc charts and by creating charts combining the Operating System and IRIS metrics with the "Pretty Performance" option.
  • The "System Overview" option saves you from searching your SystemPerformance files for system details or common configuration options.

YASPE is written in Python and is available on GitHub as source code or for Docker containers at:

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I asked the question in email and get answers from those colleagus.


I failed to change time zone on latest iris container(Ubuntu), because:

  • I am irisowner, no root password

  • There is no sudo command

I used to use below Dockfile setting to change time zone while creating a new docker image. However, those commands doesn’t work from non-root user.

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· Jun 1, 2023 1m read
How to shrink the IRISTemp database

InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can set the maximum size of the IRISTemp database at IRIS startup by setting a configuration parameter called MaxIRISTempSizeAtStart.

After setting, the system will truncate IRISTemp to the set value (MB) at the next IRIS startup. If the current size is less than the specified MaxIRISTempSizeAtStart, no truncation will occur. Also, if 0 is specified, truncation will not be performed, so the size will start without changing. (Default) Settings are made from the menu below.

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· Jan 8 9m read
IRIS Document Database (DocDB)

InterSystems IRIS Document Database (DocDB) offers a flexible and dynamic approach to managing database data. DocDB embraces the power of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), providing a schema-less environment for storing and retrieving data.

It is a powerful tool, enables developers to bypass a ton of boiler plate code in interaction with existing applications, serialization, pagination and integration. the seamless flow of DocDB with Interoperability Rest services and operations, gives a big leap in API production and management.

for full DocDB documentation Here. in the context of this article i will showcase a use case in which DocDB will make a perfect fit.

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My newest app includes a java routine to read data from Excel 95, 97, 2000, XP, and 2003 workbooks and write the data into IRIS globals using Java Native API library.

If you have Git and Docker installed, clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

$ git clone

Open the terminal in this directory and run:

$ docker-compose up -d

Execute java class IRISNative

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

This error occurs when an instance of the class is already open at compile time.

There are two ways to deal with this issue:

  1. Terminate the process or application that has the instance open
  2. Compile options in the studio build menu: Check the compile flag “Compile classes in use” and compile.

If you want to determine which process is using the class, try the sample routine below.

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Making a Chart using Intersystems IRIS + Python

How to use the IRIS Native API in Python to access globals and plot some charts.

Why Python?

With a large adoption and use in the world, Python have a great community and a lot of accelerators | libraries to deploy any kind of application.
If you are curious (

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· Sep 14, 2020 3m read
IRIS Native API for ObjectScript

It seems to me that for some reason this didn't make its way to the official documentation
and seems to be rather unknown though implemented already in IRIS 2020.1

Thanks to @Dan Pasco I got a hint on the classes involved.
I used the recommended sequence of how to use it.
it is all directly taken from Class Reference and I just collected it to create a first overview.

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· Nov 23, 2021 4m read
Mutual TLS setup


I recently needed to setup an SSL/TLS configuration in IRIS that supported mutual authentication (where the server IRIS is establish a connection to is verified, and, where IRIS is in turn verified by the remote host). After a bit of research and getting it done, I thought it worthwhile to just go over the process I went through in order to potential help others, and save you some time .

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One of the reasons why I love Cache and Iris is that not only you can do anything you can imagine, also you can do it in a lot of different ways!!.

Imagine that you have an integration running with IRIS connected by ODBC you probably only run SQL queries but you can also create stored procedures and inside write the code to do everything you can imagine.

I'm going to give you some examples but the limit is your imagination!!

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