I am very new to IRIS. We are developing a PHP application that connects to an IRIS instance of one of our vendors. I am having trouble with a specific table. When I need to query this specific table for specific fields, I am receiving an error. However, if I change the call to get all columns (`*`), there is no error. I get 37K records returned.


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I am currently having the experience activating prometheus for iris db.

This environment that I speak uses IKO as a base.

I need to put 3 notes in the iris service area.

Are they:

   prometheus.io/path: "/monitor/metrics"
   prometheus.io/port: "52772"
   prometheus.io/scrape: "true"

I'm not finding this possibility in the IKO documentation.

Has anyone had this experience and can help us with this challenge?

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· Nov 15, 2023
SMS Texting solutions

I'm looking for an SMS Texting solution that will implement easily with IRIS. Our company uses Twilio for our .Net applications but I'm hoping there might be something else available. If anyone has experience with this please let me know!



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I am upgrading our application from dotNet Framework to dotNet Core.

Prior to the upgrade I was able to connect to both my Cache & IRIS instances using the IRIS ADO.NET driver.

However, in dotNet Core, whilst I can connect to IRIS, I get the following error connecting to Cache.

InterSystems IRIS Provider is not compatible with Cache xDBC server

I am using the IRIS driver from the Windows (x86-64) 2022.1 distribution (the one in dev\dotnet\bin\net5.0).

The cache version is Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.2


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· Oct 10, 2023
Creating a Custom IRIS Container

I think there have been articles published here before but I'm struggling to find them:

I'd like to be able to create my own customised version of the official IRIS Community Edition Container, eg with Node.js and a number of modules pre-installed. So, for example, can I create my own Dockerfile that begins with something like:

FROM containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris-community-arm64:2023.

and then I can add my own stuff to it?

... or is there another recommended approach?

Any info appreciated

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I tried to join my local DB table with link table. but I am getting below error.

5475 5475 reporterr2+40^%occRoutine Error #5475: Error compiling routine: %sqlcq.HSANALYTICS.cls483. Errors: %sqlcq.HSANALYTICS.cls483.cls(%OnNew+5) : SQLCODE=-161 : References to an SQL connection must constitute a whole subquery

I tried to execute below query in Managementportal

select dg.ID from HSAA.Diagnosis dg
left join LinkTableData.FacilityFullList la on dg.ID=la .ID

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Hi all,

I was wondering if there is a way to modify the results you get in the code assist in Visual Studio Code. Ideally even per class or package.

For example: the code below is for a custom component of a framework. From all the options listed I'm only interested in my own property "Title" and I don't want to see any %-methods or auto-generated methods like "TitleSet" and "TitleGet".

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0 93

Hi all,

I'm trying to use LOAD DATA to insert 11k (11,377) rows of data. LOAD BULK DATA is not available for the version of IRIS I am using.

After calling LOAD DATA it says only 5,500 rows has been inserted. The LOAD DATA docs says any error rows are skipped and a count of skipped rows can be found in %SQL_Diag.Result however there are no results here. There are no errors in the xDBC error log either.

Why have over half the rows been skipped?

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a customer engineer asked me how to use Http basic authentication on a Ensemble SOAP service. Anyone has done this before?

When secure SOAP service from Web Application setting, by select "password" for "Allowed Authentication Methods", it expected WSS, username and password in SOAP head. The customer hospital would like to add user authentication on sopa service, but SOAP client team prefer to add it on http header, instead of on SOAP header.

Also, I am very confused with adding password on URL for SOAP service, like

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import os

# Get environment variables
db_host = os.getenv('DB_HOST')
db_port = os.getenv('DB_PORT')
db_namespace = os.getenv('DB_NAMESPACE')
db_username = os.getenv('DB_USERNAME')
db_password = os.getenv('DB_PASSWORD')

# Create a database connection
conn = irisnative.createConnection(db_host, db_port, db_namespace, db_username, db_password)

# Create an IRIS instance from this connection
iris_native = irisnative.createIris(conn)

status = iris_native.classMethodValue('%SYSTEM.OBJ', 'Load', 'Production.cls', 'ck')

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We encountered difficulties while attempting to establish a JDBC connection to Intersystems using AZURE Databricks, resulting in an inability to retrieve data. The JDBC version utilized was intersystems-jdbc-3.3.1.jar. If anyone has successfully employed Databricks for establishing a connection, we would appreciate information regarding the libraries you used

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