ZPM is a great tool.
You can compose a large WebApplication following the existing examples.
But differently, to Classes, Routines, Macros, or Globals I found no direct way
to deploy a few additional CSP pages directly into an existing Namespace
without touching the existing content.

A side issue was to find a solution that is independent of WIN or Linux directories.

My solution acts in 2 steps

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Hi Developers,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems Cloud Manager

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Adopting InterSystems IRIS

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can use the %IndexBuilder class to perform index rebuilding using multiple processes.

Here is an example for the purpose of defining the standard index HomeStateIdx for the Home_State (state information of contact address) column of Sample.Person.

The steps are as follows:

1. Hide the index name to be added/rebuilt from the query optimizer.

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I am looking to run IRIS for UNIX on the Linux Ubuntu 22.04 platform and need to determine which filesystem configurations are considered supported. The three options under consideration are Ext4, LVM with Ext4, and OpenZFS. Currently, the system is running on a raw Ext4 filesystem, but there is a desire to switch to either LVM with Ext4 or OpenZFS to make it easier to handle disk usage.

This leads to two questions:

Are either of these two configurations considered to be tested and supported by InterSystems?

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I am trying to lock down security within our Development environment per requirements from a Security Audit that was done earlier this year. I need to try to limit access at a public level, access to cache users, and exposure.

I installed IRIS with the Lockdown method, and have configured my web applications, services, resources, etc.

When I go into my namespace, I am constantly presented with the following error when I try to start or stop an Object...

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Hello Community,

Watch this video to learn how to add a condition to a single command without using an If statement.

Controlling Command Flow with Postconditional Expressions

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Hello Everyone,

In October 2021 we asked for input from the IRIS community regarding exam topics for our InterSystems IRIS System Administration exam. We will close the window for providing feedback on the exam topics on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. Thus, if you would like to have your say in what topics are covered on the exam, this is your last chance!

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Hi All,

I'm having a strange issue where doing a .setValue on a ZEN datacombo is updating it with the value as-is, not the corresponding display value. Eg, if I connected it to query that returns two columns: ID,Name, and do a setValue(ID), I would expect the text in the datacombo to update showing Name. Instead it updates show ID, which I only want to use internally.

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that may cause Windows Telnet processes that are secured using SSL/TLS to hang indefinitely; this may then cause an instance to become unresponsive. This defect is present only on Windows platforms.

This defect affects:

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Hi all,

I'm very new to this ecosystem so please bear with me:

I've startted learning online and have installed everything I need. I have VS code and I have most definitely installed the pack (3 packages) needed for working on it with ObjectScript. Even though this is the case I'm running into 2 problems:

1. when I type "class" I only get 4 option for auto complete. no "class with multiple inheritances" or anything of the sort. In fact, no Class at all, only ClassMethod. ClassResponse etc.

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· Jun 29, 2023
The idea for iris-user-manager

I want to deploy IRIS apps running in containers in Kubernetes with user accounts configured.

I have a %ZSTART routine which looks for an XML file with Users export data and if the %ZSTART routine finds this file, it imports it. This Users export data can be obtained by running a class method.

I have defined a task which can be scheduled or run on demand. This tasks imports user data from an XM file.

In Kubernetes I can provide a ConfigMap to stage the Users data for the %ZSTART routine.

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Hey Community,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Embed Business Intelligence into your Applications with InterSystems IRIS

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I'm trying to learn M programing for an Epic db class prerequisite. They said to download the IRIS Studio software to do the testing. I'm having a very difficult time finding information the language. I'm trying to run some examples that Epic has provided (like in below) but the compiler complains that it isn't valid. Of course, it doesn't tell you why it isn't valid.

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Tring to Performing following script in IRIS but do not know how to format Date. Normally, I would use TO_DATE or TO_TIMESTAMP in the actual queue statement below, but since I'm using Prepared Statements, I do not know how to format date in 'values' that is being used in the %Execute. It generates errors. I'm updating an Oracle Database via a SQL JDBC Gateway Connection. Does anyone know how to pass in Dates?

Books Table definition

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