Hi Developers,

Get an overview of InterSystems IRIS in the different roles in OAuth 2.0 and the configuration menus for those roles. Watch practical demos of InterSystems IRIS in those roles and see how they connect back to OAuth 2.0 concepts:

OAuth 2.0 in Practice with InterSystems Products @ Global Summit 2023

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I'm testing git-source-control and I have problem with a CSP application.

I was able to configure in settings a CSP application that use the path /csp/myapp, that worked.

I have another application /slg and I'm unable to add it to Git.
I created the mapping as "/CSP/" - "/slg" - "csp/slg/", then in Studio when I right click on the CSP folder in the Namespace Work Area, select Git -> Add:

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We currently have the following scenario: We have a bussiness SOAP Operation, where we get a SAML String and we convert it into a %SAML.Assertion object correctly.

👩‍💻👨‍💻 We would need to send the SAML Assertion inside the SOAP Header to the Target System.

First of all thanks for reading, and thanks for answering.

We currently have opened Log Soap and we do not observe it being added to the SOAP Header, as you would observe in the following Log Soap:

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Come and say hi to us in the Partner Pavilion at the Global Summit!

We’ll be showcasing our Serenji on-the-spot debugger which has undergone some big changes in the last year—users can now enjoy a seamless debugging experience with zero configuration, along with taking advantage of the latest features in VS Code itself, enabling users to smoothly identify and quickly fix errors in your code, contributing to the production of quality, maintainable code.

If you want to see Serenji in action look for us in the Partner Pavilion, we'll be on hand to show you a demo. Prospective users are also welcome to join our User Group Session during the lunchtime session on Wednesday, June 22nd. Email laurelj@georgejames.com to let us know you'll be there.

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· Oct 28, 2020
New Video: ZPMshow Demo

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video recorded by @Robert Cemper on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

ZPMshow Demo

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Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to the upcoming "Development of Interoperability Business Hosts with PEX in Java/.Net" webinar by InterSystems Russia on July 16 at 10:00 (UTC+3, Moscow time)!

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Hi folks!

Sometimes building an images via docker-compose.yml can take significant time.

And often after a minute or two of waiting it turns out that ports listed in docker-compose are busy and you need to start building process again with different ports or to turn down processes that took it.

Is there a way to check ports listed in docker-compose BEFORE starting the image baking process?

How do you deal with this problem?

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I need to do a DELETE and then do some INSERT transactions on a linked table and don't want the DELETE and need to be able to ROLLBACK the DELETE if any of the INSERT transactions fail.
I have tried Object Script transaction processing (TSTART, TCOMMIT and TROLLBACK) and the SQL transaction processing (START TRANSACTION, COMMIT and ROLLBACK), but neither work.
Could I be doing something wrong in the way I am implementing these, or do does transaction processing simply not work for linked table?

Thanks for any advices, in advance.


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Hi Community!

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Get InterSystems IRIS from the Docker Store

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Using VECTOR_COSINE() in SQL query to perform a text similarity search on existing embeddings in a %VECTOR column.

Code is below.

Commented out sql query returns this error: SQLCODE: -29 Field 'NEW_EMBEDDING_STR' not found in the applicable tables^ SELECT TOP ? maxID , activity , outcome FROMMain .AITest ORDER BY VECTOR_COSINE ( new_embedding_str ,

Sql query as written returns ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PYTHON EXCEPTION> *<class 'OSError'>: isc_stdout_write: PyArg_ParseTuple failed!

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In case you're planning on deploying IRIS For Health, or any of our containerized products, via the IKO on OpenShift, I wanted to share some of the hurdles we had to overcome.

As with any IKO based installation, we first need to deploy the IKO itself. However we were getting this error:

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I'm trying to install the Inter System IRIS data platform in windows and I'm not able to download the installer file. Some one can help me with this.

Please look at the below image for the reference for the error I'm facing

And also I'm looking for the docker version of the IRIS, but here also I'm not able to identify the IMAGE for the same. Please look into the below image.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can use the system routine ^DBSIZE to estimate the backup file size (see also Note 1).

^DBSIZE estimates the file size of full, cumulative, and differential backups of the databases selected in the database backup list.

The database backup list is created from [System Administration] > [Configuration] > [Database Backup] > [Database Backup List] in the Management Portal.

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· May 5, 2023
ZLANGC0* functionality


I use ZLANGC00 and ZLANGC01 for shortcuts at programmer level to some frequently used dev tools. Is there a way to pass 2 arguments to a command?


ZZQD "Queue1" // Equivalent to D ZZQD^%ZZLANGC00("Queue1") to display messages in queue1 (ZZQD is my own code in %ZZLANGC00)

but if I wanted to type ZZQD "Queue1" $H-3 to call ZZQD^%ZLANGC00("Queue1",$H-3) can it be done or do I need to write something to manipulate the argument? So ZZQD "Queue1-3"

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