· Feb 8, 2021

IRISHealth-2020. Installing on -Macx64 - Errors



While installing IRISHealth-2020. on Mac computer I am getting the following error message.

Any suggestions please.

Thank You


Updating system TEMP and LOCALDATA databases

Installing National Language support

Setting IRISTEMP default collation to IRIS standard (5)

Loading system classes

Updating Security database

ERROR HAS OCCURRED: Error in security tables, Error: ERROR #903: Domain does not exist

ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <ROLLFAIL>%TRollBack+10^%occTransaction

Unable to install routines and globals.

Check disk space or system parameters, or

call InterSystems Technical Support.

../bin//irisstat -s /Users/xxx/Applications/InterSystems/iris20201/mgr -O1

** Installation aborted **


Product version: IRIS 2020.1
Discussion (1)0
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Hello Ravi,

This is probably a better question for the WRC. You've redacted some information (the domain name) that could be helpful in understanding this behavior, and I suppose you'd be comfortable sharing those specifics with them. I'd look into the details of your environment such as permissions, etc., and make sure you followed the installation documentation.

Running the Installer on Linux or macOS

Note that only Mac 10.13/10.14 are supported for that version of IRIS for Health, and for development only.

Supported Technologies