Job Title: Software Engineer- IRIS InterSystems

Work Location: Remote


Main Demand is that we need someone with technical familiarity of IRIS, Familiar with Integration, software development, maintenance, designing, configuration and so on. FHIR good to have. Do not go 100% by the Job description, lets have a discussion and get to know whats exact demand is.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To remove InterSystems products installed on your Windows system, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel (in Windows 10, select Apps from Windows Settings).

Since we will be making changes to the system, you will need to log in as a user with administrator privileges.

1) Log in to the system as an administrator.

2) From the system tray, exit the launcher of the InterSystems product instance you want to uninstall (click launcher → exit).

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In the ever-evolving landscape of data science and machine learning, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. In this article, we want to shine a spotlight on two essential Python libraries that have become indispensable for data scientists and machine learning practitioners alike: Matplotlib and scikit-learn.

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· Jul 28, 2023
Class Documentation

I like to add documentation to the top of every class I write. Is there a way to modify or create a template that would automatically add the lines below to the top of the class? I primarily use Studio IDE but would like to be able to do this using VS Code as well.

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· Mar 22, 2022
Time handling and Json

I am having trouble formatting %Time to a JSON format. I have tried configuring the parameter "FORMAT" of my property but that didn't work. For some reason, it keeps putting a Z and the end of the time.


Property TimeCollected As %Time(FORMAT = "2");

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The most recent release of Serenji features our innovative gj::locate technology. It was a standalone tool we originally created for a Developer Community contest earlier this year, but we've incorporated it into our debugger after some great feedback from developers. 

It works by navigating you directly to the source of your server-side errors in just a couple of clicks - enabling you to quickly fix errors without the need to count tedious lines of code... and let's be real, who has got time for that when you're under pressure to fix this bug? 

It's simple and straightforward to use:

1. Click on the gj::locate panel in the status bar

2. Enter the ObjectScript error message or line reference from a class/.mac routine..

3. gj::locate then does the work for you by taking you straight to the corresponding line in your source code.

Easy peasy... and with time to spare to make yourself a coffee before your deadline! 

The video below shows it in action - let us know if you've already given it a go. Or, if you're interested in trying it out we offer a free 30 day trial license, just drop me a message through the Developer Community or email us at

Serenji 3.2.0 utilising gj::locate technology

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Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in March 2019

New Applications

isc-tar published by @Dmitry Maslennikov

Compact files as TAR or Extract files from TAR files

Light weight EXCEL download v.1.0 published by @Robert.Cemper

This is the working example of a light weight export to EXCEL based on data in SAMPLES namespace. Good old CSP is well equipped to produce HTML tables accepted from EXCEL as input. With modern Browsers you don't even need and tags. So the required code around your SQL result set is really slim. And you are free to add any formatting you need either by HTML or in SQL.

PythonGateway v.0.7 published by @Eduard Lebedyuk

Python Gateway for InterSystems Data Platforms.

Adopted Bitmaps v.1.0 published by @Robert.Cemper

This is a running example of the Bitmap Adoption

WebSockets Tutorial v.1.0 published by @Lily Taub

A short tutorial on WebSockets in InterSystems IRIS 2018.1+ and Caché 2016.2+

Sync Data with DSTIME v.1.0.0 published by @Robert.Cemper

Other Sync-Tools just work from Caché/IRIS to Caché/IRIS. Synchronizing your data to some external DB you requires some other solution. DSTIME can do it.

HL7 and SMS Interoperability Demo v.1.3 published by @Amir Samary

This demo shows how easy it is to integrate an Electronic Medical Record system that is sending HL7 messages with AWS.

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It's Friday and a long weekend is upon us, so let's have a round of code golf!

Nowadays, it's rare to find a text message without at least one emoji. 😃😄😎🙂😊😀😁😆😂
But back in the day, people had to be creative to express their emotions in text. They would use emoticons, which are symbols made up of keyboard characters :^) =] ) B).
Our challenge for today is to create a function that receives a string as argument and returns the total number of smiling faces or happy faces.
Each smiley face must have one smiling mouth, which should be marked with ), ], }, D or >.
A smiley face can have a pair of eyes but it does not have to. Valid characters for eyes are :, ;, 8, B or =.
A nose is optional, and can be represented these characters: -, ^, c, o and ~.

Valid smiley face examples:

    :) :D ;-D :~) :‑) :-] =)    
    :] :-> :> 8-) :D 8‑D )
    8) :-} :} :o) :c) :^) =]
    :‑D 8D =D B^D


"count how many smiley faces are here :)"



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I am currently using IKO 3.6 to deploy an irisCluster on EKS, but I am facing some challenges. Firstly, I need assistance in understanding how to connect to the Web Gateway sidecar. If anyone has experience with this, I would greatly appreciate any guidance or advice you can offer. Secondly, I am trying to utilize the 'seed: path' options of irisDatabases, but I am unsure of the best approach. If anyone has successfully implemented this feature, I would love to hear about your approach and any insights you can provide. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!

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ZV = IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215_0_21260U) Tue Nov 9 2021 19:32:21 EST

I have pdf documents stored in repo edge HS.IHE.XDSb.Repository.Documents. Is it possible that this can further compress this type of binary stream?

below is the code I can see but Is this applied on 2021.1?

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Hey Developers,

Meet the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Creating Complex Decision Logic with InterSystems IRIS
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Reference: sample LDAP code routine LDAP.mac

Some IF statements reference macro $$$WindowsCacheClient as a boolean flag to mark if the client calling the LDAP server is running Windows. Other IF statements reference $$$ISWINDOWS. Are they not the same thing? That is, does the routine need $$$WindowsCacheClient at all?


#define WindowsCacheClient 1

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As promised, here is Part 2 of our interview with Russ Leftwich! In this half, Adam Coppola talks with Russ about some of the InterSystems technologies that play a part in the concepts from Part 1, as well as some specific discussions about modern FHIR applications. After the interview with Russ, we were also joined by Jenny Ames to talk about the upcoming FHIR Dev Days. Check it out, and make sure to go subscribe to Data Points!
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I wanted to share each of the first three episodes of our new Data Points podcast with the community here — we previously posted announcements for episodes on IntegratedML and Kubernetes — so here is our episode on InterSystems IRIS as a whole! It was great talking with @Jenny Ames about what sets IRIS apart, some of the best use cases she's seen in her years as a trainer in the field and then as an online content developer, and more. Check it out, and make sure to subscribe at the link above — Episode 4 will be released next week!
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Is it planned that LOAD DATA takes into account several DATE/DATETIME formats with, for example, a parameter indicating the format used in the source data?

example :

LOAD DATA .../...
  "from": {
    "file": {
       "dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY"
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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Stepping Out of the Shadows: How the US VA Migrated to Mirroring, InterSystems IRIS & the Cloud @ Global Summit 2023
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Hello guys, Can someone help me?

I have the error below when starting my IRIS instance.


irisstart.exe error: pid = 2936
The service for the IRIS instance did not start.

Consult the Windows NT Application Event Log for details
using the Event Viewer application accessible from the
Administrative Tools menu.

You may find additional information in IRIS console log
(messages.log) in the manager directory.



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