
I am taking the 'Creating an InterSystems Class Definition' course, and the Exercices asks to open a Terminal from the Management Portal to create and interact with a new object. I didn't found how to acces tot the Terminal from the Management Portal, and the documentation I have seen doesn't help me... sad

0 11
0 765

Languages like Java and C++ allows to develop a multi-threaded program with two or more parts that can run concurrently and each part can handle a different task at the same time making optimal use of the available resources specially when your computer has multiple CPUs. Is it possible In ObjectScript? If yes, Where I can get a good sample or application?

1 5
0 764

Hi All,

I am working in Heath Share Heath Connect Integration.

I have a requirement to change SOAP call to REST call in integration. For SOAP call already payload is ready in XML string. and Working fine.

Now I need to make REST API call instead of existing SOAP call.

I have created REST Business Operation and ready to Call it from Business Process.

Here I should not change any Transformation in Business Process , only change in Operation invocation

2 5
0 759

Good morning!

I am developing a Java project (Spring Boot + Maven + Hibernate) but I've a big issue when I try to define the Hibernate Dialect org.hibernate.dialect.InterSystemsIRISDialect... that dialect is neither in the Hibernate library nor in the IRISDriver class com.intersystems.jdbc

How should I define the IRISDialect in my project?

Thank you in advance!

0 5
0 758

Hi all,

Just wondering if there's a quick way to get the DocType, without knowing it in advance, from a message body by building a string from the VersionID, MessageType, and TriggerEvent fields? (Similar to how it might be done dynamically in Rhapsody)

Can this then be used to set the DocType for a source message?

If this is not the best practice what is a suitable alternative approach?

Thanks for your help,

1 6
0 757


I don't found how to get params send by a GET REST query (not in url but by request param).

this is config of the call in postman

I try to get %request.Data, doesn't work : Data is undefined

I try to get %request.GetCgiEnv("Data"), doesn't work, return ""

I do ZW %request and see that my parameter is present in cgi parameters, but I don't now how to access it.

0 9
2 755

I am working on iris-for-money app: https://github.com/oliverwilms/iris-for-money

Account.csp posts a rest call with _SYSTEM username and the password.

xhttp.open("POST", "/restapi/sql/" + query, true,"_SYSTEM","SYS");

The error is logged in Riches.REST for this line:

Set tSC = tStatement.%Prepare(pQuery)

0 3
0 751
· Jan 3, 2019
iris.node not found

I followed the instructions in the documentation https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls... (Install iris.node on nodejs for windows). Procedures made:

=> Copy iris.node to the location specified in the NODE_PATH environment variable: C:\Program Files\nodejs

=> I used: var irisobj = require('iris') on my js file

But is not work. Error: The specified procedure could not be found.

2 13
2 732
· Mar 30, 2021
IRIS and VsCode Questions

Hi Community,

I'm developing an IRIS environment for a project and I would like to take some questions to pass on to the developers that I haven't found yet here in the community:

1. Is it possible to debug the process in VSCode in real time?

2. How can we use the terminal in VsCode for some configuration or just import applications (Example: Web Terminal)?

0 12
1 728

I am trying to connect the external application. Authenticating via Two SSL,

I have the Client Cert, Private key and the Root Certificate

The connection is successful from local (both via terminal and as well via Postman)

But when trying from IRIS application by configuring the certificates in the SSL configuration, i am not able to successfully verify the SSl connections

When test from the ssl configuration with the endpoint and port its gives the error Error #988: SSL connection failed. SSL/TLS error in SSL_read(), SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: I/O error (54)

0 7
0 727

I have a situation where I have a handful of classes which I need to copy to another Namespace (which uses a different RoutineDB) on the same instance, load it and compile it.

Can anyone help me come up with a command that will do this quickly and easily? Perhaps something with extended reference?

This is somewhat time sensitive so thank you in advance for your ideas!

0 23
0 722

Hi all,

I am trying to delete an item from a production through a routine that installs and disables items.

To add any item, I have no problems, even to enable and disable some particular items.

The problem arises when I try to eliminate the production item, because when it does, the production become unstable and only works again when this item is added again in the collection (or the item is deleted manually in the production.cls)

This is my code attempt:

1 11
0 721

Hi community,

I need to write an SQL query to fetch a random record from a table, that table has millions of data.

In postgresql, for example, there is a RANDOM() function to do something like that:

SELECT column FROM table

Is it possible to do something like that in Caché?

Thanks in advance

0 8
0 720

Hi all,
I am trying to execute a query like the below code.
set statement = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("some_class:query_method"). // here query method is empty and with rowspec some columname


I want to fetch data type of column value returned from above. eg - Name - VARCHAR, amount - INTEGER etc.
How can I get it. Or if not possible directly. Is there any other way to validate or get datatype of values returned. Line we have type() in python3

0 5
0 716