I am trying to extract GMHeap, Locksiz values form Config.config using python (imported irisnative for Python) but the below python progam is not returning any value. Please suggest if i am doing any mistake -

Also, plese suggest how i can set values for GMHeap and Locksiz to a different value through Python.

import irisnative

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· Aug 11, 2020
JDBC Gateway Server

Hello all,

I'm trying to setup the JDBC Gateway Server so customers can connect to IRIS remotely using JDBC and not ODBC. But I'm facing a problem connecting, as our system department tells me IRIS is using the loopback address ( and that makes remote systems cannot connect to port 53773 (the default port for that).

So, I would like to change this host for the hostname but I cannot see where to do it:

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Hey guys,
I need your help.

I am writing a code in Python and I want to create a database and some properties and then to send json files (data) to this database. (I use client-server-model for loading the data into IRIS)

I use curl methods and convert it in Python code with:


My code so far:

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Hi all,
By using VS code, I want to copy multiple files to local directory, then sync them to server, but I can't find where local directory is stored?
In Atelier IDE, I could open a view of server and can copy the code to the project, then code is saved in the local directory. When I copy multiple files to the local directory -> choose sync in Atelier -> the code will be synchronized to the server
How to do this from VS Code?

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Hello All

I'm running into an issue performing UPDATES that I'm not getting on INSERTS. It's probably obvious, but I'm just not seeing it and could use a little help.

I'm going over an HL7 message and depending upon varying criteria, the relevent variables will get items added to them like the following:

Set patientId = pRequest.GetValueAt("PID:3")
Set sqlColumns = sqlColumns_",patient_id"
Set sqlValues = sqlValues_",?"
Set par($i(p)) = patientId

After compiling the variables, I check to see if accession number is found in the table.

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Newly created routines aren't showing up in the list for a namespace, even using the refresh button.

I checked the ^ROUTINE global and the newly created routine is there. Also, I can zload it and zprint it in the namespace.

Is there another global that is not being populated that vscode uses to build the list?

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· Jan 3, 2019
iris.node not found

I followed the instructions in the documentation https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls... (Install iris.node on nodejs for windows). Procedures made:

=> Copy iris.node to the location specified in the NODE_PATH environment variable: C:\Program Files\nodejs

=> I used: var irisobj = require('iris') on my js file

But is not work. Error: The specified procedure could not be found.

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Monitoring IRIS through SAM (sam:

While I've used to make it work in the past, I'm not able any more to fix the already faced issue : "State: Unreachable"

Despite all the ip-addresses attempts (or hostname = host.docker.internal) and while "/api/monitor/metrics" is running well...

Could someone provide good practices to make it work cleanly ?

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An exception occurs randomly.
I expect the value of ^TEST to be 20, but it's not.
Did i miss something like closing, flush the stream or locking the global?




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I wonder why IRIS seems to have its on way to deal with order or operations such as the example in the title. This affects regular arithmetic operations but of course conditions in various statements.

Even after years of COS development, I still get caught by these tiny frustrating details and it is absolutely annoying when you are writing APIs that some some maths.

Here is an example:

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If I test the Native api for Node.js from the documentation, I noticed (if I'm correct) all methods and calls are synchronous. By default due to the nature of Node.js, there is only one thread of execution and normally all JavaScript methods and all calls should be asynchronous and use either a callback function (the "old way") or promises or the async/await contruct to return their result, e.g.:

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Say I have an ObjectScript object called Book. It has 2 properties title and author. It extends JSON.%Adaptor, so I can call book.%JSONExport() and get this output:

{ "title": "For Whom the Bell Tolls", "author": "Hemmingway" }

In my web service I want to have a search function that returns an array of Books along with the total number of responses, like this:

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