The stream was actually a placeholder, the SQL is generated via C# and sent via the IRIS Driver.
This is a print of the error with a part of the actual blob
I tried the same SQL on IRIS via DBeaver and got the same error.
When trying the same SQL on Caché it worked fine.
The Stream is a Blob of an image that has 2.830KB
This blob was inserted on Caché the exacly same way and works, but for that we had to enable the Long Strings config.
When trying the same SQL on IRIS I'm getting the MAXSTRING error, that I suppose it's because the Long Strings config is not enabled.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I really don't see any other thing that could be causing that.
It's the first time that I'm using IRIS so it's very possible that I'm missing something, but considering previous experiences with Caché the first thing that comes to my mind is this config.
When looking on IRIS documentation I only find the path "System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Memory and Startup > Enable Long Strings."
But when oppening it on IRIS Management Portal the "Enable Long Strings" config just does not exist.
The driver of the ORM that I'm using was not using parameters on the SQL for the streams and I did not see that, I'm using it manually while it's not fixed on the ORM, thank you!