Hi All,

Been trying to setup a iris 4 health community version along with a webgateway bothing utilizing docker. The documentation seems a little sparse when it comes to configuring each of these to work together, especially when it comes to utilizing the Webgateway to front end the MGMT pages for Irirs 4 Health.

I know there is a github repo that has a docker compose file, but that doesn't see to provide a light on what needs to be configured in order for it to work.

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I recently started work on trying to Tighten Security in our Development Instance of IRIS that is running based on recommendations from our Audit as you might of seen from my other posts. I am currently trying to get into the Private Web Gateway Manager within IRIS as CSPSystem, but when I attempt to sign in nothing happens.

I went through and reset the password in the CSP.ini and within IRIS for CSPSystem. I made sure it had the new GatewayRole per suggested

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In 2021, I participated as an InterSystems mentor in a hackathon, where a newcomer to FHIR asked me if there was a tool to transform generic JSON data containing basic patient information into FHIR format. I informed her that I didn't know anything like that, unfortunately.

But that idea stays in my mind...

Several months later, in 2022, I came up with an idea to experiment: to train a named entity recognition (NER) to identify FHIR elements into generic texts. The training involved synthetic FHIR data generated by Synthea and the spaCy Python library.

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Hi Team,

I am trying to use the inbuilt class: EnsLib.HL7.Service.FileService to pass through an HL7 ADT message as a part of an HL7 to FHIR transformation. We have a client requirement, where we are receiving an NTE segment as a part of the ADT message. However, the inbuilt schema structure of the HL7 ADT message does not support an NTE segment out of the box. We are getting an error message stating "Unrecognized segment".

Please advise, how do we bypass this error?



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When you first start working with InterSystems IRIS, it’s a common practice to install a system with only a minimum level of security. You have to enter passwords fewer times and this makes it easier to work with development services and web applications when you're first getting acquainted. And, sometimes, minimal security is more convenient for deploying a developed project or solution.
And yet there comes a moment when you need to move your project out of development, into an Internet environment that’s very likely hostile, and it needs to be tested with the maximum security settings (that is, completely locked down) before being deployed to production. And that’s what we’ll discuss in this article.
For more complete coverage of DBMS security issues in InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, and IRIS, you may want to read my other article, Recommendations on installing the InterSystems Caché DBMS for a production environment.
The security system in InterSystems IRIS is based on the concept of applying different security settings for different categories: users, roles, services, resources, privileges, and applications.

Users can be assigned roles. Users and roles can have privileges on resources — databases, services, and applications — with varying read, write, and use rights. Users and roles can also have SQL privileges on the SQL tables located in databases.

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Hi There,

I have Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 installed and tried to setup the entity framework as per Using Entity Framework with InterSystems IRIS Data Platform (https://learning.intersystems.com/course/view.php?id=1046) tutorial but I can't see the ISC data source in MS Visual Studio's Data source section. Does this mean that MS VS Community 2019 is not supported with the Entity Frmawork?


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Whats NLP Stands For?

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing which is a field of Artificial Intelligence with a lot of complexity and
techniques to in short words "understand what are you talking about".

And FHIR is...???

FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources and is a standard to data structures for healthcare. There are
some good articles here explainig better how FHIR interact with Intersystems IRIS.

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0 658

InterSystems SAM is a great tool to monitor your InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS For Health clusters on prem or in a cloud environment. This article describes how you can implement a customized alert handler. This is currently an undocumented and most likely an unknown feature of InterSystems SAM. With future releases it will be probably made easier to leverage this useful concept.

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We have a scenario where an ObjectScript-based production calls a lookup service (SOAP in C#) to get information used in a value-set mapping process. The results can be cached in an IRISTEMP global to prevent a network call for every value, but that can hang around for quite some time on production systems.

The next logical step would seem to be to encapsulate strategies (LRU, MRU, etc.) and eviction code into an ObjectScript class that can be reused (we are not in a position yet to leverage embedded Python).

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InterSystems is pleased to announce that the extended maintenance release of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2021.1.3 is now available. This release provides a few selected features and bug fixes for the previous 2021.1.x releases.

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· May 25, 2023 2m read
API to import/export routines

This is an article on the InterSystems FAQ site.

1. Export API

a. Use $system.OBJ.Export() to specify individual routines to export. For example:

do $system.OBJ.Export("TEST1.mac,TEST2.mac","c:\temp\routines.xml",,.errors)

The format to specify is routine name.extension, and the extension is mac, bas, int, inc, obj.

Errors during export are stored in errors.

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· Nov 20, 2023 3m read
Parquet files and InterSystems IRIS

In the world of Big Data, selecting the right file format is crucial for efficient data storage, processing, and analysis. With the massive amount of data generated every day, choosing the appropriate format can greatly impact the speed, cost, and accuracy of data processing tasks. There are several file formats available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making the decision of which one to use complex. Some of the popular Big Data file formats include CSV, JSON, Avro, ORC, and Parquet.

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar in Hebrew:

👉VS Code - Beyond the Basics 👈

📅 Date & time: February 6th, 3:00 PM IDT

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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· Oct 27, 2020
Configure IRIS using Python

I am trying to configure IRIS using python. The first task I wanted to do it change the journal directory. I cannot figure out the right way to work with the Config.Journal class with python. I can get the text to query the current setting.

returnValue = dbnative.classMethodValue("Config.Journal","GetList")
print(returnValue )

But I don't see a straightforward way to parse the $List returned by GetList() I was hoping there was an easier way.

How do I

1. Query configuration parameters?

2. Set configuration parameters?

Using python?

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Hi Community,

In this article, I will introduce Python Flask Web Framework. Together we will create a minimal web application to connect to IRIS and get data from it.

Below you can find the steps we will need to follow:

  • Step 1 : Introduction to Python Flask Web Framework
  • Step 2 : Installation of Flask module
  • Step 3 : Creation of web application using Flask
  • Step 4 : Use of HTML Templates
  • Step 5 : Installation of IRIS Python Native module
  • Step 6 : Establishment of a connection with IRIS
  • Step 7 : Transferring data from IRIS to Flask and displaying it

So Let's start with step 1

Step1-Introduction to Python Flask Web Framework

Flask is a small and lightweight Python web framework that provides useful tools and features that make creating web applications in Python easier. It gives developers flexibility and is a more accessible framework for new developers since it allows to build a web application quickly using only a single Python file. Flask is also extensible and doesn’t requires a particular directory structure or complicated boilerplate code before getting started.

For more details please view Flask Documentations

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Say you have a receiving system that accepts HL7 and provides error messages in field ERR:3.9 in the ACK it returns. You require a different reply code action depending on the error message, however the Reply Code Actions settings for the operation do not provide this level of granularity. One option could be to create a process that takes the ACK and then completes the action you were expecting, however things can get a bit messy if the action is to retry the message, especially when trying to view a message trace.

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How can I get an instance of stream which is a successor of %Stream.Object in a method that handles a REST POST request?

#dim request as %CSP.Request = %request
 set content = request.Content

This returns a variable of type %CSP.Stream which is totally useless, because %CSP.Stream does not inherit from %Stream.Object

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