· Feb 12

SQL SYS.Database table not found


I running an SQL so I can find the databases with the largest amount of free space. This is in case I can compact the databases.

However SQL cannot find the SYS.Database table.

Can someone please explain how to fix?

[SQL]TEST:%SYS>>select * from SYS.Database
ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -30 Message:  Table 'SYS.DATABASE' not found

[SQL]TEST:%SYS>>  << entering multiline statement mode, 'GO' to execute >>
   1>>select DatabaseName, Directory, Size, Free, DiskFreeSpace
   2>>from SYS.Database
   3>>order by DiskFreeSpace DESC
ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -30 Message:  Table 'SYS.DATABASE' not found

The documentation I'm using is:

This states:

SQL Table Name: SYS.Database


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