While working with GET request I encountered this situation where FHIR Server return a responseStatusHTTP "HTTP/1.1 200 200" instead of "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" (as highlighted in the attached screenshot).

Although the response code seems valid, these bundles have a total value of 0.

Could anyone clarify what "200 200" signifies in this context? Is there an issue with my setup, or does this indicate a specific condition related to the empty bundle search?

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how to convert from json into sda container and then to fhir bundle resource. What are the out of the box DTL transformation class for this. Source would be my json that includes a few resources and targer should be a SDA container than will again be source to another transformation for which the target will be FHIR bundle. What I want to know is the target HS. 1for both SDA container and FHIR bundle. Thanks!

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I was just trying to get to the bottom of a TLS config - we have an interface with a TLS config that has had 'Server certificate verification' set to 'On', however the cert file specified either did not exist or contained a cert that was expired.

Does anyone know what the behavior is for this typically? I would expect this to not allow traffic on the interface, however this has been working fine for a few years now with an invalid cert specified for 'Server certificate verification' and set to 'On'.

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Very similar question posed here: https://community.intersystems.com/node/467496, but I am missing a piece of this:

How do I correctly call a EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine class from the BPL?I can successfully call the BPL from the EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService, and I have the BPL created to delay then call the rule. And I set the context and the result location.

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· Nov 15, 2024
DICOM Extended Negotiation

Is there a way to create and establish DICOM Association with Extended Negotiation?

I have implemented DICOM Query/Retrieve C-FIND, using EnsLib.DICOM.Operation.TCP and EnsLib.DICOM.Process base classes. My application, acting as an SCU, needs to query by Study Date-Time (combined date-time matching) range with timezone query adjustment. For this, I need to use Extended Negotiation.

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I'm trying to get the python external language server started up in a container I am starting. The container is up and running but I cannot get the python language server to start.

This is the error that is coming back when trying to start the language server. I have tried creating a custom image with that package installed but it still does not work. Is there something specific that needs to be done to to get this working? (FYI, I have the dotnet version working but creating a custom image and installing the dotnet runtimes via a docker file)

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We've got some web services that utilise EnsLib.SOAP.Service/EnsLib.REST.Service. These do some further requests to a few operations to call some other services and return the combined results.

An issue that we are noticing is that some of the usage involves users hitting the refresh button a few too many times and generating a lot of requests. This is mostly an issue when the service that the operations are calling are down or slow to respond. IRIS starts using a lot of RAM when this occurs and has caused outages by getting through an extra 50-60GB of RAM.

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· Oct 2, 2024
Python.net Install

This is for IRIS For Health 2024.2.0

We are migrating away from the .NET Gateway and trying to use the python integration instead.

I followed the instructions to install IRIS

Then I installed python following the IRIS documentation indicating that python should be installed globally.

I set up the PythonRuntimeLibrary and PythonRuntimeLibraryVersion options under System->Configuration->Advanced memory settings and when I run the shell function, I get python:

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I thought I knew how to return a Response from a Business Process back to the Source Config Name, but I guess not.

I am working on a Proof of Concept, that the Request Message Class would determine a "Route" within a Business Process to make a FHIR call (search, read) to our External FHIR repository, and return back the HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.xxxxxxx as a Response to the Source Config Name.

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I just installed IRIS 2022.1 onto a new VM in the MAG (Azure Government) cloud. The install was successful. Everything looked fine.

When attempting to stop this instance of IRIS, the system hangs at "Withdrawing from License Domain". Eventually, my session is disconnected. The instance then has a status of "sign-on inhibited". To stop this instance, I need to force it.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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I'm fairly new to InterSystems and I've been tasked with building a portal that can show DataCheck States among other details, the GetStateBySystem seems to be fit the bill but I don't see a why to call directly from the .Net SDK. I tried sql and can get data from the table but does include "state" information ("starting, stopping, running etc..."). I did find github example around .Net but none fit the bill. If anyone can point me to the right example or documentation it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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As I begin our adventure into using an External FHIR Repository, I wanted to see what opinions people have about a design Idea I was working on.

I want to create a way that my Team has the ability to send a Message Type, and the system knows from that Message Type which FHIR queries to execute and return the Response back to the user, sort of like a FHIR Query Hub. Does this sound reasonable?

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· Jul 30, 2024
Generate JWT token

Hi there,

My purpose is to encrypt a communication using JWT tokens. I am developing on IRIS and my purpose is to generate a JWT token that will run on an older version of Cache (so I have to use functions that are compatible with the older version, Cache).

I wrote this code in IRIS:

s username = "user-test123"
set st = ##class(%OAuth2.Utils).TimeInSeconds($ztimestamp,0)
set et = ##class(%OAuth2.Utils).TimeInSeconds($ztimestamp, 60*15)

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