· Jan 14

Trakcare/Clinical Viewer, making chart changes when only have LDAP users

I am hoping for some guidance.

I am new to creating a new chart in Trakcare for use with Clinical Viewer.  My organization only has LDAP users, (we don't have the ability to use local users), that dictate what role/group a user is in, they are all the same across our Prod, Test, and Dev environments. 

I need to customize a chart for our end users.  BUT the how-to's all talk about creating a custom role for the new chart, which if I do this I would have to be added to this role/group which could cause issues with my ability to work in Prod and Test.  Does anyone have any guidance on how to do this - and be able to work on the custom chart in DEV while not limiting my ability to work in Prod and Test?

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