· Mar 6

SDA3 to HL7 transform

Has anyone used this transform to convert SDA3 to HL7?


Seeing below error

ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/PatientNumbers/[1]/Organization/UniversalId' because UniversalId in /Patient/PatientNumbers/[1]/Organization/UniversalId is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/PatientNumbers/[2]/Organization/UniversalId' because UniversalId in /Patient/PatientNumbers/[2]/Organization/UniversalId is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/Name/MiddleName' because MiddleName in /Patient/Name/MiddleName is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/Name/NameSuffix' because NameSuffix in /Patient/Name/NameSuffix is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/Name/NamePrefix' because NamePrefix in /Patient/Name/NamePrefix is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/MothersFullName/GivenName' because GivenName in /Patient/MothersFullName/GivenName is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/MothersFullName/MiddleName' because MiddleName in /Patient/MothersFullName/MiddleName is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/MothersFullName/NameSuffix' because NameSuffix in /Patient/MothersFullName/NameSuffix is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/MothersFullName/NamePrefix' because NamePrefix in /Patient/MothersFullName/NamePrefix is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/MothersFullName/NamePrefix' because NamePrefix in /Patient/MothersFullName/NamePrefix is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/Aliases/[1]/MiddleName' because MiddleName in /Patient/Aliases/[1]/MiddleName is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/Aliases/[1]/NameSuffix' because NameSuffix in /Patient/Aliases/[1]/NameSuffix is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/Race/CodeSystemVersionId' because CodeSystemVersionId in /Patient/Race/CodeSystemVersionId is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/Races/[1]/CodeSystemVersionId' because CodeSystemVersionId in /Patient/Races/[1]/CodeSystemVersionId is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/PrimaryLanguage/Code' because Code in /Patient/PrimaryLanguage/Code is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/PrimaryLanguage/SDACodingStandard' because SDACodingStandard in /Patient/PrimaryLanguage/SDACodingStandard is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/MaritalStatus/SDACodingStandard' because SDACodingStandard in /Patient/MaritalStatus/SDACodingStandard is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/Religion/SDACodingStandard' because SDACodingStandard in /Patient/Religion/SDACodingStandard is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Can't evaluate DOM path '/Patient/EnteredOn/' because EnteredOn in /Patient/EnteredOn is not an element, instead this node is a 'unknown' node.

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
$ZV: HealthShare Unified Care Record 2023.1.0 Build: 1006 Adhoc: 22588 [HealthShare Modules: Health Insight:25.0 + Core:25.0 + Patient Index:25.0] - IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for x86-64) 2022.1.2 (Build 574_0_23502U) Wed Jul 3 2024 02:58:49 EDT
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