· Dec 18, 2024

EnsLib.HL7.Service.* through BPL to EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine

Very similar question posed here:, but I am missing a piece of this:

How do I correctly call a EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine class from the BPL?I can successfully call the BPL from the EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService, and I have the BPL created to delay then call the rule. And I set the context and the result location.

This rule is really basic just sending the HL7 content to a EnsLib.HL7.Operation.TCPOperation

The Visual Trace shows that the BPL is getting called, and the rule gets called after the delay, but the rule actions don't get called, at least not correctly?

How would I send the HL7 original message through the BPL to this rule as if the BPL was not there?

If there is another way to add a delay without the BPL, that would work as well. I have not found a way to add the delay within the rule itself.

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