Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to the upcoming "Development of Interoperability Business Hosts with PEX in Java/.Net" webinar by InterSystems Russia on July 16 at 10:00 (UTC+3, Moscow time)!

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We are using IRIS, and have some systems that we send data to that cannot accept messages with certain fields larger than a particular size.

Is there any way to utilize the schema to truncate any fields that are larger than the entered data?

I've tried just setting the max lengths and doing the transform, but it puts in the entire string, and can't find a topic for it.

There are a large number of fields that need to be truncated, so it would be ideal to get it to respect the hl7 schema maximum lengths.

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Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to join the next InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud on June 30 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk, we’ll focus on using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud. We’ll start with an overview of FHIR, which stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, and is a next generation standards framework for working with healthcare data.

You'll learn how to:

  • provision the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server in the cloud;
  • integrate your own data with the FHIR server;
  • use SMART on FHIR applications and enterprise identity, such as Active Directory, with the FHIR server.

We will discuss an API-first development approach using the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server. Plus, we’ll cover the scalability, availability, security, regulatory, and compliance requirements that using InterSystems FHIR as a managed service in the AWS Cloud can help you address.

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I want to deploy Iris Interoperability Production in multiple containers . The production has File Services that process files from EFS location. All the files being processed by multiple containers are in the same directory. The standard Adapter class does not have Check Complete option to lock a file so that other containers File Services looking in the same file path cannot process the same file.

I updated the Inbound File Adapter class to offer another Check Complete option LOCK that will lock the file until it is processed and archived.

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Hi all,

I have a class that has been working so far :(

The class extends the EnsLib.RecordMap.Service.FTPService class and add some information for each rows.

Now, when it saves the object it is raising the following error

ERROR #5803: Failed to acquire exclusive lock error

I've seen the other question in the community and I've tried to unlock

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I wanted to share each of the first three episodes of our new Data Points podcast with the community here — we previously posted announcements for episodes on IntegratedML and Kubernetes — so here is our episode on InterSystems IRIS as a whole! It was great talking with @Jenny Ames about what sets IRIS apart, some of the best use cases she's seen in her years as a trainer in the field and then as an online content developer, and more. Check it out, and make sure to subscribe at the link above — Episode 4 will be released next week!

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Hello, has anyone tried to use Caché as a reverse proxy ?

We are trying to embed a dashboard server (Plotly Dash in this case, but it could be anything which runs on its application server) inside our application which is written in Caché.
The dashboard/report server runs locally (for example, or inside a LAN) on port 8080, and has no authentication features, so we have to implement them on a different layer, and we'd like to use Caché for it.

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Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems Platforms and FHIR STU3

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Running predictive models natively in an InterSystems IRIS Business Process has of course always been the goal of our PMML support, but somehow never made it into the kit because there were a few dependencies and choices that needed addressing and answering. Anyhow, thanks to some pushing and code kindly provided by @Amir Samary (Thanks again Amir!), we finally got it wrapped in a GitHub repo for your enjoyment, review and suggestions.

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Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

API Design for REST

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Alexa: Connect Me with the World of IoT

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I need to route a message synchronously to multiple targets using a routing rule.

In IRIS I built a general routing rule set, made up of a couple of rules. For one Rule in particular, and based on a common condition, I want to send the incoming message to 2 different targets. (no transformation is used)

I can select, in the single SEND action, multiple target names, or, I can create consecutive SEND actions, one after the other, each sending to their specific target.

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This is a FYI for anyone who has experienced the following error after upgrading an existing instance to any product based on Caché 2017.2.2. In our case, the products are HealthShare HealthConnect for Redhat x64 and for Windows x86-64 but I believe it would be a common problem for any InterSystems product on any platform, if based on Caché 2017.2.2. After upgrading our development instance from 2016.2.2 to 2017.2.2, we experienced the following errors when attempting to start a pre-existing Java Object Gateway that was defined prior to the upgrade:

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Recently I came across a very strong statement to the effect that InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll library works fast because it does not open a TCP/IP connection, instead it works in the same process as a database. It made me pause for quite some time. Firstly because .Net Managed Provider, which utilises this library, opens TCP/IP connection to the database (and it is stated in the documentation "Using .NET and the ADO.NET Managed Provider with Caché"). And secondly, because as far as I know only eXtreme applications attach themselves to the process.

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Microsoft Office has components for using in third party applications: COM Objects for C++ and Interop Assemblies for .Net programming.

Many Cache projects used to include calls to those libraries. However, recently this solution started being problematic.

There are two main reasons - legal and technical. Let’s check the details.

Microsoft technology support

Microsoft is supporting Office Automation only for desktop computing.

It shall not be used for server computing, as they offer Sharepoint for this scenario. Have a look here:

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ChatIRIS Health Coach, a GPT-4 based agent that leverages the Health Belief Model as a psychological framework to craft empathetic replies. This article elaborates on the backend architecture and its components, focusing on how InterSystems IRIS supports the system's functionality.

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We have a custom business service that is triggered by a scheduled task. The service queries a table, iterates over the result set and sends a message on to a business process for each result. Happy path functionality is all fine.

However, when there is an error detected in the business service code, neither throwing an exception nor returning an error %Status behaves as we'd expect.

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Is there a way to exclude specific members from a class when exporting to an XML or UDL file? Bonus question: is there a way to import from that file without overwriting those members that were excluded?

The use case is to export an interoperability production class without the ProductionDefinition XDATA. We plan to source control the production items through the Ensemble Deployment Manager, but we still need to export any custom code in the class definition itself.

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