· 18 hr ago

Error - SFTP connection with ssh key on a server that excludes the rsa-ssh algorithm



A SFTP server on which we connect has increased its security level by disabling the use of the ssh-rsa algorithm
Since then, SFTP connections with ssh keys are no longer made through Intersytems but through tools such as FileZila and Putty. Looking at the Logs I see that the generated ssh key of type RSA supports other modern algorithms such as rsa-sha2-256 / rsa-sha2-512 ... I wanted to know if the Intersystems SFTP client supports modern algorithms? Or is there an ssh configuration that excludes rsa-sha2 algorithms that will need to be disabled? Here's a section of the error we get in Intersytems ...

ERREUR <Ens>ErrOutConnectFailed: Échec de la connexion SFTP .....'
avec l'erreur ERREUR #7510: Erreur SSH '-18' : SSH Error [80101012]: Username/PublicKey combination invalid [80101012] at F:\2024-1-0-263-0\dev\modules\CacheSSH\Session.cpp:498,0 (alert request ID=364130)

Thanks in advance for your help

Product version: IRIS 2024.1
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