Hi Developers,

Start watching our latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

North West London Integrated Care System Go Live with Health Connect Cloud @ Global Summit 2023

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First of all thanks for your help.

We have developed a REST Operation. We wonder how could we face that String do have a character limit.

We just need to convert httpRequest.HttpResponse , which is a stream , because $isobject(response.Data) returns 1; which has a JSON inside it, and we need to convert it to a Ens.Response.

This response is structured as same as the JSON's properties:

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Hi All

I'm having a problem with cleaning user inputted text from a HealthCare system my HealthConnect system interfaces with.

The input can be anything posted into an RTF box on an app which stored in oracle, and extracted by HealthConnect from oracle via an XML based API.

When the XML is returned, various values are read out of it using %XML.XPATH.Document and it is the presence certain characters entered into the RTF fields cause XPATH to throw an error. For example,

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· Dec 4, 2023
Custom Application Metric

I made a custom application metric, imported it to the USER namespace and used:

set status = ##class(SYS.Monitor.SAM.Config).Add.ApplicationClass("historymonitor.errorSensor", "USER")

to add it. When I do 'w status' it returns 1 so it is added but I still can't see the custom metric in the api/monitor/metrics endpoint. Even though I added %DB_USER in the application roles for api/monitor.

Does anyone know where the problem might be that the metrics endpoint still doesn't show my metric?

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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a strategy for dividing a large FHIR message, in a post request, into smaller parts.

I have found the paging modifier for the GET request, but not a similiar one for the POST request. Maybe the 'batch' type of a Bundle could help me to indicate this aim but there aren't any attribute to say the total or the i-th element.

Do you know of any method for implementing 'paging' in a post request?

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Customer has a connection set up to connect to an ISC sftp server but it keeps failing the connection with:

ERROR <Ens>ErrOutConnectFailed: SFTP Connect failed for sftp.il.intersystems.com:22/NPPES/SSL='!SFTP'/PubKey=''/PrivKey=''
with error ERROR #7500: SSH Connect Error '-2146430933': SSH Error [8010102B]: Failed getting banner [FFFFFFFF8010102B] at Session.cpp:238,0

A manual connection can be made successfully and I have verified that the credentials are correct. The Connection Settings are:

SSL Configuration - !SFTP

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Why Use Multiple Namespaces in Health Connect

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Beginning with the release of InterSystems IRIS® data platform 2022.3, InterSystems corrected the license enforcement mechanism to include REST and SOAP requests. Due to this change, environments with non-core-based licenses that use REST or SOAP may experience greater license utilization after upgrading.

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IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267_2U) Tue Apr 30 2024 16:06:39 EDT [HealthConnect:7.2.0-1.r1]

I have a use case where Epic is sending an A60 Allergy transaction is set at the Patient level, but we have a system called VIBE which needs the ADT at an Encounter level instead. Currently we store ADT information in a MS SQL database for years, and we are querying it to get the latest Account Number to insert into the ADT^A60 for VIBE.

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· Nov 20, 2023
HL7 field for base64 in orl

Hi everyone,

It could be great if some of you have had experience in hl7 v2 messages. The question is about FHIR to hl7 v2.5 conversion. I have to translate a binary resource, encoded in base64 into an orl_o22 message. Do you have advices? Which field could be used for that datatype?
I have found some implementation using nte segment but it is limited in characters.

Thank you

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Hey everyone,

I'm currently running into a very weird issue to where I am trying to connect with a 64 bit version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to a HealthShare instance. I have created a System DSN using the Drivers (image below) that were downloaded with the Client version of the install and I'm able to successfully connect using my credentials.

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I am having an issue when I am publishing data to FHIR which is hosting in AWS. I am sending the data to the Cloud FHIR url but getting the below error.

Any idea how to resolve this issue? Any example to cretae FHIR repository using Object script?

:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p> </body></html>

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I am trying to work with the FHIR Object Model where I convert an incoming HL7v2 to SDA then FHIR. From here I would like to be able to process the FHIR Object by deserializing it to a Bundle object using the following code my problem is I keep on getting an error which is not explaining much about what is wrong with what I am doing any help will be appreciated thanks.

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