An error occured when HS.IHE.XDSb.Registry.Operations on the BUS sends query request to the registry. The error is

Error 6242: HTTP request to SOAP webservice returned unexpected status: 403.

Any thoughts as to why? The settings on the components haven't changed. The process worked a few days ago.

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0 761


I would like to create a new message of a particular type and append various segments programmatically. I have started with the following snippet. What I am currently finding difficult is to define a segment of a particular segment structure. I would like to append a pid segment of 2.3.1 to my message. I know I could you the importfromstring but I wanted to know whether there was a better way of achieving this.

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0 556

What is the best way to create an HL7 message from JSON input file?

We have JSON file available with data required for building the HL7 message . I am trying to use a standard file/FTP Business service to pick up the file and convert the input %FileCharacterStream into a dynamic Object and use the stand JSON features to read /process the data and build the HL7 message.

Is there any other better way to do this? or any standard built-in functionality available in HealthShare?

Thanks you for your help


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· Jan 3, 2022
JSON - NULL Properties

So I've been reviewing a lot of questions posted in the InterSystems community regarding NULL properties in JSON. I've also been reviewing the JSON documentation. None of these things have been able to help me so far.

1. We don't seem to have the %JSON.Adaptor class available for us to use in our system.

2. I'm not really confident enough to create JSON Type classes or backporting code, etc.

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0 505
· Jun 18, 2022
[Video] Saving on Storage

Hey Community,

Check out the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Saving on Storage
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0 225

Hi All,

When I log into Backup mirror member it becomes too slow to load and navigate, I tried to check message log and I saw the error message about Database mirror latency and database disk issue which when I check it looks fine to me. Please have a look at the below screenshots and advise what the issue could be.

When I run df -h through SSH :

200G is the volume size, 194G is used space, 6.5G is available space and 97% IS %Use

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0 281

Hi guys,

Does rebuilding of Data Quality Manager cubes affect patient index linkage definition data?

What I want to understand is, does DQM have any negative impact on the data each time you rebuild the cubes.

Additionally, if I make changes to the cube and rebuild it..will this have any impact on the original data?

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0 306


I am trying to configure OAuth2 server to connect to Cerner Auth server to get FHIR API access token but I am getting the error "Discovery response not valid".

I can get the access token back okay from Cerner endpoint used in the OAuth configuration below via Postman and Manually sending the request via HTTP Operation from HealthShare, so the URLs I am using looks correct but the OAuth configuration is not working.

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0 346

Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn what's in store for patient experience initiatives for our hospital clients:

Patient Experience and the EHR @ Global Summit 2022
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0 228

Can someone confirm that HealthShare Health Connect 2022.2 is the correct latest release that is available via the Online Distribution? I tried looking at the HealthShare Health Connect on WRC and now do not see a 2022.2 or 2022.3 version. Is this correct? So I shouldn't be running 2022.2? Did Health Connect get renamed? A couple of months ago I downloaded HealthConnect-2022.2.0.368.0-lnxrh8x64 but not seeing it now on the WRC site.

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0 194
· Mar 14, 2023
Creating Http Responses


I want to generate and return an http response based on the input of a http GET request. For my first steps I used an EnsLib.Http.GenericService, which uses an EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter to receive requests like http://[my server]:[my-port]/some-path?ID=12345678.

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0 272

Good morning,

I was wondering:

Given the following scenario where we have a string where each two items are being splitted by "|" as follows: "squadName|initialLetter"


And we would need to generate a String structure like:

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0 243

Hi Community

I am using a standard DTL for Allergy Intolerance but it shows codes for Category and Severity Columns on cliinical viewer.

I have copied the standard DTL to my custom folder and I want to modify it to show descriptions for these two columns but I don't know how to do it.

Please see the below DTLs for Category and severity and advise how I can change them to get descriptions.

Category DTL section

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0 113


I have a problem attempting to store a base 64 encode stream into the OBX:5 field of a HL7 message, by using the StoreFieldStreamBase64 method.

I'm using a transformer to input the contents of a pdf within a stream container (Ens.StreamContainer). The output is a HL7 message (EnsLib.HL7.Message 2.5:ORU_R01).

The transformer is being used in a business process.

This is the code used in the transformer to encode the stream to base 64:

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0 254


First of all thanks for your time, thoughts, teaching and help:

We wonder how could we get the metrics from http://[Ip]:[Port]/api/monitor/metrics and use them in Kibana to chart statistics.

We would like to ask you how do you use the api monitor metrics, and as a second question, how would you suggest to utilize them in a third party software as Kibana to chart them.

We have thought to do the following:

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This document is intended to provide a survey of various High Availability (HA) strategies that can be used in conjunction with InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, and HealthShare Foundation. This document also provides an overview of the various types of system outages that can occur, as well as how each strategy would handle a given outage, with the goal of helping you choose the right strategy for your specific deployment.

The strategies surveyed in this document are based on three different HA technologies:

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