While working with GET request I encountered this situation where FHIR Server return a responseStatusHTTP "HTTP/1.1 200 200" instead of "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" (as highlighted in the attached screenshot).

Although the response code seems valid, these bundles have a total value of 0.

Could anyone clarify what "200 200" signifies in this context? Is there an issue with my setup, or does this indicate a specific condition related to the empty bundle search?

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that causes invalid database and journal records to be introduced when using a specific $LIST syntax. The likelihood of encountering this defect is very low but the operational impacts can be significant.

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is it possible to kill/suppress hl7 message in the DTL (data transformation).

in cloverleaf, it is common practice to check the value in message, for example pv1:7.9. if the value is certain word(assigning authority) then send the message over to destination, if it is not, kill the message

how would this be done in InterSystems ? does that need to be done in the rule instead? or can it be done in the data transformation? if it can be done in data transformation, how can it be done?


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I was just trying to get to the bottom of a TLS config - we have an interface with a TLS config that has had 'Server certificate verification' set to 'On', however the cert file specified either did not exist or contained a cert that was expired.

Does anyone know what the behavior is for this typically? I would expect this to not allow traffic on the interface, however this has been working fine for a few years now with an invalid cert specified for 'Server certificate verification' and set to 'On'.

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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a tool that can be used as a base to create an interface that allows a non-technical user to easily forward messages.

The idea is that the user can find an already sent HL7 message and forward it by modifying specific fields of the message without needing any technical knowledge.

An example would be something similar to the Ensemble search engine, but with a less technical and much more intuitive approach and that only allows changing 1 or 2 fields.

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Monitor incremental changes in the database through scheduled tasks, display change trends through charts, set alarm thresholds, and write information to messages.log

How to use it

You can install it through Docker or ZPM

Deploying with Docker Prerequisites

Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.

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Prefer not to read? Check out the demo video I created:

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· Nov 13, 2023
Message data global


We noticed from the integrity logs that some of the namespaces in our integration engine are using large amount of space ( ~380GB ) for the global ^EnsHL7.Segment.

We have culling implemented for large globals like MessageHeader and MessageBody.

Is it a standard process to implement culling for ^EnsHL7.Segment global and any idea about what will be the impact of adding culling to this global?

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· Dec 6, 2024
Foreign Servers - Visibility?

First time trying to use Foreign Tables/Servers instead of Linked Tables...

Within the SQL Editor inside of the Managment Portal, or connecting through DBeaver JDBC how we can see what Foreign Servers have been defined? Is there a way to query and verify structure of the Foreign Server connection to know that we are building the correct Foreign Tables?

I attempted to create my first Foreign table but it failed when I tried to query the tables because it said the table could not be found. But when I sign into the Database via SQL Management Studio, I can see the table.

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· Dec 4, 2024
Error importing XSD

I'm attempting to import all the FHIR XSD files provided by http://hl7.org/fhir but get the immediate and unhelpful error message:

I've tried different versions of EOLs to no avail. Any idea what this error could mean?

Here's the XSD I'm trying to import:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2011+, HL7, Inc
All rights reserved.

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Has anybody encountered this before?

I did a very usual hl7 adt transformation DTL, but it is with a customized schema, like ADT_ALL, it is a structure that tries to cover all the ADT schema scenario so we can use 1 type for all ADT messages.

the DTL tests fine in DTL test, with all the segment transformed correctly, but once I put it to test, to send message through source and the message after transformation can only go to MSH, EVN, but won't transform other segment like PID etc.

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I am using a JDBC connection to MS SQL server to execute a stored procedure to select data and bring it into InterSystems as a EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot. I loop through the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot using a while loop, but I also want to iterate through the Columns within that Row to do logic.

Is there a way to iterate through the Columns of the current Row of the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot so I can apply logic/rules for further processing?



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