Hi all,

is it possible to omit the typical XML header line

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

when writing an the contents of a EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document using the above mentioned operation. I´ve already digged into the config value Format. It only states that:

C(e) : output an XML header line declaring character encoding e. If e is empty use the encoding defined by the Adapter. If e begins with ! force the output stream's encoding. Note that this will be applied automatically for File Operations configured with a non-UTF-8 Charset

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0 360


I'm trying to establish a communication between my edge, which is in one server, with my HUB which is in another one.
In EDGE, when the HS.Gateway.HSWS.WebServices component sends a message to the HUB component, it receives the following error: "Cannot invoke method RegisterGateway; WebServiceClientClass 'HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServicesClient' could not be instantiated, or the WebServiceURL Location could not be determined".

May someone help me?

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0 381

I am having difficulties with using the ..Strip() function in my DTL to strip the slash ( / ) from the phone number portion of an x12 834. There are very few records that have the slash in the phone number, so I am trying to filter out any characters other than numbers so that all phone numbers are formatted 1112223333.

Here is the code portion of the strip:

Set HomePhone ..Strip(source.{loop2000(k1).loop2100A.PER:CommunicationNumber},"*AW","-()/").

I am then checking the length of HomePhone.

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0 306

Hello there,

Someone know which impact would have my database changing the locale and its collationTable? I understand it should works fine, without any drawback.

Could someone else confirm my assumption or tell me what could happen? Has anyone changed something like that? (Not to russian, japanese, chinese, etc..)

About queries.. is there any side effect?


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0 163

I am hoping I explain this correctly.

We are using a query expire edge, to pass an API request to one of our vendor systems.

There is no feed into the gateway from an external system, and it is only used to query the external system with member data.

However, it is our understanding that the member needs to be registered on the edge.

Wondering if there is a way to export from the registry the bare demographic info in SDA to import to the new edge?

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0 142

I have a SQL query that I want to run against MS SQL from cache ensemble using the SQL outbound adapter. If I run this query direct from MS SQL Studio it take about 7 seconds MAX and returns about half a million rows. The row only contains one column it is a number all same size and if I run this query in the production in ensemble it takes for ever the production finishes without getting the response back. The same query run in cache outside the ensemble environment writing results to a file it returns results taking about 3minutes to complete.

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0 242

I've poked through the class documentation and globals and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for, namely a mechanism that will give me the PropName key and value for each of the Items in an EnsLib.HL7.SearchTable definition. Is there some sort of query that will turn the list of Items in the XData SearchSpec section into a key/value pair of some sort?

For example:

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0 195
· Aug 15, 2021
Post Deployment Support


Does anyone know if intersystems has a support document/ support guide on "Healthshare"? We need to share it with our L1 support team.

Any support document with a few known issues with their resolution, that the L1 team can expect and resolve?

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0 129
· Dec 2, 2021
Synchronization failed
I need help with resolving this issue of Synchronization failing.

13:55:46.338:HS.Director: Switching to namespace 'MYPORTAL' [Foundation]
13:55:46.450:Ens.Director: Production 'MYPORTALPKG.HSCOMMProduction' starting...
13:55:46.589:....HSCOMMProduction: Table synchronization state: Waiting
13:56:01.604:....HSCOMMProduction: Startup Error 0 =‰Synchronization failed*zOnStart+50^HS.Util.AbstractProduction.1
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0 399


Had an issue after upgrading to 2021.1 where search bar for interoability will bring up "INVALID ACTION".

On upgrading to 2022.1 this still occurs.

It did not occur on another environement that was upgraded from 2017.2 straight to 2022.1

Is there any solution? Loads up SYS in url rather than customnamespacename

Issue is the url for instance brings through ip/csp/sys/EnsPortal.DTLEditor.zen?$NAMESPACE=X

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0 245

Hello; I am using a custom class extending CodeTableDetail (actually it extends CodeTableTranslated) for a MedicalClaimLine.Extension property for a Procedure Modifier value, in addition to the existing MedicalClaimLine.ProcedureModifierItems property (this is a list of %String). This works very well, stored AND translated correctly, until a valid ProcedureModifier value is used that is all punctuation: ##, **, or ++.

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1 129

Hi Team ,

Can I please check if anyone has encountered SOAP authentication error when trying to submit a certificate signing request or when trying to get certificate .

I configured a local CA server without SMTP configuration and I configured a local CA client. These steps worked okay.

Then I tried to Submit Certificate Signing Request to Certificate Authority server and I am getting the following error :

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0 247

Hey all,

I'm trying to enable an existing namespace to be Ensemble enabled by doing the command do ##class(%EnsembleMgr).EnableNamespac($namespace,1), but I'm still getting the error message. Is there something that I'm missing?

I've attempted to reboot the server and even went incognito to see if it was a caching issue, but I'm still not able to create an Ensemble production in that namespace.

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0 308

Good morning,

I was wondering:

Given the following scenario where we have a string where each two items are being splitted by "|" as follows: "squadName|initialLetter"


And we would need to generate a String structure like:

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0 242

Hi Community

I am using a standard DTL for Allergy Intolerance but it shows codes for Category and Severity Columns on cliinical viewer.

I have copied the standard DTL to my custom folder and I want to modify it to show descriptions for these two columns but I don't know how to do it.

Please see the below DTLs for Category and severity and advise how I can change them to get descriptions.

Category DTL section

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0 113

I need to run a SQL query and use the output to map PV1 7.1. The query is :

FROM TestTable

When I run this query with the 'TEST PROVIDER' I do pull the ID in question but I can't figure out how to do it from the DTL given that there are various providers sent in PV 1 7 . Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

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0 266


First of all thanks for your time reading this doubt.

We have discovered the following behaviour. Inside a Router we have a roule which needs to filter out the ADT_A08 messages which have not OBXs.

The legacy system had this rule implemented:


However we have tested it and it does not filter out the ADT_A08 messages.

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0 133


I am having an issue when I am publishing data to FHIR which is hosting in AWS. I am sending the data to the Cloud FHIR url but getting the below error.

Any idea how to resolve this issue? Any example to cretae FHIR repository using Object script?

:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p> </body></html>

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0 66

Is this available anywhere (for Health Connect)? I've found a few presentations but they are aimed at entry level.

We're looking at supporting more and more FHIR, REST plus OAuth interfaces in future. I've built some of this into older versions of HealthShare and Ensemble but it's desirable to move to supported versions.

We would be using Healthshare as a facade to other systems.

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0 1.2K

I am looking for a general overview of how you would attach a document to a patient record in healthshare. For instance, an Advance Directive or Living Will.

Here are some starter questions:

  1. What format is required, if any? Can it be a PDF or DOC?
  2. How can/should it be submitted? HL7? XDS.b? Embedded in a CCD?

Sorry for the open endedness. Any info would be helpful while I research this.

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0 442

I have the following query which tells me how many documents were retrieved for each customer, but it only works for the "on-demand" customers:

SELECT PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7) as Mnth, Count(*)
FROM HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation
WHERE EventType IN ('RecordRequest','RecordRequestBreakGlass')
AND LocalDateTime >= '2016-01-01'
AND LocalDateTime < '2017-01-01'
GROUP BY PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7)
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0 374

We are using an F5 load balancer to route public traffic to our IS server. My goal is to block public access to the Management Portal, and only allow what we want to expose, such as REST/SOAP services. At the F5, they can block URL wildcards or specific ports, so those are our options.

Since the URLs for the web services are in the same path ([host]/csp/healthshare/[namespace]/*), I can't see any URL wildcards happening. That leads me to ports; is there a way to put services on a specific port for all services, and everything else stay on a standard web port?

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