How do I send request on production start?

Here's what I got so far in my production class:

ClassMethod OnStart(pTimeStarted As %String) As %Status
    job ..InitialTraining()
    quit 1

lassMethod InitialTraining() As %Status
    hang 5
    set sc = ##class(EnsLib.Testing.Service).SendTestRequest(...)
    quit sc

Is there a better way without hang, etc?

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0 351


We have a BPL that returns in Response several %Strings, Dates. When we try to add Array of Objects property to the Response we verified just before the BPL terminates the response object has correct values in all properties including the array. We checked the Count(). It appears that even array of String works correctly but we prefer to pass objects rather than strings.

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0 507
· Jul 2, 2019
Ensemble Queue Counts Incorrect

A couple of our queues in Ensemble are reporting a queue count of one however there are no messages in the queue. Does anyone know what the best method is to reset to the queue count back to zero or remove one from the queue count?

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0 547


We need to communicate with a vendor through web services in a way that those web services pull the queued messages from Ensemble instead of Ensemble pushing messages to a web service.

Is this possible? if yes, will we loose the messages sessions, status, and tracking information?

Your help is much appreciated.


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0 233

We are developing an interface in Ensemble (v.2018) and would like to have common data visible and updatable from more than one namespace (sort of a lookup, but with more fields).

I can create a table in one namespace and inserting into it, let's say using SQL from the portal. I can also map that table to another namespace. It becomes visible there as a table, but new records inserted in one cannot be seen from the another namespace.

I am reading the documentation, but still no answer. Any help to speed me up?

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1 869
· Sep 5, 2019
Setting up sFTP operations

So we are in the midst of setting up a bunch of sFTP operations where we will have Ensemble send files to our various customers.

My questions about the set up are these:

1) For a simple test, I set up an Operation using EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughOperation. Is this the one I should be using?

2) if the receiving system has a username and password, then all I have to do is put that username and password into a Credential and assign that credential to my operation correct?

0 5
1 1.9K


We are trying to use Ensemble as a Router for DICOM Worklist. So when a DICOM Client sends a request (ECHO Or C-FIND), We want Ensemble to carry such request to Epic EMR. When Epic EMR responds with a Response, We need to be able to forward that response back to DICOM Client. I wanted to see If anyone has a working example of this scenario.

Examples we have in DEMO namespace are not entirely falling into this scenario.

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0 393

Hey everyone.

I have a use case where I need to write files to a handful of locations, and 2-3 subfolders in each location.

My plan was to extend EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation and then pass that operation the file and the subfolder details, and then have an operation per destination.

Has anyone done anything similar and can highlight any pitfalls I may be about to make?

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0 265
· Jul 24, 2020
Uptime reports for Ensemble HL7

Good morning all,

Could we please get some insight on what is possible (or what other organizations may be using) for tracking uptime for our HL7 engine? We can use Activity Tracking to show how many messages went through, but are there any good canned reports (or queries) about the number of message failures or the amount of time that an interface was down?

We are using alerting to the team to know about not getting messages or if messages failed. Has anyone created a report or dashboard against the Ens.Alert table or would you recommend elsewhere?

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0 263


My HIS System is a Microservice architecture base dubbo. To call remote service must through dubbo rpc.

But , I canot direct call his's dubbo service because ensemble cannot support dubbo protocol.

So I want to add support to ensemble.

where Can I start?

Does ensemble has low level interface like dll or linux so, I can add dubbo support to the ensemble just by implementing these interfaces.

I known java Gateway maybe ok, but I want to direct not throught middle layer to do this.

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0 171

From my recent post, I uploaded a set of values into a global, and I am trying to compare the first field, and then

$GLOBAL("123", "bone issue")=""

$GLOBAL("234","joint issue")=""

Now, I want to compare and see if the DG1:4.1 segment has the code $GLOBAL and then replace the DG14.1 segment with the code and the description

so For Eg: if DG1:4.1 exists in $GLOBAL("123") then replace the segment with the code and description

Can someone guide me on how I can achieve this?

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0 204


I am trying to create a HL7 message (REF_I12 message) using variables extracted from a Dynamic Object and need some advice about segment creation issues that I am having. Some background info: I receive a JSON response from an API call and used %FromJSON to convert the response to an Dynamic Object. Some of the items in the response are repeated such as NOKName, NOKrelationship.

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0 700

I have a case where I need to look up the NPI provider against an External MS SQL database to retrieve our Provider Identifier to send to a downstream system. In the past I would use a Business Process (BPL) to connect to the outside MS SQL via JDBC and get that information for me. But I was thinking instead of creating a BPL process to do this, would it be better just to link to the outside MS SQL database table to retrieve the information in a SQL statement within a DTL?

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0 293
· Jan 14, 2021
SQL Inbound Adapter settings

In the Inbound SQL Adapter settings, is it possible to specify more than 1 field as the Key Field Name?

Because of the way the Query is being index in Ensemble by the Key Field Name, sometimes transactions get missed and I would like to see if we can add an additional key to the mix to ensure all the transactions are picked up. In this case the InterfaceTrigger is an ID that is auto generated by the table, and I would like to use that as well to ensure we don't miss transactions, and it does not throw any warning messages when it executes the Delete Query.

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0 276
· Jan 27, 2021
How to force service shutdown

When the started service component cannot be shut down correctly in the foreground, can you terminate the service by ending the task manager process? Will it affect the correct operation of the system

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0 1.7K

I am trying to figure out how to send a Page via a HTTP.OutboundAdapter to a URL from Ensemble.

We have a URL that I am able to pass PNo=xxxx%PMsg=xxxx as parameters to send the page to a pager.

When I send the above URL through a REST client I receive a Response of "SENT".

But when I try to send it through the HTTP.OutboundAdpater I do not get a response.

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0 240

Hey everyone.

I'm attempting to convert a date from UTC to my locale, and for some reason I can't seem to get the Ensemble ConvertDateTime Utility Function to detect the timezone to then convert. I'm hoping it's just a syntax issue, and that someone can show me the error of my ways.

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0 436

I am updating the PV1 segment with values from the database but when I get two values back I dont know how to separate them with a tilde and insert. Any advice for me on that?

so if I get two values returned

my PV1.7 segment should be :

My current code is as below: It works fine for one value, but when there are more than 2 values returned I need to find a way to include it

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0 304
· Jun 7, 2021
File error

Getting this error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPPutFailed: FTP: Failed to Put file 'TestsDaily.xlsx.xlsx'
(msg='Error in SFTP Put('\\Reporting\reports\Daily-Weekly\TestsDaily\To Be Processed\TestsDaily.xlsx','/TestsDaily.xlsx.xlsx')
ERROR #7500: SSH Put Error '-2147024894': The system cannot find the file specified. [80070002]',code=0)

is this due to the file extension? Also, if its just because the file isn't there, how to fix that?

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0 229