The %Net.SSH.Session class lets you connect to servers using SSH. It's most commonly used with SFTP, especially in the FTP inbound and outbound adaptors.

In this article, I'm going to give a quick example of how to connect to an SSH server using the class, describe your options for authenticating, and how to debug when things go wrong.

Here's an example of making the connection:

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Hi dev community,

I am currently working on a project to send documents to a RESTful based API that supports bearer
Token Authorization.

When we try to fire a JSON request from our EnsLib.Rest.Operation towards the 3rd party API with a
valid Token we keep receiving Authorization Error codes HTTP 401 back.

If we use the same request and same Token from a test utility such as Postman the request is
successful and we are able to move past the authorization stage.

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Hi, Is there a way to count the number of segments in a HL7 Mesage? I tried the examples from the other answers but nothing works for me.

I am writing a function to get the last OBX segment field value 5. Below is a sample screenshot of what I want.

The number of obx segments can change, so I want to count the last obx segment and then get the field 5 value.

Would appreciate some guidance on this.

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Way back when during our Siemens LCR days we had to limit the number of characters in OBX.5 to a length of 75. That was back when we had eGate.

Now I need to do the reversal of that and take loop through a string length and split the string up into multiple OBX or NTE based on a certain length. In reading documentation $EXTRACT can do this if you know the exact length, but in this case we don't.

So how would one loop through a string and say every 75 characters create a new OBX or NTE segment?



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Hey everyone,

I stumbled across a comment in this post that mentioned that the %SYS.GlobalQuery is a potentially faster alternative to %GSIZE. I tested it out and while I like the %SYS.GlobalQuery I noticed that it has some size discrepancies against a %GSIZE with details. Can anyone tell me which is more accurate for estimating the size of globals?

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At least three different ways to process errors (status codes, exceptions, SQLCODE etc is given in ObjectScript. Most systems have status, but for a range of reasons exceptions are more convenient to manage. You spend some time translating between the various techniques dealing with legacy code. For reference, I use several of these excerpts. It is hoped that they will also support others.

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· Sep 5, 2019
Setting up sFTP operations

So we are in the midst of setting up a bunch of sFTP operations where we will have Ensemble send files to our various customers.

My questions about the set up are these:

1) For a simple test, I set up an Operation using EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughOperation. Is this the one I should be using?

2) if the receiving system has a username and password, then all I have to do is put that username and password into a Credential and assign that credential to my operation correct?

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I have a ORU message, which has a EVN segment that I want to remove and send the message across.

I tried to clone the request as below:

s newreq = request.constructClone

s changreq = newreq.RemoveSegmentAt("EVN")

Set request = changereq

but it fails. Is there a way that I can safely remove a segment and pass it on?

Would appreciate your help in this



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Hi all,

We are delivering files to SFTP server using EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughOperation class and EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdapter. But we are facing error below:

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPPutFailed: FTP: Failed to Put file '' (msg='Error in SFTP Put('/cachesys/mgr/Temp/HC4IZVmI6w9gEw.sftp','/directory1/directory2/directory3/') ERROR #7511: SFTP Error '4': SFTP Error [80102004]: Operation Failed [80102004] at SFTP.cpp:750,0',code=0).

The SFTP settings is as follows:

Basic settings:

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· Apr 9, 2019 3m read
IRIS/Ensemble as an ETL

IRIS and Ensemble are designed to act as an ESB/EAI. This mean they are build to process lots of small messages.

But some times, in real life we have to use them as ETL. The down side is not that they can't do so, but it can take a long time to process millions of row at once.

To improve performance, I have created a new SQLOutboundAdaptor who only works with JDBC.


Extend EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to add batch batch and fetch support on JDBC connection.

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I'm trying to test SOAP integration by using one Ensemble production to send a SOAP message to another production, but I'm seeing the following error when I try to pass a message between the two:

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: faultcode=Server
faultstring=Internal Server Error
<error xmlns="">
<text>ERROR #7900: Service 'SOAP' not enabled for application '/csp/healthshare/hspc/'</text>

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Does anyone have experience in creating a Business Routing Rule using Exists function?

I've used the comma delimited 'In' function, but I would like more manageability. Entering and remove items from a look up table would be much easier to manage then changing the comma delimited string.

Messages go to error state.

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We have created an Ensemble production that receives HL7 information via TCP Adapters, but the requirement from the vendor is that we submit an ACK message with the MSH segment mist have a date and time populated with seconds.

We are utilising the standard class for the Service Adapter (EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService).

HL7 Version 2.5 no modifications currently.

The messages received via the service is correctly received in ddMMyyyyhhmmss but our ACK back is only ddMMyyyyhhmm.

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This is more for my memory that anything else but I thought I'd share it because it often comes up in comments, but is not in the InterSystems documentation.

There is a wonderful utility called ^REDEBUG that increases the level of logging going into mgr\cconsole.log.

You activate it by

a) start terminal/login

b) zn "%SYS"

c) do ^REDEBUG

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· Jan 23, 2019
Single Sign On (SSO)

Does Intersystems specifically Ensemble support a Single Sign On architecture? Currently we are using Delegated sign on using LDAP and TLS, however our CIO would like us to move toward a single sign on, so when you sign into your PC it would automatically pass the credentials to Ensemble.



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Hi all.

I have a process/operation within Ensemble that grabs a PDF from a webservice, and then saves it to an external location. All is well, except I am noticing that a lot of .Stream files are being stored on the Cache Server.

Does anyone know what causes these to be stored and what would trigger their removal? Would I be right to assume these would be removed if I ran Ens.Util.Tasks.PurgeMessageBank and the creation dates fell within the purge range?

Edit: I answered my own question on if the purge would clear them out. The answer is yes.

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· Jul 30, 2019
Working with $ZF function

Good morning,

I'm trying to understand $ZF function, but only documentation isn't enought in this way. So my question is is there any possibility to get enviroment variable by this function into ensemble?

I've tried this as example from ducumentation, but there is an error and I don't know why...

Thanks for your solutions.


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· Feb 20, 2019
HL7 ORU^R40 Schema Structure

We are currently on 2015.2.2 and in schema structures for vs 2.6 HL7 I do not have a ORU^R40. Its for a GE Device alarm. Has anyone hear of this structure, have a way to export it, and can send it to me so I don't have to build from scratch?



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So I have an interesting problem. I am going to be using a process and rule to determine if an HL7 message qualifies to be sent out, then using a record map to write certain aspects of that HL7 message to disk (with an HL7 to record map DTL). This is simple enough but the recipient of this file is requiring a single record map entry per DG1 segment in the HL7 message.

For instance if said HL7 message for PATIENT^TEST has 3 DG1 segments, I would need to write three lines (or records) like so:


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Hi, I am trying to transform a message to meet a third party specification, and would like to know if you can advice me on how to separate a single OBX segment into several segments based on a '.'

I would like to separate the segment where the . [marked in red] is into another OBX segment. So the next segment would be:

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