I am trying to return a stream soap response using web services I can call my web service supply it with a xml string which works fine . I then work on that XML and try to return a Stream but all works in the production when my service receives the stream after I get the error as if its trying to copy stream to a variable and I am confused as to where that operation happens.

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I'm processing POP3 emails using the standard EnsLib.EMail.InboundAdapter adapter and %Net.MailMessage. I'm basically processing documents that are attached to received emails. This works fine if the document is simply attached to the email itself. But some systems are sending documents that are attached to an attached email which has content-type = message/rfc822.

How do I get the attached file from the attached email?

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0 547
· Oct 14, 2021
Lock the Modal View

Hi Guys,

I'm using a Modal Group but whenever I click outside it the Modal gets minimised, so How can I change the view so that whenever pops up the view get locked until I'm finished with my modal then click exit to endModal ?


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0 278

EnsLib.HL7.Adapter.TCPInboundAdapter has a Connected property that I assume is set to the state of the connection session with the remote host; i.e. 1 when Connected, 0 when not. I'm assuming this is the property the Production Configuration web page uses to display the state of the service (green for Connected, red for not Connected, etc.).

How can I interrogate the value of that property of an active service, via a method running in separate process?

(It really seems like I should know this, but I'm just not finding the right magical incantation)

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0 131
· Apr 6, 2022
tablePane row selection

Hi Guys,

I've the below tablePane and for some reason when it's populated always the last row is selected by default, I've many tablePanes defined the same way but none of them has the last row selected when populate, so not sure why this grid is doing this?

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0 219

Context: Ensemble development with ObjectScript in a healthcare context - lots of HL7, and some web service stuff. We've used Studio up till now, alongside a lot of leaning on an external developer, but are expanding our team and doing more in-house. We are wondering about Visual Studio Code - not least because it looks easier to hook up to source management solutions. And we've noticed that the test environments that you get connected to when doing many of the online training courses on learning.intersystems.com give you a Visual Studio Code environment.

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1 226

Hi Guys,

I've this client method in my Zen page which looks good and compile fine:

I first tried calling this clientmethod in %DrawHTML() like : var res=zenPage.getNewPrinters(); but for some reason didn't work not sure why I even tried simplifying my clientMethod with simple code like just showing alert but still this call didn't work

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0 193
· May 9, 2016
Production Monitor

At the Global Summit several folks had mention that they developed their own production monitor. I am looking to create a monitor similar to eGate that we only display those Services/Processes/Operations that are in trouble, and those Errors that are showing up in the Event Log. Does anyone have any examples of this?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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Can anyone point me to an example of a DTL & Class method that can pull a base64 encoded PDF out of a MDMT02 message?

This is really asking for two things;

- how to make a DTL that extracts a specific subfield of an HL7 2.3 message into a message of its own,


- how to transform an base64 encoded document into its original binary form for writing to a file.

I'd also love to see an example of an HL7 2.n MDM^T02 ==> HL73.ITK2 non-coded CDA

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1 3.5K
· Sep 6, 2018


I'm trying to get a text value of a xml node of a XML Document through the xpath activity within a BPL diagram.

I set the source to Request and all the other properties.

The error I always get back is Method does not exist...

Could anyone help me out?

Kind Regards


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0 399

Hi all.

A long time ago I enabled Activity Monitoring to be able to save myself headaches in the future when looking at the performance of various message routes through our productions. It's served it's purpose of answering questions on how many messages we process a week etc but I had not had the chance to really dig down into the stats for specific message types or destinations to pin point issues.

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0 242
· Jun 22, 2020
Amending timestamp

Hi, I have a timestamp of 201906192359 with a HL7 and I need to add a minute to it to get 201906200000. Is there an easy way within Healthshare to do this?

It seems easy enough within SQL but I cannot get the SQL to work within Healthshare, this is what I have for SQL which does the job in SQL Server.

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(16),DATEADD(mi,1,STUFF(STUFF(@test,11,0,':'),9,0,' ')),120),'-',''),' ',''),':','');

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0 259


I am trying to create a HL7 message (REF_I12 message) using variables extracted from a Dynamic Object and need some advice about segment creation issues that I am having. Some background info: I receive a JSON response from an API call and used %FromJSON to convert the response to an Dynamic Object. Some of the items in the response are repeated such as NOKName, NOKrelationship.

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0 612

We have a set of some fairly standard HL7 interfaces that usually end up doing about 90% of the same thing as every other interface. I'd really like to be able to write a script that I can modify some text, and have it create Services, Processes, Operations, DTL and Business Rules.

So, let me provide a more concrete example: I feel capable of a writing to and replacing variables within a text file, different process. This is obviously going to be pseudo-code, but my thinking is this

Create "Memorial Hospital Process"

Create "Memorial Hospital

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0 227
· Jan 15
parse XML to object

hi there,when i use %XML.Reader parse XML to object,if the element value is null,the data in the table is $c(0),how avoid this?

my class file like this:

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0 112

Hi everybody,

I created my own REST service class by extending EnsLib.REST.Service.

In some particular conditions of the parameters of the request, the REST service should respond to the client with an HTTP status response code 400 "Bad request".

I read the article "RESTful Exception Handling " and I try to use the suggested:

do ..ReportHttpStatusCode(400)

But the server seems ignore it and get back to client the 500 http response code.

Any suggestions?

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0 1.5K

Hi All,

I have below schema structure:


Now there are few cases where source application is sending NTE segment after TQS segment

Is there any way of updating the schema to use the same NTE from OBXgrp, cause we dont want to update the code logic as its happening for few messages only.


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