I have classes A and B, B derived from A, A has method Abc.

From INT of class B I see that compiler copies implementation of Abc to class B, so that Abc exists both in A and B.

As result, when B invokes Abs, B.Abs() is executed instead of A.Abs(). In result debuger is not able to step into Abs and breakpoints in A.Abs never hit.

Why this happens and how can I avoid this?


OK, now I know the reason: compiler makes the copy if Abc has this line:

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We're upgrading to IRIS 2020.1 from Ensemble 2018.x.

I have a lookup table class that compiles fine in Ensemble but in IRIS causes the following compilation error: "ERROR #9101: Global name 'HH.LookupLabResultsToPhysiciansD' for 'IDLocation' is too long, must be no more than 31 characters in length."

Is this length limitation a new restriction or could I have done something years ago to increase the maximum character length.



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· Mar 12, 2018
Compilation Status after Import

Is there a way to enumerate the compilation status of a package?

currently after deployment we are doing something like this to validate a successful load and compile of classes:

successful_compilation_count=`grep -a "Compilation finished successfully" output.log | wc -l`
successful_load_count=`grep -a "Load finished successfully" output.log | wc -l`

is there a method to do this where it is a little bit more elegant/dynamic without having to maintain counts for comparison ?

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0 369
· Apr 10, 2019
Incremental Compile Issues

First, my $ZVERSION:

Cache for OpenVMS/ALPHA V7.x (Alpha) 2010.1.6 (Build 952_2 + Adhoc 17754) 3-JAN-2018 14:32:54.07

Second, my issue:

I believe my current villain is “incremental compiling.” I was able to compare early compile output with later compile output:

Compilation started on 04/10/2019 10:46:32 with qualifiers 'cuk'
Compiling class UnitTests.Task3496 incremental compile detected
Compiling routine UnitTests.Task3496.2
Compilation finished successfully in 0.800s.

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>/tmp/compilew.log &>/tmp/compilew.log ; tail /tmp/compilew.log

to redirect the output to the stdout. Somehow the javac has wierd behavior with the output on errors and verbose information.


i want the JAVA-Projections and wrappers to compile after Caché created the files. The creation of the files works 100%.

My addition to createProjection in our Projectionclass is following:

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0 345

"Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi"?

I’ve hit the wall. I’m a one person shop who wants to start developing Cache on a mac using Eclipse/Atelier, after using Studio for the last 5 years. I’ve installed the 1.1 beta plugin, watched 6 or 7 videos from the September conference, tried several times to work through the cheat sheets, only to have connection issues or compilation issues, so at this point, I’m feeling very frustrated. The videos were interesting, but generally didn’t work as tutorials for fundamental programming operations, for me.

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0 315

How to understand what's wrong with compilation if the compilator just hides errors?

Compilation started on 05/15/2023 15:58:11 with qualifiers 'cuk'

Detected 1 errors during compilation in 0.003s.

Compilation started on 05/15/2023 15:58:32 with qualifiers 'cuk'

Detected 1 errors during compilation in 0.002s.

Compilation started on 05/15/2023 15:58:51 with qualifiers 'cuk'

Detected 40 errors during compilation in 0.089s.

40 errors, and what do I have to do with this so valuable information?

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0 255

Hey all,

I have been creating a class to handle file encryption by using GPG keys. I pushed my code out today and my encrypt and decrypt methods weren't working. About a half an hour later in troubleshooting I found out that it needed to be a syntax change. My method has three parameters to it. Examples below:

This is how I was calling it in the test system with no issues:

do gpg.Encrypt()

This is how I was having to call it in my production system to work with no issues:

do gpg.Encrypt("","","")

0 6
0 247

Hello dear developers,

I am currently doing an internship and learning about InterSystems IRIS and ObjectScript and have downloaded and installed the community version of IRIS.

I have not made any changes in the Management Portal.
In Visual Studio Code I have loaded the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack.

If I now want to compile a file, VSC throws an error:
"ERROR #16006: Document name 'x.csp' is invalid"

0 11
0 160

I'm trying to learn M programing for an Epic db class prerequisite. They said to download the IRIS Studio software to do the testing. I'm having a very difficult time finding information the language. I'm trying to run some examples that Epic has provided (like in below) but the compiler complains that it isn't valid. Of course, it doesn't tell you why it isn't valid.

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0 155

Is CR/LF changes to DTL files edited/committed to git via VS Code a known issue?

We had an issue with exporting files from one server and importing on another, using XML code exported from Studio: ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error. Turns out that issue was down to CR/LF changes made when transferring the XML from one server to the other.

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0 159

I'm new to Cache and trying to follow the Using Cache Studio PDF. In section 2.4.3(Adding a Zen form) it tells you insert the following code;

<button caption="Save" o select="zenPage.saveRecord();" />

Unfortunately that code fails compilation. If you try and use the tools there is no o select option nor a select or onselect option. I was wondering if anyone has used this PDF before and knows what the correct attribute should be?

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0 139

Occasionally, in VSCode, compile errors stop displaying. I'll be getting errors on compile all along (expected, and it compiles while saving using CTRL+S), until they'll suddenly stop. I haven't found any solution, including restarting VSCode and restarting my user session in Fedora. I'm running IRIS locally on Fedora and running VSCode also on the same machine. The only solution I've found is to restart IRIS. It's a solo dev environment and relatively small, so restarting isn't anything but an annoyance.

Are there any known bugs around this or any other solutions?

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