Hi all,

I have an incoming JSON message with a string field exceeding in length the 'caché long-string limit' of 3641144 characters.

Using {}.%FromJSON(instream) I am able to create %DynamicObject properly. However, I am unable to access the long property, as in every assignment, I get the <MAXSTRING> error.

Is there any way for me to obtain contents of the 'too long' string field as a stream?



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· Jan 1, 2018
Send JSON Via HTTP request

Hi Guys,

Basically I'm looking for a sample what I can send data in aJSON format to a a webservice using an http request pls?

I've found some documentation on %Net.HttpRequest but a sample on how to connect to a Webservice and send data to it would be really helpful?

Our clients are running Cache & Ensemble 2014


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Is it possible to Save a base64 data string, representing a png, as a binary png file, In Cache?

When I search google , in general , not Cache specifically, I see such articles:


and this answer:

You need to extract the base64 image data from that string, decode it and then you can save it to disk, you don't need GD since it already is a png.

0 2
0 5.1K

You have a global ^CODE("TNO","BIO",291,"AKI") that may or may not exist. On the data side of the global ref it can have a boolean value of 0 (false) or 1 (true) and this global is wrapped up in a Caché class accessible from myobject.AKI property. At the object level, how do you check whether the property is defined ie. is there a $DATA equivalent for Cache Object properties? Also, how would you kill /null the property as opposed to making the value 0 (false) or an empty string?

0 10
0 3.3K
· Jul 17, 2018
Cache Dynamic SQL Pagination

Would like to know if there is an alternative or better way to paginate through a dataset using dynamic SQL than what I am using below. The problem is that as the potential pool of data gets larger, this code slows down to the point of not being useable. In analyzing each line of code below, it appears the slow down is related to the initial rset.%Next() iteration. Is there anything available which does not require a subquery/%VID such as a simple LIMIT/OFFSET?

My code is similar to :

s sql=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

1 25
3 2.8K
404 Not Found

"error": {
 "errors": [
   "domain": "global",
   "reason": "notFound",
   "message": "Not Found"
 "code": 404,
 "message": "Not Found"

I want to do something like the above sample from a Google Storage JSON API. I have a call to Write obj.%ToJSON() followed by return ..ReportHttpStatusCode(..#HTTP404NOTFOUND) however the HTTP Status code is always 200. If I remove the Write obj.%ToJSON() statement it returns a 404 status with no body. How do I return both?

0 1
0 2.5K
· Feb 26, 2018
Copy Files

Hi Guys,

I'm looking to Remove file from a location to another similar to CUT & Past function, I'm using this :

 s file=##class(%File).%New()
 d file.CopyFile(File,ArchivePath)
 d file.Delete(File)

and the copying is happening but not the Deleting, and help pls?


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New to Cache/Studio. Just installed Client option for Cache (cube).

Attempting login to Management Portal for dev/tst/prd environments yields ERROR #822.

Any suggestions on where to begin to resolve would be appreciated.


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We are go to set up an odbc connection using data direct odbc on a linux redhat install, x86_64 gnu

I have downloaded the ODBC-2017.2.2.865.0-lnxrhx86.tar.gz and now need to set up the entry in the odbc

Problem is, what .so do I use??

0 3
0 2.2K
· Jan 12, 2018
HTTP Response parsing error


I'm in the process of creating a TestClass which simulate a HTTP POST call to REST-based web
services and while I am having success, I'm struggling on how to parse out the results to a JSON

Here is down the code part which concerns parsing the HttpResponse.Data variable into JSON :

0 3
0 2.2K
· Jun 18, 2018
CSP Error Log

I thought I should be able to go to the application error log or look at d ^%ER when I get the following error in the browser when troubleshooting a CSP page:

An error occurred with the CSP application and has been logged to system error log (^ERRORS)

However nothing is being generated in these logs. Where are these logs being made?

Thank you

2 9
1 2.2K

I am unable to connect to InterSystems ODBC client. I am seeing the following error:

[Cache ODBC][State : S1000][Native Code 417] Access denied.

$cnx = new PDO("odbc:Driver={InterSystems ODBC};Server=<IP>;Uid=<id>;Pwd=<password>;");

Am i doing anything wrong?

Although, I can successfully connect and retrieve data in MS Excel using ODBC connection where I have configured my DSN and all

0 2
0 2.1K
· Sep 25, 2018
Terminal can not be connected.

■Setting up CACHÉ preferred connection server.
server name:localhost
ip adress:
web server port:57772
web server ip adress:
CSP server instance:
Authentication method=>password


windows10 (virtual box)

0 6
0 2K
· Jun 4, 2018
Cache Studio 2017.2

Hi all,

I hope this is the right forum to ask this type of question, but I'm running out of ideas.

For reasons beyond my control, we run a version of Intersystems Caché (2013.1) that is not supported by Atelier. As such, I use Caché Studio to do my development.
The issue I have is, I don't run Windows or MAC, but Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 in my case). I've successfully managed to get Studio working using Wine and pretty much everything is usable.

0 8
0 1.9K

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to built a SSIS package thru BIDS Visual Studio 2013. My Datasource is a InterSystems Cache Database, I wanted to Import Tables records from the Datasource to MS SQL Server 2014.

As a Sanity check. I only created one Package to import one Table to MSSQL Server to try out. The connection to the InterSystems Cache Database was successful. The DSN for the InterSystems Cache Database is created in the System for 32 and 64 Bit.

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I need to read a UTF8 encoded text file and translate the content to 8-bit.

Using %File class and $ZCVT(TXT,"I","UTF8") works , but I see that if the content is larger than max string (32000) and we cut the content

To max string chunks, we can get a <translate> error if we cut it in the "wrong" point..

Is there a better way to do this task?

My code looks like this:

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0 1.8K
· May 17, 2018
cannot connect to Caché


I cannot connect to Caché sometimes, the error message is

[Cache JDBC] Communication link failure: Communication error: Connection reset

and I cannot access the management portal

so I plan to restart Caché with "ccontrol stop cache", it prompted "unable to get access to pid table"

what's the problem?


0 1
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I am trying to create a list of id's which are of type integer. I have created a class like below and then I am trying to call the class from a BPL to first initialize the list. In the BPL, I have an assign action that is using set and a context variable setup to hold the list data. The property is using the class I have created, ##class(MSI.IN835.EOBList).%New(). I keep getting an error back saying the method does not exist. Why does it not like the %new method? I am new to cache object script, so if their is a better way to do this, I am open to that as well.

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