Just got the new beta version of Docker, with depreciation warning of AUFS. It's so bad news when InterSystems does not support used by default storage driver overlay2. Recently I thought to play with Google Kubernetes Engine, and realized that I can't work with InterSystems products there due to incompatibility with Storage Driver. Maybe it's already time to think about support?

4 5
0 743

Has anyone called any outside Javascript code from inside their class files? I asked a long time ago if there was a way to manipulate an image within Cache Object Script, and since Cache doesn't have any image libraries its not really possible. However I have found Javascript to resize an image and wonder how hard it would be to mesh the two together.

Can anyone share any examples?



2 9
1 1.5K
· Apr 5, 2018
Drawing boxes

Hello, Community!

Here's an interesting task I found on the Internet.

Problem description

Write a method that would draw a box of a specified size.

The goal is to write the shortest method.

Here's a method signature (it can't be modified):

ClassMethod main(s As %Integer = 10)

And call sample:

>do ##class(ITPlanet.Task4).main(5)
## ##
# # #
## ##

>do ##class(ITPlanet.Task4).main(10)
##      ##
# #    # #
#  #  #  #
#   ##   #
#   ##   #
#  #  #  #
# #    # #
##      ##
>do ##class(ITPlanet.Task4).main(20)
##                ##
# #              # #
#  #            #  #
#   #          #   #
#    #        #    #
#     #      #     #
#      #    #      #
#       #  #       #
#        ##        #
#        ##        #
#       #  #       #
#      #    #      #
#     #      #     #
#    #        #    #
#   #          #   #
#  #            #  #
# #              # #
##                ##

2 15
0 607

Using our cool new debugging extension for Visual Studio Code I'm trying to debug a CreateProjection method of a class, but when I compile it the work apparently gets done in one of the worker jobs, so my breakpoint never triggers.

Is there a compiler flag or qualifier to force the compilation to be done in-process rather than getting handed off to a worker job?

2 4
0 456


Can we create a new class in the studio using any command rather then using the Menu Item Option from Menu Bar in Studio .

Requirement : Create/Draft a new class and able to extends the other classes using a command in Cache Class .

In other words , I want to Dig in the Menu Item class from which Menu bar is created in studio and option are provided Like New..., Open..., etc



2 1
0 249
· Mar 1, 2018
Cucumber / Gherkin integration

Are there any BDD testing automation implementations within Mumps/Cache Objects already in existence?

We are looking at using Cucumber for our Java regression test automation and would like to use similar feature file testing with the Cache code.

Looking to use something existing before building it.


2 5
1 955
· Jun 18, 2018
CSP Error Log

I thought I should be able to go to the application error log or look at d ^%ER when I get the following error in the browser when troubleshooting a CSP page:

An error occurred with the CSP application and has been logged to system error log (^ERRORS)

However nothing is being generated in these logs. Where are these logs being made?

Thank you

2 9
1 2.3K

I have a list

set list=$lb(1,$c(0),2)

How do I replace $c(0) with an empty element?

My list should look like this:

set list=$lb(1,,2)

I tried using $list but it either replaces the element with an empty string:

set $list(list,2)=""
zw list

Resulting in:


Or removes the element altogether:

set $list(list,2,2)=""
zw list

Resulting in:

2 2
0 381
· Jul 17, 2018
Cache Dynamic SQL Pagination

Would like to know if there is an alternative or better way to paginate through a dataset using dynamic SQL than what I am using below. The problem is that as the potential pool of data gets larger, this code slows down to the point of not being useable. In analyzing each line of code below, it appears the slow down is related to the initial rset.%Next() iteration. Is there anything available which does not require a subquery/%VID such as a simple LIMIT/OFFSET?

My code is similar to :

s sql=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

2 29
3 3.1K

I am trying to use Entity Framework with Visual Studio 2017. After following the Intersystems documentation ("Using the Caché Entity Framework Provider") I still cannot see the data source in Server Explorer. Any ideas why?

1 9
1 1.1K
· Mar 8, 2018
Parallel execution in COS

Hello community,

I need to perform some processing-heavy operations on a set of input objects and I would like to utilize more than a single processor core to do the heavy lifting.

Is there any way to call methods in parallel and wait for the results in a blocking way?

Basically, I am looking for an equivalent of the pythonese

with Pool(n) as p:
results = p.map(function, data)



EDIT: Correct English :)

1 5
0 514
· Dec 4, 2018
%Unit Test Case

This is the class which I want to test.

Class GSK.MyTestUnit Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod Add(num1 As %Integer, num2 As %Integer)
s res=num1+num2
q res

This is my testing class.

Class GSK.TestingClass Extends %UnitTest.TestCase

Method test()
Do $$$AssertEquals(##class(GSK.MyTestUnit).Add(3,8),41, "Test Add(2,2)=4 passed ")
do $$$AssertNotEquals(##class(GSK.MyTestUnit).Add(3,8),11,"pass/fail")


1 1
1 276

Hi I am getting below error while upgrading cache instance. Please suggest.

Error: ERROR #70: *** Error while formatting volume because
ERROR #18: failed creating a new volume initializing CACHETEMP, /*****/databases/cachetemp/ - Shutting down the system
An error was detected during Cache startup.
** Startup aborted **

1 3
0 559

Hi, all!
As I know, InterSystems recommends the use of Huge Pages. And if count of Huge Pages is enough, we'll see (in cconsole.log) something like this during Cache startup:

12/29/17-14:40:50:360 (3625) 0 Allocated 4630MB shared memory using Huge Pages: 4096MB global buffers, 256MB routine buffers

But if count of Huge Pages is not enough for location of all Globals and Routines caches, Cache won't use Huge Pages.

1 2
0 1.1K

I have a cache client with a list of several servers.

One of the server is working with an IIS server that is not the Cache DB server.

The connection to the IIS server is only through https (SSL)

I tried to define the Web Server IP Address to https://some.server.name but it didn't let me to specify the https

So I tried to define Web Server Port to 443 but when I chose the SMP it's trying to open http://some.server.name:443/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp

1 10
0 1.7K