
We have a tranformation where we would like to convert a date from the following format:

"'dd/mm/yyyy' 'hh:mm'" (double quotes are just visual to indicate this is a string)

to date and time separated:

date: dd/mm/yyyy

time: hh:mm

We have already splitted the datetime into date and hour as follows:

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0 346
· Jun 11, 2020
SFTP connect


I'm trying to upload file to SFTP server.

I have access to SFTP server .
My code is bellow

Try {
Set sftp = ##class(%Net.SSH.Session).%New()

0 10
1 1.6K
· Jul 21, 2020
Server-less incoming Web-hooks


Recently I have encountered a new issue, more and more 3rd party applications move to the cloud.

Web-hooks incoming from their sites can no longer be identified using a known and fixed IP address, so our customer's security department blocks them.

In past similar cases we use to grant access in the customer's Fire-Wall to the specified IP address - this is no longer applicable.

Has anyone else encountered this problem ? do you have any ideas ?


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0 213
· Dec 4, 2020
SQL Query returns x00

Hey Intersystems Community-Member,

Following Issue: When I update a SQL table like (update OnlineV3Admin.ParameterApp set popuptext = '' where ID = '1') and then read it for my Json WebService there is a /"x00" in my Json.

What is the best option to disable that? I need here a empty String and not /x00.

Any ideas?

Best regards,

Florian Hansmann

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0 236


I have a quick question regarding TSTART, however not certain if there is an answer.

If I am inside the transaction and I loose connection - I always assumed that transaction would TROLLBACK, however it does not.

Is there anything special I need to set up with my TSTART, in order for this transaction to safely rollback?


As example: Let's say I am inside the TSTART and setting up / altering some data and my VPN connection got disconnected. I kind of expect all the data to be rolled back.

Thank you,


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0 208


I need to create a dialogbox on my zenpage to confirm a Delete operation.

I tried using below code on in a my client side method but its creating a blank dialog box.


Is there a way i can create a Dialog box with text "Do you want to delete" and two buttons "Yes" and "No" and store the response in the calling client/server method.


Jimmy Christian.

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0 134

Is there a method I can utilise to check if a particular method has been called and perhaps log the args it was called with?

We are currently trying to expand out Cache Unit Testing processes and were wondering if there is an existing method that would capture this or how such a method could be structured.


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0 194

In a typical database, changing the type of a column from some kind of date/time to a string would require a degree of migration effort for existing values. In Caché, my suspicion is that this is not the case, and I could simply change a property definition from %Timestamp to %String (MAXLEN = "30") and recompile, without needing to worry about damaging the existing data stored for this property. Is this correct? Or would I find the existing data in this property being lost or corrupted?

Thanks in anticipation

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0 148
· Sep 15, 2021
day of the month

Hello everyone
I use cache script, I would like to know from you if there is any function or class in the cache where I can get the start and end date of a given month:
Example: What is the first and last day of the month of February 2015.


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1 429

We just upgrade from cache 2016.2 to IRIS 2020.1.1.

After this upgrade we cannot access to the portal web management, and dont give errors about that just this:

09/28/21-15:59:16:654 (20192) 1 [Utility.Event] Private web server has not started after 5 seconds.

Is this normal?

I followed the guide but dont talk nothing about that.

This is a normal problem when upgrading?


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