
During some consultant activity I did at a client's I have discovered something very interesting. It seems like the current processing cycle as written in ObjectScript has trouble utilizing an SSD-based storage machine with five-digit IOPS.

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Hi all, This is a bit embarrassing, and not that critical. I have a local instance of Caché 2016 on my computer, for playing around with. I was attempting to set up two-factor authentication on this instance, and I thought I simply disabled all users except for my own user and enabled two-factor for this user. The next time I tried to login to the Management portal, I received a Server Availability Error:


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I am trying to connect to an external SFTP. They have our public key and I have the private key which is password protected. I have the credentials set to the sftp username and the password to the private key.

If I set the private key only, I get a username/password error connecting. If I set both the public and private key files, I get the error below:

ERROR #7510: SSH Error '-19': SSH Error [80101013]: Callback returned error [80101013] at Session.cpp:418,0

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Hi Cache team, I am in the need of listing all the user defined schemas that are present my Cache db and also the user defined tables and views and Columns of those tables and views through Queries. So that I can write some JDBC code to run the queries and fetch the above metadata. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,

Kranthi kiran.

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I am trying to age based on a given date and current date here is my code:

Property DOB As %Date
Method GetAge() As %Integer
   if (..DOB="")
  set today=0 
  set today=$ZDate($HOROLOG,2)-$ZDate(..DOB)
  write "Today's==="_$ZDate($HOROLOG),!
  write today
  return today
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I have a NewBie Question.

I have been playing around with "Basic CLass Queries."

I have defined a very simple "Basic Class Query." (see below)

However, I cannot find in the I/S documentation how to execute this query.

Any help is appreciated.

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I have an OAuth 2.0 development environment where Caché is serving all three roles as the Authorization Server, Client and Resource Server based on a great 3-part series on OAuth 2.0 by @Daniel Kutac. I have a simple password grant type where an x-www-form-urlencoded body (as described in this post) is sent as a POST to the token endpoint at https://localhost:57773/oauth2/token and a response body with a HTTP Response 200 header is returned. The response body looks something like this.

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Can anyone please provide me with a guide I can follow to create an entry in Cache's SSL/TLS configuration that would allow me to "speak" to an website via the Post method using SSL.

I need to simulate functionality that is provided by my browser but from with Cache.

The topics I have are:

1. From where do I source the certificate that will be used for this process?

2. What processing must I do on it to make it acceptable for Cache's SSL/TLS

3. What settings are required when filling the the form

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· Feb 26, 2018
Copy Files

Hi Guys,

I'm looking to Remove file from a location to another similar to CUT & Past function, I'm using this :

 s file=##class(%File).%New()
 d file.CopyFile(File,ArchivePath)
 d file.Delete(File)

and the copying is happening but not the Deleting, and help pls?


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The .NET Core Identity model has an IPasswordHasher<> interface for for

  • Hashing a password so that it can be stored in a database
  • Verifying a provided plain-text password matches a previously stored hash.

I am getting invalid password errors during the login process when the .NET Core Identity model computes a hash from a plain text input and compares it to a password hash value I've returned from Caché. The default hashing algorithm is PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA256, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, and 10,000 iterations (detailed article on .NET Core Identity PasswordHasher). The algorithm Caché uses is probably different which may be why I am getting errors.

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New to Cache/Studio. Just installed Client option for Cache (cube).

Attempting login to Management Portal for dev/tst/prd environments yields ERROR #822.

Any suggestions on where to begin to resolve would be appreciated.


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I have a REST client that calls a REST service and as a response gets a stream containing a JSON structure. The service is placing some weird non-printable characters into some places in the JSON document that is throwing off parsing of a down-stream XML document.

What I would like to do is just remove the non-printable characters from the response stream that comes back from my call to the REST service.

Does anyone have a handy utility or method for removing all non-printable characters from a character stream?

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Hey everyone,

I stumbled across a comment in this post that mentioned that the %SYS.GlobalQuery is a potentially faster alternative to %GSIZE. I tested it out and while I like the %SYS.GlobalQuery I noticed that it has some size discrepancies against a %GSIZE with details. Can anyone tell me which is more accurate for estimating the size of globals?

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Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble parsing XML containing unicode characters which I receive from an external webservice. I believe my file is saved properly with UTF-8 encoding but the SAX Parser still throws me an error.

I have 2 classmethods: 1 general one (get) to make a request to a webservice and return the date, and 1 (getSportsPerDate) to make a specific call and then parse the data.

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