I am familiar with $TEXT which can get you any line in the current routine provided you know the offset. For example, $T(+1) will get you the first line of the current routine at the run time. In the same vein, how do I reference the current line number/offset at the run time? Something like $T(+$CURRENTLINENUMBER) where $CURRENTLINENUMBER is not yet known to me function. The sample below would write 3 as the line number.

S A=1

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· Dec 13, 2022
Ignore BREAKs


I'm running a unit test via terminal, and sometimes someone from another team/squad add a few BREAKs and my tests stop until I skip one by one.

Is there a way to ignore BREAKs?

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I'm trying to install a ZPM package in my 2018 cache to use swagger-ui in my api-rest, but when I execute command line:
Do $System.OBJ.Load("/mypath/zpm.xml","ck")

I receive this error message:

ERRO #6301: Erro no Parser XML SAX: Linha: 2 Deslocamento: 39 Este arquivo não parece ter sido exportado pelo Caché, não é possível importá-lo.
ELEMENTO DE ORIGEM: %ZEN.Component.html (htmlContent)

I'm trying to install the version: zpm-0.5.1

Can anyone help me?

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0 166


I have two versions of Cache running on two separated servers. In one server, the version is 2018.1, and have the web application 'api/atelier', and the other server the version is 2016.1.

The question is, can I export the web application 'api/atelier' from 2018.1 and import/install it on 2016.1 version?


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I have two tables: one a local table using cache and the other is via an SQL gateway connection to an MSSQL Server via a 64bit ODBC driver (ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server).

When I try to join them on a date field I don't get any matches, and I know that there are matches, e.g. running both views separately returns resuls for 30/11/2022.

The following statement returns rows for the first table r, but nothing for the table l

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0 312
· Nov 18, 2022
Upgrade Caché version

Hi everybody!

I'm new to a Caché world and need some help! Where I work we are running Cache 2016.1 version in a server, and 2018.1 in another server. I want to upgrade the version 2016.1 to 2018.1, but I fear it can raise some errors tha I cant resolve yet. My doubt is, if I upgrade it will run ok?

Thanks in advance!

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1 439
· Nov 14, 2022
Image Download from URL


I'm currently struggeling with a HTTP request to a URL, which contains an jpeg image file.

Testing the request with a browser or Postman results in the image being shown normally.

Using a %Net.HttpRequest with different configurations has resulted in a corrupted file.

My code works for some URLs from other servers perfectly fine, but with some it produces corrupted file contents which do not represent a jpeg.

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0 372
· Nov 7, 2022

Hi Community,

I am working on sending Gmail with error details when any errors occurs in the ensemble production.

I am facing the below issues while doing it

1.I have Ens.Alert (Business process) using the class Ens.Alerting.AlertManager and Emailoperation (Business operation) using the class EnsLib.EMail.AlertOperation. here my business process is not sending the Alarm request to business operation eventhough i am using rule to connect the business operation

2.What are SMTP server details needs to given for Gmail?

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0 227

Hi All,

Hopefully someone can help me with this case. I need to encrypt a text(querystring) with an AES265 encryption. An other vendor is decrypting this information. I have a working class in C#. I've tried to build the same in Objectscript for the encrypt part but there's a missing link somewhere. What's the difference between the C# and Objectscript implementation?

Objectscript code (until now):

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0 521

Is there a way to add specific table permissions to a security role programmatically? I'm working on scripting some of the initial setup work when we sell certain add-ons to our software, and I see how I can assign resources to a role and give it a description, but I don't see how I tell it that this role gives the user, for example, SELECT privileges only on the invoices table, or SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

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Hi developers!

As a follow-up to my previous post on the Node.js Native API, I created a quick poll because it may be interesting to see what technologies developers are using in their applications around the world with IRIS & Caché. I put a poll below, just check all boxes you have used or plan to use with InterSystems technology.

Thank you all for your cooperation!

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0 380
· Oct 10, 2022
Limitations of $ListNext


I've encountered a peculiar behavior of $ListNext in Intersystems Cache, where I'm not sure whether I'm doing something wrong, or is it an intended behaviour.

First I am creating a ListOfDT from a string delimited with underscores:

Set tempList = $ListFromString(String, "_")

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